Laser Hair Removal: Dermatologist Answers Common Questions! | Dr. Sam Ellis

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Laser hair removal is one of the most popular in-office cosmetic treatments. That's why I asked my followers on Instagram to send in their laser hair removal questions so I could answer them in this video. You'll learn about the risks, how long it takes to see results, what hair color it's best for, and so much more.


00:00 Intro
00:31 How Lasers Work
01:56 Who it Works Best On
02:29 On Darker Skin Tones
03:35 Laser Recommendations
04:16 Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
05:02 Blonde or Red Hair
05:43 Dermatologist or Med-Spa
07:54 Pain Level
08:34 Compared to Electrolysis
09:00 On the Face
09:38 Risks
10:23 Safe While Pregnant?
10:38 Active Ingredients & Medications
11:26 Keloid Scarring
11:51 Results & Maintenance
14:02 Hormones & Hair Growth
14:23 Treatment Frequency
14:56 At-Home Hair Removal
15:51 Other Side Effects
16:17 Hair Removal & Acne
17:12 Subscribe!

DISCLAIMER: The information in this video is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician. Some of the links in this description may be affiliate links (marked with *). Affiliate links help support my YouTube channel so I can continue to create fun, informational skincare videos for you. Also, some products may have been received as PR. Thanks for watching!
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I’ve always been curious about laser hair removal (I’m a prickly little spider that doesn’t like shaving often) but I’ve always worried about any type of complications or issues. No one that’s talked about it has given the facts and information like you have. After hearing that it’s not truly “permanent” and the potential risk factors, I’m content to shave. Thank you so much for the informative videos, they are so so helpful. It’s much easier to make decisions when I have this much information and facts and not just peoples personal experiences. Nothing against treatments or products but it’s so nice to not get sucked in by what’s popular. Your videos are the best!! Happy holidays ❤️❤️❤️


Hi, Dr. Ellis. Just found your video, watching because I will be getting trained and certified in laser hair removal. Thank you for your very informative video. I will be subscribing. Excited to start my new job as RN Laser Provider at Milan. I found your video to see what a Dermatologist has to say about it. Watching videos before I begin the training process on Monday. I want to say Congratulations for becoming a Dermatologist. I used to be a Medical Assistant for a Cosmetic Dermatologist and absolutely loved it. It took me a long time to climb the ladder. I graduated with my BSN, became a nurse at 40 in the peak of the pandemic - started in the covid unit and so happy I am finally getting back into the aesthetic world. Thanks for the info! You have such a calming vibe. Very pleasant to watch.


I’ve been getting laser hair removal on Brazilian, legs, and armpits for a while now (over a year) and I’m almost done. It is one of the BEST things I have ever paid for. No I don’t think I will be 100% hairless but that is ok with me. The amount of hair reduction I have is crazy and a lot of my hair has become peach fuzz like. Also the clinic I go to may be a medspa..? But all the technicians are certified nurses, and this clinic only does laser hair removal and nothing else. The clinic also offers free unlimited touch ups for the rest of my life so if hairs do start to come back over time I can get touch ups for free, which is what sold me honestly. Yes it is A LOT of money (I pay a monthly bill and have sometime left until it’s all paid off), but for me it is worth it, especially with the free touch ups. My skin basically hates shaving and I would get razor bumps and a lot an irritation, and the hair would grow back immediately. But now that the hair is soo fine, I don’t have issues like that anymore: def would recommend trying it, and doing research on the place you’re going too.


I’m watching this to help with my course, thank you for this. Will rewatch until ALL information is programmed into my head.


This was really interesting! It makes me curious about shaving versus laser hair removal. It would be very helpful to watch a video from you about shaving - how to do it safely on different body parts, how to shave effectively, what sorts of products to use when shaving, etc., or alternatively, what you recommend if you don’t like shaving (at home hair removal treatments, etc.). Really appreciate your insight into these issues!


