Learn to ride a skateboard at 40, 50, or even 60 years old. My advice for the absolute beginner.

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Learn to ride a skateboard at 40, 50, or even 60 years old. My advice for the absolute beginner. A subscriber a asked me to do a video like this taking it from the very first step. Thanks for Watching
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Skating is helping me curb my drinking. I think I can actually quit this time. Anyone out there, pray for me please...
Edit: I'm so happy to know that I'm in your thoughts and prayers. Taking time out of your lives to send me hope means a lot to me, thank you brothers...


me watching this as a 24-year-old complete beginner thinking I was late to the party like 👁️👄👁️


I’m 39 learning to skate with my son thanks for the support


61 and started skateboarding 6 months ago for the first time. Started working on my bowl riding found your videos helpful thanks


I'm 42, 200 lbs, below knee amputee. Used to skate a lot, I lost my leg as a teenager so I learned to skate as an amputee. I used to be an ok skater like 18 years ago. Just started again with my six year old son. This video was great. Thank you sooo much. I'm just carving and tic-toc-ing and having fun.


I haven't been on a board in about 30 years, but I decided that I'm sick of waiting to do the things I love. I'm still in decent shape for a 50 year old and I don't want to die with regrets over not living while I can. My son is 13 and it'll be a great thing to do with him as he learns. I appreciate the scripture reference at the end, too!


The “Risky Business” way of determining goofy vs regular is genius.


I'm a 35 year old woman learning to skateboard and this was the best instructional video for beginners I have watched. Now I just have to learn to look cool around all those teen guys...


About to turn 41 in less than a month, I skated very little when I was probably around 10, and seeing this video definitely gives me the motivation to really give it a go this time. I'm not looking to do tricks or anything, I just want to enjoy the world around me as I cruise on. Just ordered my first board, and can't wait to bust my ass but feel accomplished. Thanks, man!


I was just past being a poser in the 90's. Nothing crazy but I could ride a park. Coming back at 44 finding fundamentals like this I never focused on as a rubberband kid, gives me hope I'll be more confident when I practice. Thank you for easing my mind that old guys like myself will be supportive of my effort to return.


Im 42...making a comeback. Landed a nollie late flip today in dc.


37 and just bought myself a new board. Not skated for 20+ years. Thanks for the inspiration bro!


Skateboarding is a great way to burn calories. I started when I was 8, I stopped when I got ill at 28, recovered, then skated consistently until I was 46. Stopped for a year and missed it too much so started again. I am now 52 and I'll quit when I can't physically do it anymore. Advice to older dudes starting out. Definitely wear pads! Your body will thank you. Remember you're not 80 lbs anymore. Baby steps, don't be a hero, those days are past. And if you try to skate vert you won't be running out of anything like you can on a mini ramp. I can't stress the pads issue enough. Don't just wear them, actually practice bailing on purpose regularly. This sounds stupid, but it helps build your confidence. Finally welcome to the brotherhood! skating is the most frustrating and rewarding pastime you'll ever experience.


I landed my first kickflip at 28 years old. It was AMAZING!!


Very inspiring and very solid advice. I'm a 74 getting my first board. I have a lot of experience with balance sports so I'm entering with lots of confidence. Still very active with snow sports and off road motorcycling. Can not wait!


Crazy to realize how hard skateboarding truly is... I give everyone over 30 much respect for taking it on for their 1st time!


Never rode a skateboard...48yrs old....bought a skateboard, wanna learn to ride....watching you so I can learn how..


Great vid man! 56 and fighting Renal Cell Cancer and haven't Skated or Surfed in 30 years. Coupled different Cruising boards are ordered and on the way! Your messaging is very inspiring, especially your messages formulated from your beliefs man. God Bless and I will be getting out of the proverbial sick bed and back out skating on God's Green Earth when they arrive. Keep it up Brother.


All your tips are right on. I picked up a board at age 41. Some people think I’m crazy because I keep falling off but it’s such a fun sport. You don’t need to ride too fast and fancy. I challenged myself to learn little backside kickturns on a mellow ramp and it’s going great. Flat ground is your friend when you’re learning. Tic tac all day long.


i'm a nearly 59yr old, live in the uk, been skating since my fortys, and still shredding.So glad theres other older skaters, thought i was the only one, as i get mocked a bit, probably more common in the states though, never skated a bowl but built my own 4ft half pipe in my back yard, nice vid dude
