Boaz Pursued Ruth

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This is powerful thank you I really needed this clarification. You are so right people focus on Ruth going to him. But he pursued her initially. That’s right very good insight.


This is really good. 🔥♥️🔥 My BOAZ is Thank You


Amen hallelujah hallelujah in your timing lord I will receive my wife until then Strengthen all Men 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏☝️☝️☝️☝️🥰🥰🥰


Be wise ladys that you don' t get decieveed by a Nabel thinking he is a Boaz.


Thank you so much for being Holy Spirit-led! 💯 It makes so much more sense to understand ourselves as women that Boaz pursued her and she was giving him confirmation that she's not interested in other men, she was interested in him and it was perfectly designed from Abba Father ❤ there was a closer family redeemer but he wasn't the right one because he never pursued her in any way.


Knocked it outta the park again, Mark
Bravo 👏


Greetings 🤗
Mark Ballenger,
Actually Boaz Inquired About Ruth Prior To Communicating With Her Chapter 2:5.
Information Given To Boaz By His Servant Who Was Over Harvesters. He Shared How Ruth Was Committed To Her Mother-In-Law Naomi. 😊
This Was Vital As A Plus For Ruth Because Of Her Character.
He Then Pursue Ruth. 🙂


I am waiting for my boaz. It says he who findeth a wife findeth a good thing. Well that's what I am doing.


true. women understand our need for constant reassurance as insecurity. they need it but somehow they feel we don't and when you ask for it, they make you feel you have no right, in fact they take you to be needy, which in their Estimation, is something women have exclusive rights to.


I wish I liked this story as much as others 😅


Yep but Ruth spoke the truth in her heart not lied like she did if she loved me or the truth if she doesn't but she literally said I bring nothing to her live and that she's done it all by herself and she didn't ever need and doesn't need me now. Bet Ruth didn't say any of that to him


I get the constant reassurance but like 2 or 3 I’m very interested in you, u need to make ur moves is okay.. if it any more than that’s y’all need to be separate


That is not what this story is about... but I could not explain it to you over text..


Mark what if they play games because that’s what lots do they play games you pursue they’re inviting then they pull away thinking you’re going to chase like nah I’m not chasing nobody man. Like you play games you’re a daughter of Satan simple. Ik the beginning of relationships can be rocky but lots of women these days lead men on just so they can keep them for validation to make them feel pretty good etc I’m not that man. You like me I like you I show it you show it. We build a friendship that goes into something more and I’m for it but actions speak louder than words so if your words don’t match your actions as a man that’s a hugee turn off for me and I’ll detach myself and I bet you the toxic women that God saved me from are absolutely perplexed that I don’t talk to em no more. I value myself man I love myself and I love God within me!
