How to hang a door

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Pro tip . Remove one hinge screw from each hinge and install a 3 inch screw . Way stronger than little finish nails


Good video, but I'd like to add some additional tips.
1. Check your floor for level and adjust the side jambs by cutting the high side or shimming the low side; this will assure the head jamb will be level. Also, keep in mind what he finished floor will be and allow a final 1/2" space under the door. By adjusting the side jambs vertically, you can eliminate undercutting the door later.
2. When installing the shims, make sure you account for twisted jack studs and adjust the shims to be square within the opening.
3. Remove the center screw at each hinge. Some screws protrude through the jamb and will interfere with the shim surface. Replace the removed screw at the top hinge with a 3" screw that will reach the stud.
4. Only nail the jamb on each side of the stop and not through the stop. You must be able to adjust the stop after the door frame is secured.
5. Leave a credit card thickness between the stop and the door at the head stop and hinge-side stop for clearance for paint. The strike-side stop should contact the door and have additional nails installed.
6. After the hinge-side jamb is attached and plumb in both directions, shim the strike-side to the door and maintain a Nickle coin thickness between the door and jamb.


It's a good method in a perfect world.

Sometimes they build the doors out of wack, even if you plum it and level it won't be perfect. Framing and drywall are never perfect.

But I like the idea. Good job.

I leave the straps on door place it in the opening nail it and check my reveals and shim and adjust as necessary.


Don't nail through the hinge side stops, just the jambs. Some times they need adjusted after the door is hung.


That’s not hanging a door it’s pre hung😂


I’ve got two of those senco trim nailers they are awesome! The older ones work much better than the newer ones


Always check top of jamb for level first in case you have to move either jamb up or down. Most importantly make sure reveal isn't too tight or too loose. Same reveal all the way around door.


Try using trim screws that have 2 sets of thread's on them one going each direction u can move ur door in and out with those screws get door right then stick couple shims in and few nails and done way fast to


Good tip. I'd like to add that you want to make sure that the shims should be flat, not tapered, so when you hang the door the jamb isnt twisted.
I do it a different way, but this way is ok.


Thank you for the video.

Fantastic demonstration. Could you possibly explain how to use that same principle to hang a new door or rehang an old door in an existing jam?

Keep up the good work.


Yea I know was giving you a hard time. I do the same work as you. I Like what you do and have learned from you


Wow, nice job! I have never seen it done this way before, it makes total sense


Make sure the hinge side is plumb, install door in hole.. push in shims behind each hinge the same amount.. check for plumb after looking to see that the door shuts and there's a gap outside the opposite jamb. Shim it so all door gaps are even and jambs are flush.. nail through shims and then you won't get flex later.. take the time to create a flush even gapped door with a solid base for long term stability.. it doesn't take that much extra effort or time. Don't forget to set your nails with a punch so you can fill and hide them.


Thats an awesome way ..thank you. I always dismount, remount the door trying to adjust it…time consuming …


A best method I have seen to hang a prehung door.


Love watching these videos. Believe it or not, there's a faster way than this. I haven't use a level in 15 years. The door will tell you when it's plumb.


How did you support the Jam and door combined when you nailed it? The weight of the door should have made it hard to keep it level. Was a support piece placed under the door?


These construction shorts are full of people on their high horse. Dude keep doing your thing and tune the comments out. Every construction one is the same.


Step 1, run a level line across the head.
2. Measure both the hinge, and strike side from the reference line.
3. Cut your jamb lengths
4. Check “the wind” of the studs.
5. Stand the door in the opening. Don’t be scared. Shim the top hinge.
6. Plumb the hinge side. It’s gonna be fine. Shim to to the other 2 hinges.
7. Open the door, check the header gap. If you cut the jamb lengths right, it’s already perfect. Shim the strike side, top, mid, and low.
8. Slap the trim on.
9. Move to the next door. Repeat.


Looks pretty good from the video but two things I would recommend. 1. Never shim the top of the jamb. Any deflection on the header if it’s a bearing wall will push the top jamb down and scrape the top of the door. Instead straighten the top jamb when installing the casing. 2. Install a screw either behind each hinge or in place of a hinge screw. This way the door won’t sag in the future and either prevent operation or scrape your paint off the door/jamb.