Would agree with Derm vs medspa. I worked at a medspa and figured out A LOT on my own, training was poor but after 4 years gosh did I know what I was doing, we did this SO often. However the turnover at our other spa was incredibly high and every few months there was someone new, so many adverse reactions came out from that clinic. I would offer to train new staff but owners cared more about profit than wasting time on training, hence why I had to learn so much myself. I had luckily one tiny tiny adverse reaction in that entire time, I was trained well from school in burn protocol and skin healing so I had that down. I had a few patients that were dermatologists interested in using our machine. They only had a one day training on the machine prior to using on their patients. One came in full of legs burns she did on herself from that one day training. So in my opinion like with everything else it’s more about experience than training. Many of us didn’t train on these exact lasers used today in med school, pa school or nursing school, all training was done outside so we are on level playing fields there. The difference is your background in medicine and overall ability to learn or pay attention I guess. More patients should be aware NO one knows what they are doing initially, it took a good teacher, or finding the right resources and then trial and error.


I’ve had two sideburn treatments at Milan laser and so far the results are amazing!


Thank you for your informative insight on the topic 🤍

A few additional questions I have:
1- Can IPL be effective at home after I finished a few sessions at a clinic ?

2- How long should I leave the numbing cream on the area before I start the laser ? or IPL ?

3- What can I use before or after after my laser appointment to help reduce the chance of having hyper pigmentation ?
Is Fucicort antibiotic cream (The orange & red color) enough after my appointment?


I am a laser technician in Australia (have been for 3+ yrs). Let me tell you its super hard to be qualified in Laser. You have to do 100 supervised hours on people before you can even apply for your full use license. And before that you have to do a 3 month Laser safety course. Not many places want to train/supervise you so its very hard to get a job doing it rip.


Can you do a part 2 with your thoughts on at home ipl hair removal?


I had laser hair removal (3 sessions) on both legs, underarms and bikini line 20 years ago. I have light skin and dark hair. It was the one of the best things I ever did for myself. The hair is not completely gone, but at least my legs never feel prickly anymore. Feels very close to being clean shaven 24/7.


additional question 🙋‍♀what should i look/ask for when trying to find someone to perform my laser hair removal? board certified dermatologist? RN? specific qualifications??
thanks dr sam ellis 💕


Dear Dr. Ellis,

Thank you very much for answering the most common questions about laser hair removal. Moreover, please highlight perhaps in a new video about the importance of covering moles in white marker during a laser hair removal session. Can you please state the consequences of doing laser hair removal over moles? What should people who fell victim of this malpractice do to ensure that no damage at all is done?


Very informative. I’m blonde with very light skin so it has never been an option for me but one one has ever said why. Thanks for the info.


I had 6 laser sessions at a cosmetic surgery hospital when I was 18 on my lip and chin area. This didn’t work so I saw my doctor and after blood tests, my hormones were fine and after an ultrasound I didn’t have PCOS. I was given the contraceptive pill, this didn’t help and then eventually a topical cream for hirsutism and this didn’t work so my doctor prescribed me laser hair removal at another private hospital. I had a further 8 sessions that also did not work. Aged 27 I decided to try AGAIN. After another 8 sessions it still has not worked. It has worked however on my entire body bar my face. Aged 30 I continue to shave my face atleast 5 times a week. I’ve been burnt and blistered and learnt lots a long the way. The truth of the matter is, if you’re embarrassed of your hair, don’t be. If like me, it won’t go, who cares? That’s my genetic makeup and no amount of lasers can change that believe me


Laser hair removal may not be permanent, but it’s worth it. It’s been around a decade that I started on legs, bikini, armpits, face for 2-3 times per year. Only if necessary, I shave my legs in between.
My leg hair had reduced dramatically (like 90% are gone) and my armpits are totally clean. I remember a couple of months after I gave birth, a friend asked me when I found time to shave my legs with a newborn and zero help. And the truth was that I had done laser at the early stagers of pregnancy, like 8-9 months ago.
On the face, I noticed that when my hormones are not balanced new hair appear, while the old ones have reduced.


Yes, I have had laser hair removal and with my hair color I’ve had the best results with my armpits and bikini line. My question for you is what areas have you had done since your hair looks a combination of blonde and light brown.


I have wanted to do a laser hair removal for a long time now but have never been sure where is best to go. Thanks for the useful information!


Great video with lots of Educational Information! Thank you for sharing Dr. Sam Ellis !


Very education video but as a medical aesthician and biomedical scientist who graduated from unuversity I have to say that some medical spas do use candela and soprano the best lasers in the world also medical aestheticians SPECIALIZE in lasers 😘
