Stuff You Will Need To Have If You Become Homeless And Living In A Tent In The Woods.

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Im homeless to save the money up for a better place to live. Im just showing you how easy just cooking your own food is and what you will need in a tent in a wood to survive.
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i built a shelter in my local nature reserve in the bushes and nettles brambles 200 yards from a public toilet and wash room, , i found a fallen oak tree, was about 6 to 7 foot in diamiter and 12 foot long, what i could see, i dug a trench a foot deep and 3 foot wide against the side of the tree, put big stones at either end 6 ft, long stones as high as the tree, and 4 ft out, curved a bit, used mud and moss to cover it as well, as bushes, in the front corner i built a home made rocket stove, cost was chemical metal £4, black bin bags filled with screwed up paper and leaves tired together length ways 8 of them in the ditch £1, 80 from a market stall and a roll of duck tap, a few pots and pans, free from charity shop and 6 thick blackets and 2 rugs a sleeping bag for £9, , put rugs over the black bin bags and blacket up against the oak tree, , old house roof loft insulation and a old side tarp off a lorry, duck tapped insulation to tarp and pegged it to the back of the oak tree, over the top and dropped to front, covered in bushes and leaves and sticks small logs, couldnt see it, i had storm lantern and hand made gen out of hoover motor windturbine to charge phone and laptopand strip lights was warm dry safe full cost was £25


I was homeless for about 2 yrs, took a similar approach to the situation as you. Managed to live quite comfortably in a tent with the bare essentials and basically just walked the country following the coastline and foraging for shellfish. When I got over the shock of my situation I treated it as an adventure, met ppl along the way. Just listened to my body and when I needed a break from walking and carrying everything in my bergan I’d find somewhere isolated I could set up camp til I felt ready to move on.. one thjng I’d recommend to anyone in this position is invest in a sleeping pad, basically a miniature lylo not only will it insulate you and get you off the ground in winter, they are remarkably comfortable for what they are.. and you can find kit on army surplus websites much cheaper than retail prices.. I got a gortex lined sleep system for about £5. New it would have been over £300. Undoubtedly saved my life on many occasions.. videos like this are becoming really important, the explosion of homelessness is scary, especially for white British men who services seem quite happy to just disregard


I lived for a couple of years in the woods of Missoula, Montana. Out here you need a latching box/cooler or hang your food in the trees, because of bears, mountain lions, raccoons, & squirrels. My first year we had 4 black bears going through the different camps. Bang two pots together & they normally leave. Luckily no grizzlies where I was. The University of Montana's, in Missoula, team name is the Grizzlies. P.S. If you can, get a P-38 can opener. I've been using mine since '79.


this video is awesome. really hope youre still fighting on and will make more content. this is valuable to people. respect.


The new powder milk is excellent. Two table spoons in 8 Oz of cold water and a quick stir and you are set. I love to use it to make a nice hot bread and milk breakfast on cold mornings.


Big hugs and thank you for this, i really hope life gets better for you❤


Great video, when I buy canned products I look for the ones with pull tabs. Little easier to deal with when opening.


The blow up because people use pans too big, the pan overhangs the gas causing the heat to be directed onto the can. BOOM! Some companies started to make cans that will be less explosive, in North America these cans have a blue ring on the top of the can so you can tell they are less explosive. I use one of those stoves during many power outages lasting days on the same can. It is a lower BTU fuel so use a lightweight pan as it will heat faster.


Best homeless foods, personally, is dry lentils, dried beans and rice. All mad cheap, extra work, sure but the saving is so extreme and it's basically all that you need! If you're eating this way don't be afraid to add plenty of salt as you'll need it.


Thank you so much for this video 🔥 I am really wanting to move into a tent and my car and live on campgrounds and travel. I have employment but need a new start in my life.


i hope this guy is no longer homeless!, great vid


Love his attitude/ He is a fighter and a laster/ He aint going down so easily/ He is using his education and his grit/


I think another thing would be useful is a large plastic box, that you can fit all the food in and seal it when you don't need it.


