Tommy's Trade Secrets - How to Hang a Door

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This is our new guy Dave and it is his first time on camera so understandably he was a little nervous so go easy on him :)
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This is an ideal tutorial. Clear and to the point, well explained at every stage. I would feel confident to hang a door after seeing this.


Many critical comments here. Wanted to say thanks for the video. Excellent instructions for those of us who aren't experts, which is who the video is aimed at. To those who have 'hung doors for years', well done. Not all of us can boast your skills. :)


really liked the video and the 'staff' tip really handy. A couple of things I do or would say is 1) when i hang a door i usually use normal screws not the provided ones until right at the end, that way if you have to take the door back off for readjustments /planing (am talking old buildings here) you don't wreck the soft final finish screws. 2) Whilst screws for the door stop could be considered superior to nails think of future workmen and the environment, its so much easier removing nailed on skirting /doorstops etc when doing renovation work and you can re use original materials. In more recent times the use of grip fill and screws means so much stuff will be wrecked with any future alterations, nailed on victorian skirting being the best example.


Dave you are the best chippy and a decent bloke as far as i can see. I've learned a lot of tips from you, best wishes.


one of the best videos on DIY i have seen, very helpful.


Ive been a chippy for 15 years and what you have said is exactly the way myself and everyone else i have worked with does it


I've hung thousands of doors also and found it best to install the hinges on the jamb first, then set the door in place and fit it, making sure the margins around the door are even. You never know . ... . the door may not be square or the jambs plumb or the head level. It is your last chance to check. After you have had to buy a door or two to replace the ones that didn't fit right and you couldn't fix, you will take that little bit of extra time. I do use a story pole ( Staff ) yeah, .


I have watched this channel for quite a few tasks. I am a fairly experienced diyer but have found these videos give good clear tips. Cheers Dave


Dave's videos are always good, he's clearly got the look & manner of a good tradesman. I've viewed loads of Youtube videos on this subject & this one has got to be one of the best.
Lets have more Dave, Tommy, you know it makes sense mate.


Nice...  I've only seen people use either just a chisel for the mortise,    or use a jig with their router...  I love your method...  just get the router close enough, then chisel off the remnants...


We apprentices were taught to first 'fit' the door within the lining allowing 2mm gap all round .(not 4/6mm?) Depth of hinges (in both directions) established with 'marking gauges' to ensure correct depth from both face of door and edge of door (which dictates gap at hinge side) Door then carefully 'hung' within lining. Next fit mortice latch together with receiver and close door. If all ok THEN fit stops to face of closed door keeping stops say 1mm off face of door to allow for paint .


All the little things that make a difference. Really liked the guide stick for marking hinge location on door frame, including the gap on the top of the door. Also liked pre-drilling the door frame hinge holes. Thanx for Sharing.


Thank you so much very well explained. It's great to see someone spend there time to teach, & help other, & take time out to pass on these tips thank you.


Make yourself a marking gauge . Easy to put the long cut of the hinge . If you haven't got a router  Just put a series of cuts with  wide chisel and gently pare it out from the outside edge  you have scribed with the gauge .


thank you for your show very clear and easy understand


Thanks Dave, I always had problems with the door jam hinge set; simple things like the 'Stick' make all the difference. I will remember and use the next time I hang a door


may be first time in front of camera but class is permanent. made it look easy! well done.


another great video, you wont know how many times ive got tips from you, thankfully my bungalow is all finished now, thanks again


Great video. Told me all the stuff I needed to know and was really helpful. Especially liked the staff for positioning the hinges and leaving a small gap at the top. Worked perfectly.
Hung our new kitchen door really easily and I'll follow these instructions again as I replace all the other doors in our house.
My additional tip: check which end is the top before you start measuring and cutting hinge rebates. I managed to hang my door upside down. Ooops :)


Its always best to try the door into the opening and trim it to suit the never square frame then hang it .
