Thomas Sowell | Why He's The Only Black Person So Many Listen To!

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"Thomas Sowell is someone known to talk about, rather than with, African Americans." -  Michael Ondaatje

Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man, an excellent economist, a writer and author, an orator, he was a marine, he has contributed to social commentary and research... I can't cover all that he has done... he's currently in his 90s and still getting it in, but most important to his fans... he's a black conservative... please stop telling me about him. I know who he is.

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Sowell tells white conservatives what they want to hear.


Just once I'd like to meet a black conservative who isn't an apologist for anti-black racism. Why is that always their go-to topic?


"Whenever the government provides opportunities in privileges for white people and rich people they call it “subsidized” when they do it for poor and Negro people they call it “welfare.” The fact that is that everybody in this country lives on welfare. Suburbia was built with federally subsidized credit. And highways that take our white brothers out to the suburbs were built with federally subsidized money to the tune of 90 percent. Everybody is on welfare in this country. The problem is that we all to often have socialism for the rich and rugged free enterprise capitalism for the poor. That’s the problem."
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


"I killed someone"
Thomas sowell: "people have been killing people all over the world."


Analysis like this is sorely needed. Sowell talks about black people in a way that many at least marginally white supremacist right-wing people want to hear.


What is scary is to watch young blacks with shocked looks on their faces thinking the Thomas Sowell just enlightened them for the first time. I thought to myself we are doomed if young people are getting their history from people like Candace Owens on PragerU and Thomas Sowell who's been around for a very long time and should know better. Not to mention the massive amount of right wing Utube channels and other sources.


There's also a major difference between being complicit in slavery and perpetuating slavery. A lot of right-wingers like to bring up the fact that Africans sold other Africans, but neglect to mention that these Africans were not the driving force of slavery.


Sowell knows what he’s doing just as Justice Thomas does. If ever they forget they can just look at who signs their checks.


Great work. Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams have long troubled me with their racism-justifying apologetics.


A big reason sub-Saharan Africans were preferred as labor in the Carribean was Malaria. Many had natural immunity gained in equatorial environs. Native American and European workers, especially before the discovery and production of quinine, would succumb to this disease at a rate of 88%. The areas preferred for sugarcane production were always mosquito infested. The natives hadn't yet developed this type of immunity and had learned to avoid swamps and marshes.


What's really astonishing is how his lessons are only used when convenient to a right-wing agenda.


I hear it all the time. Thomas Sowell is the go to … look the man is educated, The man is brilliant, the man has an excellent mind. But that man is not the end All be all say so of the black experience or black people … He constantly just confirms a lot of negative biases and narratives about the black community and black experience … people confirm Thomas Sowell as if he’s the only educated man in the world. Or even the most educated man in the world. There are many of educated individuals on the other side of the spectrum. White conservatives LOVE Thomas Sowell because he gives them the ability to say/feel “well see a lot of the black stereotypes are true because Sowell said so”


Its painful the amount of mental gymnastics people have to do in order to live with the cognitive dissonance that exists in their minds


Sowell drives me crazy! Even when he's factually correct he skews the narrative to accommodate his conservative ideology, that's exactly why conservatives love him. We need more Sowell debunked videos.


I really dislike when people bring this man up in a conversation/debate like it’s a trump card. I automatically disregard it cause it’s pointless. It’s just them trying to justify their racism by citing a black man saying it.


I do think it's funny how so many people who bring up Sowell in comment sections for some reason seem to think "clearly you've never read or listened to or even heard of Thomas Sowell before, otherwise you'd obviously think differently" as if he isn't someone so prominent that it's almost impossible to at least be aware of him if you discuss these issues with anything resembling knowledge.


I am black american and I did not know who he was until today because I learned from a whytperson that quoted him to show that The American Society of Magical Negroes was racist. Unfortunetly my journey to learn about AA history and philosophy is an unending journey cuz I grew up around nothing but wytppl and my black mother taught me nothing about black culture or people. I have to learn all thsi myself. And it sucks because I seem to keep running into black conservatives and their numbers seem to be growing its sad. My black mother is now a hardcore MAGA supporter and I do not talk to her anymore (not because she is a trump supporter but I stopped talking to her years before I found out because she was an extremely self hating black person and toxic). Im trying to learn more and im so thankfull there are such amazing black creators like this brother that can articulate and bring knowledge to those that lack the ability to think for themselves or that lack the knowledge themselves.


I am reading the comments and I am heartened that I am not alone. We are our brothers Keepers stay strong people


I am an African. I have never read any of Thomas Sowell's books but have watched several of his interviews. It is always very difficult to watch as I find him arrogant and some of his views actually nauseating.
I get this feeling that his trying to justify or minimise the evil of the trans Atlantic slavery gives him proximity to being white.
It is really concerning that young black people look to him for inspiration.
The psychological warfare of the right is relentless and quietly creeping into some black people's
We cannot earn respect from other races if we accept their views of us as lesser human beings.
Even here in Africa, our vast resources are being looted on a colossal scale by foreign powers, manufacturing wars around the areas where precious minerals are being mined. They remain invisible so to the eyes of the world the wars are considered ethnic conflicts . This further perpetuates the wrongly held beliefs that Africans cannot rule themselves.


Them: “500K white men died fighting in a war to end slavery…🥴”

Me: 500K white men also died fighting in a war to keep Black people enslaved. 😐