They say, "GET A JOB!" or "Get a Life!". Often peering down their nose in judgement with a cringe face. Sometimes, their inhospitality comes with a nice helping of anger, hate and even violence. Too many folks floating on a cloud of ego and pride. Believing that somehow, they are above it all. "Not me! NEVER!" To some degree I pray thy are right. It would be great to think there are countless folks immune to the possibility of homelessness.
The sad reality is that the majority of us are only one or two paychecks away from losing everything. In this day and age (2023 with too many anti-American, anti-oil, anti-wealth individuals in politics), there is a war against the middle class. The working class is finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. Inflation is crushing people across the nation and around the globe. It is driving the cost of living out of the reach of the average family.
In 2020, when America was flipped onto its head and all of the progress made between 2016 and 2020 that seemed to everyone living comfortably, a NEW administration began to undo policies that would have brought about financial freedom and comfort to nearly every American at that time. During the Biden years, the Middle Class began to shrink at a record pace. Soon, homelessness became an epidemic and camps began popping up in every major city. More and more people were finding themselves unable to make ends meet. Add in the pandemic, multiple wars and cultural divisions, the American working class appeared to be deliberately under attack by their own government which did not seem to be working to resolve or improve the situation. More and more people have been forced to resort to living in their cars or residing with other family members in order to make ends meet. For those who do not have those options, most end up in shelters or living on the streets.
I am a disabled Veteran living on a fixed income with 3 dependents. Over the last 3 years I have had to learn to become very resourceful. My income barely covers my expenses. If inflation and the cost of living continues to increase I will be forced to find alternative means of income. Things are so tight now, we can only cover the expenses. Just bills. Just essentials. There has been absolutely NOTHING extra. That includes savings. It has been heart breaking as I have not been able to do anything for my kids. No trips. No gifts. No toys or fun outings. Nor have I done anything for my wife. No dates. No shopping. Not even a burger from BK. We are barely scraping by and have had to trim any extra BS. From Netflix to fast food or video games. All the extras are gone. Hell even my dog is wondering "wtf?" As I have reduced his feedings to only dry food and no treats, bones or special trips to groomer.
I have been on this planet for half a century and this has been the hardest few years of my life. I am currently planning a way to come out of retirement in order to generate more income. Somehow, I will work around my injuries. It is getting to the point where I wont have a choice. It breaks my heart and it is getting harder and harder to hold any hope or optimism. After all these years I am shocked myself to see that any string of bad events could land me and my family on to the streets. God Bless all of those currently struggling and living day by day in this way. Homelessness knows no limits and does NOT discriminate. Do NOT think for a moment that YOU could never end up on the streets.


Good video. I just wanted to share a little bit of information. I learned this from a survivalist and Arizona. If you have a can of tuna without a can opener find yourself a slap Rock and take you can against that rock and do circular motions as fast as you can write clockwise and do that for a few seconds careful put it up and remove the lid. You see you're causing friction and heat and these cans are kept solid and sealed by a gluey substance and when it warms up it will remove the lid. I thought it was a really cool and very useful tip and I'd like to share it with you.. So many of us here nowadays are living paycheck-to-paycheck that this could be a definite reality. To tell you honestly I can see myself living like this simply because I'm taking care of my mom and passes on there's no room for me to stay with other family. But I I'm up for the challenge and I look at it as an adventure. That's why I'm looking at a lot of these videos because it gives you an idea of what to do what to look for what to get Etc


When it comes to being homeless , regardless of what anyone says, He's gonna do his way, whatever way is feasible for him, being homeless aint no joke especially inda winter time, the only information i can give go to the library if theres one close. Get a book on survival techniques,


Chorizo is good as it doesn’t need refrigeration (the type that’s not called cooking Chorizo which does)
Great to add to pasta, omelettes, lentils, white beans etc. Tinned white beans with tuna is an easy healthy meal no cooking required. Porridge can be made with evaporated milk which can be stored indefinitely and the lids from
Azera coffee will seal the can.
Gnocchi also very quick to cook and will store well and easy to just add a tin of tomato’s and some bacon or Chorizo.
Hard cheeses such as Parmesan and Pecorino don’t need to be refrigerated.
I hope you managed to get things sorted out.


ive got tons of "stuff " furniture etc all good but no one wants it, wont be able to afford bedroom tax, utility bills etc, im not being evicted, just can't afford to run the house anymore, im middle-aged, alone and disabled, will start off living in my van but also have a few tents for back up in case problems with van😐


Forgive me, but I legitimately didn't think England had homeless people. I live in the Pacific Northwest in America, and I was sure we had the market cornered on that. I myself have been homeless off and on for 25 years. Sometimes I've had money, and sometimes not. I really like this video.


I literally keep watching this vid over and over
