Controversial Passage: Did RUTH Do Something INAPPROPRIATE to BOAZ?

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Did Ruth and Boaz do something REALLY inappropriate?

Ever since I was in seminary, I heard stories about this incident between Ruth and Boaz. What I always thought was an innocent story about a man redeeming this woman and her mother in law was apparently really scandalous, and possibly sinful?

But is it?

Are there Hebrew idioms here that prove that Ruth and Boaz were doing something more than what we think they were doing, something we would never approve of today?

Well, if you’re hoping to find those answers, and if you want to understand what’s really happening in the Book of Ruth, then join me for this episode of Beyond the Words.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you! Thank you! I was a widow...but the Kinsman Redeemer took care of me, and now I have a great husband!!!


I’m an 82 yr old Catholic woman. I have so enjoyed your explanation of Bible scripture. As Catholics we do have Old Testament and New Testament readings at every Mass. But your historical perspective has given me a new understanding of the Bible. Keep up the excellent work.


Lovely! It doesn’t matter who you are, a harlot(Rahab), or an enemy clan(Ruth), you will be redeemed. Jesus’ lineage is full of “loosers” that He has redeemed! Then I can be redeemed! Hallelujah!!!


Ruth was a woman of honor and respect. The perfect woman to introduce to your mother.


Also, everyone involved was faithful to the tenets of the law. Gleaning, how property was preserved across generations and kept within the tribe, the responsibility of kinsman to carry on the line of a dead male relative, all specific elements of the law. They (particularly Boaz) observed the law. All were blessed. Boaz got a good wife and Ruth a good husband. Naomi and Ruth were saved from a pretty hard life, Naomi saw her grandson and became his nurse, Israel got their best king and we got a savior.


This was such a blessing for me! I knew about the Leverite Marriage (please excuse the spelling) but I had no idea that this was a total miracle for Ruth, Naomi, Israel, and the rest of the entire world! Today, I will reread the Book Of RUTH and know the importance of it. I will reread it with so much joy in my heart! I have always loved this Story. Thank you very much! You have inspired me today! I am very excited about everything that you said! I have prayed for the Holy Spirit to give me a thirst for the knowledge of the Bible, and he has definetly not let me down! I am so honored to be a Christian and desire to learn about my Faith! You have helped me discover new stories and facts that are in the Bible! I Love My LORD so very much! Thank you again for the information that has truely inspired me today!


I believe it was Chuck Missler who said the Hebrews embroidered their family identity and status along the hems of their robes. Telling Boaz to spread his skirt over his handmaid wasn't asking for anything "scandalous" but rather asking for Boaz to treat her as part of his family. And yes, to fulfill the Levirate marriage.


Nothing illicit happened between Ruth and Boaz on the threshing floor!
1. Boaz, knowing that there is another 'kinsman redeemer' in front of him by having illicit relation with Ruth would bring disgrace upon himself and Ruth.
2. There were also other people present and sleeping at the threshing floor after the ending season party. Any 'commotion' on part of Boaz and Ruth would wake them up and such situation would get exposed, thus disqualifying Ruth for Levirate Marriage.
3. the Bible is a book written under the Holy Spirit's inspiration and Boaz and Ruth would not be called 'honorable individuals' if they behaved dishonorably.


Found your channel today, and can't get enough of The Bible. It was never really taught to me or actually never heard it either. I have subscribed and got your 10 words of the Bible I believe you called it. Watching the Chosen and just feeling the Holy spirit so much more real to me. Oh how I need Jesus. Thank you and BLESSINGS.


Man, this was so good. And timing was of God. I just read through Ruth last night. So grateful for your channel. It's been a huge blessing for me. God bless you, brother.


No, it's not dirty. Ruth requested him to cover her with the hem of his garments, that's where your family lineage and badge of rank was kept. This is a request for formal recognition under law, nothing scandalous


The book of Ruth is one of my favourite books of the Bible. Thank you Brother, for helping me to dive deeper into its significance and meaning.
Godbless you Brandon.
Your Ministry is a Blessing.
Much love.
Lynda xxxx


Thanks for that brother. I am not a qualified preacher or teacher or theoligian but I have occasionally been given the privilege of addressing my own congregation on certain topics. Like you, I have had to try and prarphrase a complete book of the bible and bring out the bigger picture. Twice, I have tackled the book of Esther and have focused 1st on Esther being in the right place at the right time in order to bring about Fathers will for his people ( Gods Timing ) and 2nd on the roll of prayer in bringing that about, mainly the repatriation of his people back to Israel. However, the question I get asked most is, "What did Esther get up to in that kings chamber?" The 2nd question is usually, " Why such a bloodthirsty ending?" At the end of the day mt short answer is that Fathers Love for his people trumps everything. So thank you for your presentation and the courage it has given me to persevere. MARANATHA.


Thank you Brandon. Praise to our redeemer, Christ Jesus!


She laid down at his feet. Not beside him. At his feet as a sign of submission. You made this wrong. She was noble. She laid at his FEET. This is a representation of the Redemption of Christ with us. I disagree with you on this and the picture you chose is just wrong. Be careful


Dear dear Ruth, Naomi, Esther, Mary. Brave women of long ago. God's wondrous story slowly but surely takes shape thru some of these women. Thank you so much for sharing Ruth's story. Maybe sometime a bible study on the great women of the Bible!! Blessings to you and your family. Hope you are well. You have a big trip approaching fast. I do wish I could join the tour, but even a short flight to Houston and dealing with Airports showed me how difficult that type of trip would be for me. I'll be there in spirit! J.


Thank you for sharing about that not gleaning on the sides to give to fatherless and widows! Have always loved Ruth’s dedication to Naomi and how noble she stayed even and amidst her situation. It’s quite noting as well that Boaz didn’t jump right away to the offer, instead, looked for the next of kin, first. They were great examples. Beautiful story and promises indeed!


Brings tears to my eyes… so grateful for this teaching 😢 so so good.


Brother Brandon, thank you so much for your teachings! I get so excited and find such joy in learning from you. I was going to read and Study Ruth again, with a new set of eyes. Just as you taught me in the online James study. I'm so thankful that this came up before I start tomorrow on Ruth. God bless you and keep you and yours!


I know someone who says that they had sex. And the Jewish symbolism embedded in the passage seems to allow that to be true, and might even hint at it. But there are several strong reasons against this. First, if caught in the act, Ruth would be killed. Second, if pregnancy resulted, Ruth would be killed. Third, Naomi, knowing those things, would not have instructed her to do that. Fourth, Ruth would not have exceeded Naomi's instructions. Fifth, just as Boaz knew he was not the nearest kinsman redeemer, Naomi would have known that as well. There are other good reasons to think sex did not occur here. Those are simply the strongest ones. Each one, by itself, precludes such a possibility.
