White clots common

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With Major Tom Haviland
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6 months after the jab I suffered massive heart failure, died twice on the operating table, lost both my feet, 3 fingers on my primary hand & underwent triple bypass surgery. All due to strange clotting all over my body. I survived only because I was already on blood thinners & was in great shape for 62yo. Not one medical professional in Vancouver Canada will even discuss the vax as possibly contributing. I feel this is a crime against humanity that will never see a Nuremberg. In Canada they are still jabbing children as young as 6mths, the Horror!


December 2021. I was a abroad for exchange studies. I was alone, in a strange country, wasn't allowed in student dorms or in campus without the jab, just with the test that cost an absurd amount of money. Soon I wouldn't be allowed in many public spaces either.
The next day there would be a vax campaign in the neighbourhood where I was staying. Everyone, EVERYONE I knew was pressuring me to get the vax.
I had decided to but had a really bad feeling and couldn't sleep the night before the day.
I followed my gut, decided not to take it, and the next day I cancelled my exchange studies and booked my flight home.
Haven't taken a single jab, no regrets.


This is horrific. It's comforting that brave men like you are talking about this openly and not covering it up (unlike the disgraceful mainstream media). Thank you, Dr. John.


Quit my job mid covid and lived off of my savings till it was over. There was no way I'd poison myself voluntarily.


I myself am a Funeral Director and Embalmer and i have started to keep samples of these very strange and large clots that I am seeing here in the US. Richmond Virginia


Think of all of those who were not embalmed but cremated. My friend who died a miserable death last month in hospice of blood clots, AFTER EIGHT VACCINES/BOOSTERS, was not allowed a autopsy, unless I wanted to pay $4, 000 out of pocket. Couldn't afford it. I have no doubts for the reason of my 65 yo friend's death. With every jab he ended up in the ER but his doKtors kept telling him he needed another booster. These practiced liars need to be held accountable.


The sheer amount of cowardice & evil in the medical industry is absolutely staggering.


I was part of the Novavax trials in the U.S. thinking I was helping others. After second jab, I lost my eyesight in my left eye. I was admitted to a hospital with doctors believing I was having a stroke. After treatment, I was run through a battery of tests. I eventually checked myself out of the hospital. I am happy to report I now have my vision back after learning that nicotine might be an antidote to whatever I was injected with. I began wearing a nicotine patch and it worked for me as crazy as it seems. To God be the glory!


I'm from the Dominican republic and I can tell that during the COVID pandemic, the government mounted strong measure to force the population to get the shots, and so I was tempted to take it, until I read that no-one was responsable for the outcome. And so I decided that I rather died if my immune system was not able to protect me. I'm 66 and feeling fine. God have mercy 🙏


No need for a netflix subscription to watch a horror movie anymore... You're living in one.


Talked my wife out of getting the jib just before she fell pregnant, she was all up for it, and believed the message, fortunately she listened to me and we now have a super healthy, super bright toddler.


I'm unvaccinated, I Will never forgive and forget this crime against humanity!


"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished or criminalized - if all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”


John, my husband now deceased was a heart surgeon. His dear friend and also a heart surgeon in Alabama told me that he use to do 1-2 thrombectomy’s a year and now he is doing 4-5 a week and he is pulling out white squid like substance from patients arteries. Just like your pictures. Might want to get a heart surgeon to come on and speak to this. Great information glad you are helping wake people up.


I have a friend, a Near Death Experiencer, who has died and come back 4 times. He returned with incredible psychic abilities after his first NDE in 1975. I asked him about the medical procedure in 2021, as it was being rolled out. His response was direct and to the point. "Don't take it. It is evil." I listened and didn't take it. I am very grateful. My heart goes out to every one who did though.


Lost my job as a paramedic in Australia, for not taking the flu shot and not taking the convid And so thankful for not working in this corrupt medical system!!


Well, it was worth letting go my 8 year career, living off of peanuts for a couple years and getting denied at job interviews back then for not taking the jab. Survived it all, and my blood is flowing nicely!


3 rules to live by
1. Don’t trust the government
2. There is only a UNI PARTY
3. There are no coincidences


I got the jab x3 following the government's directions here in Denmark. We could barely do anything without either a test which took ages to get and expired quickly, or a vaccination card. My gut told me not to do it, yet I did it anyway due to peer pressure from family, partners, and friends. Now we're seeing people randomly die or fall ill due to cardiovascular issues or suddenly falling ill with cancers. What's absurd to me is that even after most people who got vaccinated realize this bs, they STILL DON'T SPEAK UP. like what the heck. are you just waiting on dying without at least trying to make a change or making some noise to get things right? We pay close to 50% taxes for "health and safety systems" and the gov straight up poisons the population and act like nothing ever happened. Shame on us. How could we be so stupid?


So many vaccinated people don’t want to talk about these issues. I suspect it’s just too terrifying.
