Do This to GUARANTEE Amazon KDP Success in 2024 (No B.S. Guide)

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About this channel: I share what I learned from years of online marketing/business failures and successes so that you don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made, being $40,000 in debt and getting scammed for tens of thousands of dollars. And show you how I overcame that by building a six-figure passive income business and become a self-made millionaire at age 26.

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Instagram - @seandollwet13

** Most outbound links financially benefit me and the channel through affiliate programs. The affiliate relationship in no way influences my opinion and I would not endorse programs, products or services I didn't use or feel familiar with.

This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. So if use my links to support me, a huge thanks to you.

The information shared in this channel is for educational and informational purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will earn money using the techniques and ideas in this video. This is not financial advice or investment advice. Your investments are solely your responsibility and it is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in this video will require commitment, hard-work, experience and knowledge. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information in this video is accurate but we cannot represent that the website(s) mentioned in this video are free from errors. You expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this video.

#KDP #selfpublishing #kindlepublishing
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Isn't it great to see a significant influencer and successful entrepreneur state exactly how it is instead of just promising you the earth by following or just buying a course? It's refreshing to see some honest content on here. 
Thank you 🙏


So glad I discovered your channel. Its giving me hope cause I'm stuck home 2 years no car and need a way to make money from home.


Can’t stop watching your videos 🙏🏼💜 Thank you


I love your videos, very easy to follow. Very helpful for a new KDP user, like me. 😃


I’ve seen all of your videos and this one is by far, my favorite. Loved the relevancy and the new perspective on ads and marketing. Thank you, Sean.


I'm just starting out and really appreciate your honesty, transparency and all the value you provide. thank you!


Thanks for putting out the content, and helping everyone out Sean. Really appreciated 😁 The thing I like the most, is that you always have a positive mindset, that's cool.


You are a delight, Sean, and I did like the casual sit down style! Excellent mix of visuals/bullet points to help guide the conversation. Thank you for sharing your marketing and sales expertise so openly *and* I appreciate that you speak clearly and auto-CC is pretty dang accurate!


Thank you for the quality content! It's so refreshing and very useful!


Thank you, Sean. I have just started to watch your channel, and I have gathered more productive information, than what I have, unfortunately, paid thousands for.


Loved this casual sitdown type of video. Thanks for the great advice!


It is never about the product, but always how you sell the product. Interesting!


Thanks Sean! Im in progress of taking your advice and developing my first low-medium content book! I intuitively started creating a brand around it because thats how I buy things on Amazon! So glad to hear that sentiment validated! Thank you as always for sharing so openly and honestly about your journey and progress!


Please dont ever turn into those seo optimized content creators who do it more for the watch and less about the substance.

Keep growing!! 🎉


Sean can you please include an author interview like a podcast?


I find this video helpful, thank you sir


I do like and benefit from this type video. Thank you!


Thank you Sean! Another awesome video !


Hi Sean, I'm a little late commenting on your video. What *I* like about your presentation "style" (or should I say 'brand", lol) is that you haven't got one. What I mean by that is you are merely being yourself. Your sales "pitch" isn't really a "pitch", instead, you've discovered something that is incredibly valuable and you're sharing it with others. In other words you've done a "facebook" on yourself. Your success is your product. Hats off to you with that (aka kudos, good on you, salutations, etc)
Normally a "youtuber" puts a sales slant on their video, whereas your videos are just so blatantly *you* it's not just obvious, it's a breath of fresh air. Now whether you're holding anything back to protect your business practices because capitalism is an economic system based on greed and the world is full of vipers, sharks and jackals, I can't tell, yet. But even if you were, man I wouldn't blame you, there's some seriously 5h177y scumbags out there that think they're 1337. Me personally, I feel sorry for them, 'cos they're already burning in hell and they don't even know what they've done to themselves, 'cos their heads are so far up their own backsides they don't realise what a dark and smelly existence they're existing in.
However, my main impetus in commenting wasn't to butter you up, but in fact it was to the contrary. I noticed a very slight inaccuracy in something you said, so I have a mild positive criticism. I like truth and harmony in the world and if I ever come across what I perceive as inaccuracy I'm compelled to correct it.
I disagree with what you said about branding being about quality. In a lot of cases that's true, but that's only half of it. The other half is value. And many brands focus upon value alone. In other words their unique selling point is "we're the cheapest". Many brands advertise that point and *are* the cheapest, but more often than not brands that purport to be cheaper or cheapest aren't. They are basically con merchants. Most supermarkets for instance are full of **it. However, my point is quantity AND quality are both very big aspects of branding.
Since your video is focused on KDP and aimed at KDP authors, then within the KDP niche it's better to focus upon quality. Having said that, pulp fiction had considerable success with quantity over quality. Sci-fi, westerns, romance, espionage, action, all these genres have "suffered" from pulp fiction success. Whether pulp fiction is forever dead I wouldn't know. As a consumer I've always been in to quality when it comes to fiction. The nearest I ever got to pulp fiction was L Ron Hubbard. My tastes are firmly within *the* Highest levels of quality. And not just reading material. As excellent as the new Dune films are, they're STILL doing it wrong. !!!
That's it really.
like I said,
I'm glad you're doing what you're doing.


Enjoyed the video style, and the content too of course. Thanks!
