Harry Potter kills Voldemort | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 [HD]

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Voldemort dies.
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I like how Harry called him Tom, nothing more disrespectful to Voldemort than being reminded your father was a muggle


I love how Voldemort stares at his wand as he is helpless against Harry in his final moments against him. The pure confusion of wielding the Elder Wand, but losing anyway. He died believing Harry was unbeatable/invincible.


It's actually quite horrifying when you consider that Voldemort is trying to scream at the end, but there is so little left of him that he can't even do that, it's like in a dream when you're trying to shout but you don't have the energy


In the prophecy it was said that a boy born in july of 1980 would defeat Voldemort. Voldemort assumed this boy to be Harry rather than Neville but it turns out it was both, since Neville killed his last horocrux


2:24 when Voldemort reads they label on his wand that says. Made In China


I hate that they didn't add the part where Harry goes into the headmaster's office and all the headmasters give him a standing ovation.


I think its a shame that the films cut out Neville being informed about the importance of Nagini's death. Its nice that he's bravely saving his friends here, but in the books he acted with full knowledge of the importance of this moment. It felt significant for Neville's arc for him to know just how important a hero he is in that moment.


A few things:
- I love how Ron was so desperate to protect Hermione and Himself, he went as far as using the killing curse, and I love the way he holds Hermione protectively thinking they’re about to die.
- Neville is the G.O.A.T
- When Harry turns back to Voldemort, you can see, his realization that Voldemort is all that’s left, he can finally kill him. He can finally have his revenge after all these years.
- Harry defeated Voldemort using “Expelliarmus”. He used a spell that Snape taught him.
- The smile on Harry’s face as Voldemort starts to fade away speaks volumes. It’s finally over, after all these years the war is over. He finally defeated him, he finally got his revenge for everything he put him through. He was free. But he still lost so many, nothing’ll ever be the same again. It’s got to be a bitter sweet moment for Harry


Tom should have known, the killing spells that he casts for some reason tend to backfire on him... Should have gone for a fireball or something... What a silly goose


I just love how voldemort was dying and Lily's theme song was playing in the background...
It really felt like Harry's mom did not die in vain and her son avenged her death.


I love how the composer blended lily's theme into Voldemort's death She got her revenge through her son


It's weird. When I saw this movie (I saw it on the night it came out), *EVERYBODY* in the theater applauded the death of Bellatrix...but we were completely silent when Voldemort finally died. While we were definitely happy that Harry had finally won, I think the reason *NO ONE* applauded Voldemort's death was because we *KNEW* Harry would win and because we were sad about the fact that the battle between Harry and Voldemort had ended; for this meant there would be no more Harry Potter movies. It meant the captivating adventure with which so many of us had grown up was all over (I was 5 when the first movie came out, and I was 15 when the last movie came out).


And Harry's glasses didn't fly off? Come on man.


Imagine finally beeing able to kill person that killed your parents after so much time, and when you are so close, thanos happens...


I love that pause in the middle of their beam of war when they realize the last horcrux is gone.

Tom realizes he either kills harry, or harry kills him... No going back.



I always really loved this shot. It’s so uncanny and uncomfortable to look at, yet it shows that Voldemort is still grasping onto the concept of Harry being his equal, try to hold on to the idea that they are conjoined by fate. But by this point, Harry has the true upper hand. Truly brilliant


I kinda cried at Voldemorts demise

because it was like the end of the film series as well


I liked how Neville just saved Hermione and Ron from Nagini. A lot of people still wonder how Neville pulled Godric Gryffindor's sword out of the Sorting Hat. It's because Neville was also mentioned in the Prophecy. He was born at the end of July and his parents stood up to Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, only to be tortured into madness. Neville was also a true Gryffindor. Everyone in the elder Gryffindor in Hogwarts during the Battle of Hogwarts was a true Gryffindor because they were willing to make sacrifices for Harry Potter and to end Voldemort. Neville knew about the sword because Harry told him about. (I forgot when.) And so thats how he killed Nagini.


I like how when Voldemort is finally defeated, you can see Harry slightly smiling. He’s obviously very happy and relieved that he not only avenged his parents, but also other loved ones like Sirius, Lupin, Fred and Dumbledore. Hell he even avenged Snape, even though Harry hated Snape up until he figured out the truth about him and realized how brave he really was.


I love Fiennes’ acting here. Differences from the book aside, I think he really sold Voldemort’s fear of death and how weak and fragile the man really was on the inside. When him and Harry cast their final spells and the killing curse is starting to rebound, he doesn’t even bother holding his wand correctly since he realizes this is the end. It’s a terrible fate that awaits him in limbo, but one he easily could’ve avoided all along if he’d possessed one shred of genuine remorse.
