The TRUTH About Organic Food & Is It Worth It? | Dr. Mindy Pelz

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Hi Mindy, I used to work on a truly organic farm in California. They used no pesticides/sprays of any kind. I learned that certified "organic" produce, as approved by the government, uses "organic pesticides". I don't know what's in them but I'm sure it's a chemical rabbit hole and I also assume that "organic chemicals" are only marginally better because...well....$. Maybe you could research it further for a future video?


25 years ago I was skeptical of organic... Once my guinea pigs had a taste of organic greens they never touched non-organic again. That sold me.
Only the "clever" brains of mankind will let us eat what the industry sells us as food. Thank you Dr. Mindy :)


Please know that organic produce CAN still be sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. They just have to be one of the "approved" ones. I encourage everyone to go look at the list and see if those sprays have ingredients that concern you. Your best option is to start raising your own produce as much as you can. That way you have full control.


I've been at least 80/20 with produce since the mid-1990's. I'm so glad that Dr. Mindy agrees with the idea that organic is better. Many things that seemed extreme back in the day are now known to be healthier. Like avoiding teflon and trans fats, keeping sugar to a minimum, and thinking about farm-worker exposure to chemicals. Hallelujah for the Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen put out by the Environmental Working Group!


I'm both. Every year I check the dirty dozen and clean lists so that I know which ones to buy organic. Melons because of the thick shell, I always buy 'regular'. Berries (straw, blue, rasp etc), I always buy organic and then the rest of the lists, I pretty much follow. Celery, I always buy organic. Growing up, I loved celery with cheese whiz or peanut butter but couldn't eat it plain because of how 'bitter' it tasted. I didn't taste the 'bitter' when I ate something else with it. But, a few years ago, following the 'lists', I purchased my first 'organic' celery. It was sweet, not bitter, at all. Never looked back. Sweet potatoes are the only potatoes I eat and I only buy organic, as well. Unfortunately, I can't afford to eat ONLY organic so I pick and choose and depending on how often I eat a particular fruit / veggie.


I have heard that organic labeling may not be true "organic"? Has anyone heard of that?
However, I can tell - by tasting - how good an organic carrot tastes as opposed to non -organic. I can almost taste the pesticides in it! My daughter tastes the difference in blueberries. I do buy organic, grass fed, and pasture raised as much as possible, but it's expensive! Yet, what I think is wonderful is that with so much fasting I do, I skip so many meals, and it probably evens out! If I do a 48 hr fast, prior to that omad, or 2mad, then the day after omad or 2mad again, that's 8 to 10 meals skipped! And repeat! Love it! 😃


As someone who's gut microbiome has been destroyed to the point that I am getting a microbiome infusion, and have suffered greatly in the mean time, I try to buy organic. As someone who is extremely poor, intermittent fasting helps cut down on grocery cost - LOL!

I used to have an organic farm and sold to health food stores and restaurants. When covid hit (Maine) we lost everything. We now live in Anaconda, MT - right by a de-funded Super Fund site, and are warned not to plant edibles in the arsenic soil! It is so hard that the 'situation' in 2020 drove us to this. I have been so sick since moving here, and dodging cancerous tumors in my sigmoid colon and lungs - but I'm confident that the microbiome infusion will be a solution to a healthy new start.

I love your work! Thank you! What an inspiration you are!


Unfortunately I can not afford organic produce and I refuse to add stress to my body worrying about it.
Some things we just can't do anything about.
The only way around it I can see is avoiding the biggies. And washing everything!
Appreciate the education Mindy to make informed choices for ourselves .
Its scary out there. 😕


Hi Mindy! My family and I have been organic for 20 years now, since my kids were born. The taste and quality is incomparable. I also do local farms/markets, neighbors and our own family garden. Thank you so much for all your knowledge on health. ❤


Food is our source for building cells ... for self care I eat organic, clean fruits&veggies if only available, 100% grass fed and finished beef, organic chicken, and extremely limit dairy and sugar. Restaurants around are conventional... so not much eating out which saves money for organic foods. Thank you for videos that provide educated data to make healthy choices! 🙌🏽


We do both, just depends on what it is. Grass Fed and Finished beef, organic chicken. Fruits and veggies I follow the clean 15 and dirty dozen is def organic. I buy my eggs local.


Overall, message to everybody commenting here, thank you so much for your insight. There is so much to be learned from each of you and your experiences with organic foods, I'm so thankful to have so many people replying to Mindy's videos so we can all learn from each other.


Yes! I am organic, and I do try to be wise with it. as you said, I do not buy organic avocados and other things that have thick protective skins on them


For the last 20 years it's organic. I live in Europe and with food cost are rising massively, I tecognized that price for organic food hasn't changed nearly as much as conventional. Conventional needs often more energy and the price for pestizides, fertilizers and transport have gone up big time. Luckily we have a big garden, I make a lot of the stuff you can buy myself and I include more carbs in my diet to be able to eat organic and don't have to switch to conventinal foods. Unfortunately Glyphosate is still alloud here, even more since Bayer bought it. Bayer is a German Company (that's where I am from) and therefore they won't get rid of that stuff. Money is more important than people it seems....


I eat mostly organic except for outings where I am not the one choosing the restaurant. I was raised on wild game (we are Indigenous, my Mother hunted) and we grew everything, we were too poor to buy! ❤


In the summer I eat more organic because I have a garden, so I know exactly what is going on my plants -nothing but love and sunshine! I do buy organic when I can though. I think the clean 15 and dirty dozen is a good place to start.


There is also the importance of your purchasing power influencing industries. Consumer rejection of factory/industrial farming products is key to change.


Great new video!! I use to buy organic but can’t afford it and buy generic until the financial situation changes, but after this video I rather spend the money on organic than later on my health. Thank you Dr. Mindy!


Camp Organic! I had a microbiome tests done 10 years ago. It showed I had absolutely no bacteria of certain species. My Dr told me that was directly a consequence of Glyphosate in my food (non organic). So from that day on we have been organic at home. 👍🏻


It depends! I like the 80-20. That’s about what I do. My gut journey has been intense, but with Dr. Mindy’s advice, I’m making great progress. Organic frozen fruits & veg. But lettuces and misc fresh produce.. is often not organic. If it’s goes bad almost instantly, even when I buy from Whole Foods and several other places… it’s a no for me. “Eating the rainbow 🌈 “. is most important overall. Cabbage is luckily an exception. It stays fresh Much longer than most things and we eat a lot of it-so organic. 🥑 and 🍉 go on a case by case basis based on what the store has to offer and how “good (bright, and sturdy looking)” it seems. Grass fed/organic beef, always. Same with chicken. Always organic/air chilled/humane certified. Eggs too. Those are incredibly important bc the cheap livestock industry is horrible! Only raw dairy milk from a farm when possible.. mostly org. plant milks and creams. Cheeses are medium-good quality. Meat is never an exception. We always get the good stuff because The bad stuff is so severely bad. Also organic fermented foods, and GF Org. Pasta. We also grow our own squashes, tomatoes, and some lettuces; In little pots outside. Priming the ground organically for a beautiful garden next year!
