Left Handed Interesting Facts and Famous Left Handed People Part 2

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Left Handed Interesting Facts and Famous Left Handed People Part 2

Here are some interesting facts and trivia about left handed people. Are left handed people more creative? Who are some famous left handed people? How many of the presidents were left handed? Who are some famous left handed people that play guitar? Are there a lot of left handed musicians and artists? Can left handed swing a golf club or baseball bat or a tennis racket better than right handed people?

This video was produced by Psychetruth

Music By Jimmy Gelhaar

© Copyright 2010 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved. #Psychetruth #WellnessPlus
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Interesting facts. Thanks for sharing the video.


It is partially true that we do zone out very often. Leonardo Da Vinci was also left handed and he thought in pictures, aswell. Left-Handed people are also known to remember more from their childhood and have a partially idedic memory. We are mostly excellent with grammar and spelling. we tend to switch conversations and get distracted easily. Left-handed people are also more effected by ADHD and ADD that right handed people.
Most teachers do not know how to teach left-handed people because we learn visually not verbally.


#8 is so true. i swear! i do it everytime.. i actually sit beside the window, , so im like sitting there thinking of other great stuff than listening and participating in class.


That mirror trick is pretty good. Great video on "lefties" and keep up that great work. Interestingly, both my kids are lefties and highly imaginative and creative.


your video is excellent, awesome, I kept without words for say, it's because I don't know what more to say


so true...i m left handed guitarist, singer,painter lyricist, graphics designer


Me too!! Being right-handed was never something I was psyched about :\


youre not alone. that kind of things had happened to me to! alfo im a lefty and i do all those stuff you do and i care.


I'm left handed and I can relate to some of that. I suck at school and I love music


Also, I think being left handed (or a creative daydreamer) makes you more equipped to deal with change. I started a new school when I moved country age 7. made I couple of friends, but I was happy playing in an imaginary world and making up my own games at play time, because it was a bit of a culture shock, going from a private international school to an average infant state school. I had a best friend that year, who I'm still friends with. We mainly played imaginary games which I invented.


Im proud to be one of the elites as a lefty, cuz it's a proven fact that we can adapt to our surroundings which mostly created for right handed people


Cool vid. I liked it being a lefty. A lot of the stuff you covered I read in the The Left-Handers Handbook which is kind of old and has more seventies and earlier references as far as famous leftys. I bought it last year from Amazon used and cheap written by James T. deKay if anyone is interested, it's got cool caricature drawings to substitute for the cute girl in this video.


2. One thing I'm extremely good at (besides fixing machines) is writing a good story. I've amazed my friends with my short stories. If the odds weren't so heavily stacked against an aspiring author in getting a publisher to accept your work, I'd probably do that for a living. As it is though, the best income I can earn per hour of work is my current career (as a diesel mechanic). Good thing I love that work too.


Im a lefty but play tennis with my right! Does the 'predicting were the ball is gonna land thing' apply to me?


I took a test once and it said I use more of the right ride of my brain, but yet I'm right handed. I'm also very artistic, musically inclined, andwrite very good. I can say sometimes the logic part does get in the way of my drawings. BTW, you are beautiful!


awesome video, proud to be left hand.


I write with my left hand but throw with my right, dial phone with my right, play guitar with my right, brush my teeth with right, my dominant typing hand is my right hand. So I basically do everything with my right hand except write


Teacher:why are you day dreaming!? Me:oh I'm a lefty *smiles


The comment about school is absolutly 100% true. I have a hard time understanding concepts when they are complicated and being verbally transmitted. I need to get a mental image of a complex concept, see where the thing you are studying fits in with other concepts.

Smart people in school are almost always rigid rational thinkers. No creativity is needed in school and sometimes even punished. Lectures are boring if you don't absorb the words, words to us are meaningless in learning.


i'm left handed but i can also use my right hand and people get surprised what they figure out i'm left handed. oh yea this video is AWESOME.
