Black Culture Keeps Blacks Down, This is Why | Thomas Sowell

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Black Culture Keeps Blacks Down From Progressing, This is Why
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As a White kid in a mostly Black school, I can tell you that IF some of the black kids were excelling, they were chastised as "what, are you trying to be white!" Never understood that..


Gangsta rap is not just music. It sends the message to the kids - easy money, careless life, no values, pure nihilism.


That story about the black kid who wanted to be a pilot strikes home. I'm also a black man who wanted to be a pilot just like the Tuskegee Airmen, so I worked my ass off in high school and was accepted to the Air Force Academy. But when the time came to choose our jobs, my eyes weren't good enough to be a pilot. For the next 7 years I did some really difficult jobs in some very unpleasant places, like North Dakota and Afghanistan, but recently the medical standards changed so I re-applied for pilot training and I'm finally going this year. I had a lot of help from friends, leaders, and mentors along the way that made all the difference. Some were white, some were black, and some were neither. Race never mattered. My own determination and willingness to accept help from anywhere is what mattered.


I get called Uncle Tom by my family just because I moved out the hood, changed my mindset and actually help raise my children as a family unit. 💪🏿


The only reason why black people would be mad at this guy is because he's trying to make the black community take accountability, instead of always blaming whitey


I got straight A's in high school and was really good in physics. I used to tutor physics in the after-school math lab. The black kids would make jokes and call me a nerd. They accused me of wanting to be white. They said I was acting white because I enjoyed learning about math and science. I never understood that.


This is a conversation most black people are not ready to have. They always think you’re attacking them. Tried having it.


“Equip yourself with skills that people are willing to pay for…” Simply Brilliant!


“You equip yourself with skills that people are willing to pay for.” Wonderfully said.


Facts. I am Afro-Latino. All my black American family have strived for black excellence. We are business owners, doctors, lawyers, scholars, professors, and artists. None of that would be possible if we had the hood mindset and culture. Heck, everyone in the hood wants out, but anything good is considered "selling out." It's a hell of a contradiction


If any black folks dont think our degrading culture is not a destruction to us, is part of the problem...


The biggest issue in "black culture" is the absence of a family structure.


I’m black. From the hood. 43 yrs old. I’ve never subscribed to feeling like anyone was stopping me from doing anything. Work smart, work hard, stay around good people. I feel like being around negativity is detrimental to any man. Peace and ❤ to all


As a black woman, mother, and wife, I wholeheartedly agree with everything he says. It's a crucial conversation that every black family needs to engage in.


I've been saying this for decades about Black Culture, which I actually call 'SELF-ENSLAVEMENT CULTURE, ' watching how things in the Black community and the community as a whole has regressed into ignorance. Having been a youth counselor and an educator for almost 30 years I've watched the deterioration of the Black Community as it glorifies all of the 'unrighteous things' over the RIGHTEOUS THINGS, bringing to light how the music, behavior, ideals and mindsets of a people are the Harbinger of the Death of the Black Community. And, every day it gets worse as more and more ignorance is pressed and allowed to Run Amok to the detriment of so many...

... It's time for those of Us that are tired of this to take a stand against ALL of the IGNORANCE and bring about a True CHANGE and set out to make things better for the whole of society and the world...

... I Salute You, Mr. Sowell for being a Courageous Voice among the silent and doing Your part to bring the TRUTH to light.


The message is plain and simple. At 13:20, Thomas' solution to anyone (No matter if you're black or white) who wants to make something of themself; equip yourself with the skills that people are willing to pay for.


Let me say this. As a black man from the Deep South with several degrees from elite institutions, including the Ivy League and HBCUs, it is absolutely criminal that I never encountered Dr. Sowell's research until long after I finished my university training. The fact that I had to discover the most published black man in history on YouTube and not in a university classroom where I paid thousands TO BE EDUCATED is flat out criminal, maddening, and pathetic. Had I encountered Dr. Sowell's thinking much earlier in life, I would have reached some of my professional destinations much earlier. Dr. Sowell represents what I have now discovered as a very rich brand of black conservativism that has literally been hidden from most black communities. You could build an entire K-12 curriculum designed around Dr. Sowell's mindset. Many blacks will privately agree with Dr. Sowell and many of us now know we've been lied to. Our elders cast their buckets with the wrong people and they sent generations of black people wasting their lives meandering down the wrong road. Ugh.


Thomas Sowell is an American national treasure.


Why have I never heard of Thomas Sowell until now?! He's been writing books for decades. He's a wealth of wisdom.


If Society would accept being ''Smart'' as a goal again instead of denigrating it, We would all be moving forward.
