White clots USA

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First seen early 2021. Discussion with Mr. Richard Hirschman.
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How has a doctor from England done MORE investigative journalism than regular so called journalists??


My Daughter passed away 29 years old. A Blood Clot they called it a Thrombotic Pulmonary embolism. The coroner told me that she was presenting these white type Clots. She was a New Mother and I miss Her dearly. I get upset thinking that when she had her jab they double dosed her. The
Public Health Org. was supposed to follow up with Her but they didnt. Thank You John for all of this factual information.
Your Guests are always much appreciated.


It's disgusting that journalists, medical officials, and scientists are deliberately ignoring this pathology.


Thank you for covering this issue Dr. Campbell. Our American main stream media would never cover this


Have you heard that Portugal who bragged about reaching 84% in 2020 for jabs, is now experiencing the highest excess deaths!


Everyone appreciates what you're doing. The fact that mainstream media is totally silent speaks volumes. Thank you, Dr. John.


As a physician practicing in the USA, I’m extremely concerned about the rising excess deaths and its correlations to 2021 . Practitioner’s need to be brave and continue to speak out with compassion to educate our patients. I believe the dam is ready to break soon.


I'm mentally exhausted from all this. I shouted out from the beginning, I was mentally struggling with it, I lost my beautiful soul mate, and 4 others, I never took it, I will never forgive, my anger is overwhelming me. I hold them accountable. They need to be brought into the light and removed from their positions of power. Anger doesn't cover it.


My turn to share my story. In April of 2021 got the first jab. June of 2021 got the second. October 2021 in hospital with a massive clot in the left leg into the groin area and clots in my lungs. I do have factor 5 Leiden. I was 58. When I asked my doctor could this be from the jab he was very quick to say absolutely not. It concerned me he wouldn’t even consider the possibility. I pushed for him to at least consider it. He couldn’t get out of my room and be done with his visit quick enough. I’ve always wondered. I’m now on blood thinners for the rest of my life. I just wish they’d admit the possibility. But they said it couldn’t be the jab. I have absolutely no trust in the CDC anymore. None period. Thank you for being brave to go against the narrative. Mary


I love John's journalism. Doing what media should be doing.


A good friend of mine aged 39 died last March. He hadn't had Covid but he had three jabs to stay employed despite my warnings. He thought I had jumped on some QNON bandwagon and asked me if i was an antivaxxer. I said NO I'd had all my vaccines but wasn't going to take this one as it was untested. March 4th last year he sat down in a chair to read and died. His wife went to talk to him but he had just gone without even a sign or noise! It was heartbreaking but an autopsy showed massive blood clots to his heart and brain. His funeral was horrible and people who had once shunned me are now wondering if they have made a huge mistake. I don't feel superior or even say see I knew it because it was terrible the way they put people through mandates and put pressure on them to 'save grandma!'


I watched one of Richard’s earliest interviews when he first started noticing the clots. I knew back then, and will be forever grateful to those with the courage to speak out. Thank you.


In Finland the excess death is enormous and no official ever mentions it. It is a complete and utter taboo. You are not allowed to express any concern on the tv, for example. The Finns got all the jabs they were allowed to get and the result is catastrophic.


Protect Dr. Campbell at all costs. He is not suicidal


i have a friend who is a funeral director here in new zealand i asked him he said he was finding the same thing and i live in a small town . i get so angry that this vacine is still being called safe and effective here in new zealand THANK YOU JOHN FOR YOUR ON GOING WORK TO KEEP THE TRUTH GOING


Pathologists all over the world, should join together to raise the multiple questions from their most relevant findings related to Covid 19 vaccination


John you are doing one hell of a job staying with c19 problems, I'm determined never to have a vaccine like this.


I remember subbing to Dr. John C. When he had probably a few thousand subscribers! Now he has over 3 million people listening to the cold hard FACTs/truth! I believe he needs some type of award or Nobel peace prize or something!


The denial from politicians is so loud it is deafening.


I lost my father in December 2023. He got covid 6 weeks earlier and was in hospital for 5 weeks. It was absolute torture for him the entire time. His body shut down, but he fought to the very last minute.

My father became a grandfather the same day he tested positive for covid. He only got to hold his grandson for a few minutes and we could see the sorrow in his eyes. Because he knew he would never live to see this boy grow up.

My father was "fully" vaccinated, the rest of the family was not vaccinated. We got mild symptoms, while his body was destroyed by the virus.

Thank you for the work you do, John. I even tell my mother about the information you share (her English is limited).
