Senator Menendez Appears on Crossfire's 2013 Premiere Debating Syria Intervention

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Senator Menendez joins Stephanie Cutter and Newt Gingrich on the premiere episode of CNN's new Crossfire to debate U.S. policy regarding Syra.
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I was watching and at 6:05 the video went dud, couldn't get it to do anything. This unprecedented errorr seems to give the victory to S. Paul as in 10/29/30 his proposal has looked more favorable and likely to happen and, so far, has happened.


I wonder if Kerry's classified intelligence report brought this video to your attention to at least debunk it.


Thank you for your service Senator!


Regarding your statement that 'if Syria or ANY country wants to have chemical weapons in their arsenal to use' as being a "big problem"... Is it true that the U.S. has THE LARGEST stockpile of such weapons in the world? Didn't our U.S. military admit to using White Phosphorous in Falluja which resulted in civilian deaths? Are you taking your "Assad" stance toward whoever used the SAME weapons against civilians in Gaza in '09? You make me want to vomit.


BOB what about those chemicals that could have been released by that unsafe 5ton JLG lift that was knowingly sent into that SUNOCO refinery unsafe by my employer?
BOB i just locked out unsafe that lift with a major steering problem where JLG even has a recall out on this with an upgrade kit to properly repair!
Do you comprehend this near disaster in your own back yard BOB?
OSHA area director Adam Hamrick risked his career to prove this with me BOB and you people did nothing!
Who do you represent


You also might want to publish your list of "over 400" children who were killed in the chemical attack before you do damage your credibility further by foolishly repeating the wildly exaggerated initial reports. It seems that while you were busy rehearsing Secretary Kerry's talking points, there were sources on the ground in Syria who put the TOTAL number of deaths between 300-400. PS: please learn the proper pronunciation of 'nu-CLEAR' or you might be mistaken for George Bush attacking Iraq
