The Truth of Laser Hair Removal: Who it’s for & NOT for? Best Results? | Dr. Shereene Idriss

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Everything you need to know if you’re considering laser hair removal!

1:44 how does it work
3:03 ipl vs laser hair removal
4:30 skin tones and hair colors
6:44 pcos
8:55 results
9:30 treatment prep
11:06 after care
11:26 at home devices


SHOP MY SKINCARE LINE (only if you want to 💜)

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#shereeneidriss​​​ #dridriss #PillowtalkDerm #dermatologist #laserhairremoval
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I had to pause this video (and let me tell you never have I ever paused Dermatologist Idriss) to write this comment because I am so relieved, overjoyed, and fullfilled that this topic is being spoken about. This is not an exaggeration and I wish I had this information years ago before wasting loads of money


I’m disgustingly pale with the darkest thickest Arab hair. I had the worst folliculitis. It was severe and I tried everything, including full body TCA chemical peels at my dermatologist. That’s when I quickly realized that I needed to invest in professional full body laser hair removal. Game changer! Best money I ever invested!


Dear Dr. Shereen,

Thank you for raising awareness about the proper use of laser hair removal. Moreover, kindly highlight about the importance of covering moles in white marker during a laser hair removal session. Can you please state the consequences of doing laser hair removal over moles? What should people who fell victim of this malpractice do to ensure that no damage at all is done?


DO NOT waste your money if you have thyroid problems... None of that was mentioned to me, and I spent plenty. It lasted for only a few months and as soon as my thyroid levels changed it all grew back.


The answer I was looking for!! So many dermatologists on here are sponsored to push at home IPL devices by the brands selling them… you just saved me money. Thank you!


Very good point about going to reputable clinics. The first time I did laser removal I went to a reputable clinic. I got my armpits done in 6 sessions and today over 14 years later I still have no hair. Then for my legs I went to a beauty clinic, and although I haven't been burned (I'm very pale with thick black hair, so it's more difficult to get burned I guess), I've done dozens of sessions and I still have a LOT of hair. Now you are making me wonder if they arereally using laser or only pulsated light. Cheap stuff turns out expensive as we say in Spain! Unfortunately, I don't live in the same country I did when I did my armpits so I can't get my legs done in the good place. But definitely I will go to a derm clinic to get the rest done! Thanks for another great video!


I’m an electrologist and laser hair removal is keeping my business going. I would say today 70% of my clients first underwent failed laser treatments and had hair regrowth. I see a lot of men who had laser induced hair growth on their shoulders, and arms. I see women who went to treat sideburns and upper lip hair and show up borderline suicidal because lasers stimulated so much growth they have beards. I ask how many treatments did you have and they said first it was 6 treatments, then 12, then 25. The FDA needs to get involved and change their rules on laser devices. Too many consumers are being robbed as they have to pay for electrolysis after losing thousands of dollars of non-refundable laser service.


I spent loads of money after getting laser to try to figure out why I started growing hair like a man on my face. I was tested for PCOS, thyroid conditions, you name it. And I kept telling the doctors (even a dermatologist) that this was the result of laser. They all said they’ve never heard of such a thing. And now you put a name to it — Paradoxical Hypertrichosis. I can’t thank you enough!!


very nice and well explained video! i'm a beauty estetician and I do diode laser, I LOVE IT! i'm italian and work in Italy so all my clients are very hairy and have a lot of issues with their hair, i love how this treatment can help a young girl/woman to fell less insecure about themselves and every time I can give a result like this, I'm very happy and feel like I have the best job in the world!


Ty for the video, I have PCOS and have been getting laser treatments for my neck, side of my face, and chin for a few years now. I know that sounds like a long time but to me, it is worth it and it has helped my hair growth significantly! The reason why it's taken so long is complicated by hormonal medications I take causing the hair to reoccur. If you take thyroid replacement or birth control, be careful because it could cause hair you've already lasered to come back! Going back in for touch ups will be key. It's a long journey but it will make a difference!


This video was really useful to me. I have fairly light skin and knowing about the different types of laser tech made me make a better informed decision regarding my provider.

Thanks to this info I was able to find a provider willing and honest enough to explain the process to me.

Shereene is the absolute best


Hi Dr. Shereene, can you please do a video of all the treatments you have personally gotten and actually recommend? Nothing weighs more than actions.


Somebody already commented this but just to reiterate: you may want to pin a comment correcting the mistake at around 10:10 (you said we shouldn't shave before a treatment!) Thank you for the video!


the place i go to was cautious not to go near my tattoos (they had always put masking tape over the edges so it wont catch stray light) but one session the staffmember did not do that, when we finished i realised small edges of my tattoo had gone wrinkly and felt hot. their manager gave me about 8 sessions of LED treatment and free cream/balm to speed up healing. now my skin has healed on the surface but those burnt tattoo areas look smudged & blurry. I can only go back over it for a touchup in february next year. now they are very wary and cover my entire tattoo when i go in for a session.


I have been using IPLs for 2 decades, i find it hard to be consistent with treatment but i have noticed the difference between devices. My best device by far was a Philips Lumi device that has been discontinued I've tried to replace it with other brands nothing has come close to being as efficient i wish i could get a replacement for it. And now I know why so many others haven't worked. I have been considering Lazer for a long time I've just not found what feels like a suitable place to get it done at yet, but I will definitely be using the information you have provided to my advantage! thank you so much this has been really helpful x❤x


Can you please do a video on IPL? I tried laser but the results were not great, especially for the price I paid. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise


I am doing this and such good results! Like for example my armpits after 6 times theres barely any hair growing back


Thank you so much!😊 Ive have been following your videos from the beginning and you helped me so much Dr.❤ Greetings from Turkey 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


I know it's not the topic of the video, but I adore your makeup and that pink eyeshadow! You're gorgeous! Is there a video on how you do your makeup and what products you use?


A huge THANKS for this video! People and dermatologists often underestimate the struggle of having light hair, as they think they are less visible 🙈
Ash blonde here, getting back to chin laser sessions after having experienced paradoxical hypertrycosis. For my mix of white and ash blonde hair on very pale skin they suggest electrolysis together with laser, but I have read that can destroy collagene and show scars and weird wrinkles, even years later...
