12 Healthy & Minimalist Habits to Help You EXIT LAZINESS

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Have you ever felt unmotivated, not wanting to do anything, and just wanting to lie around all day? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Now it's time for us to change and truly achieve our goals. In this video, I will introduce you to 12 healthy and minimalist habits that help you become more energetic, focused, and productive in everything you do. From waking up early, planning your day, to taking care of your mental health, all of these will help you become the best version of yourself. Subscribe to my channel and let's dive into the video!

00:00 - Intro
00:41 - Start your fresh era
01:45 - Answer these questions and find motivation
02:32 - Habit stacking
03:59 - The three S rule
04:54 - Two liters
05:54 - Daily movement
06:58 - Time management - Pomodoro
07:42 - The Prize Rule
08:41 - Cleaning up anything
09:27 - Social Media Detox
10:31 - Solo dates
11:36 - Remember: relax, reset, recover

🎵 BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through Epidemic Sound & Artlist
🎥 FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks, Filmpac and Artgrid except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use.
► All materials in these videos are used for educational purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video and have a problem with the use of said material, please send me an email,

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#healthyhandminimalisthabits #exitlaziness #stoplazy #minimalism #productivity #beatlaziness #lazytoproductive#selfimprovement #motivation #lifestylechanges #getmotivated #exitlaziness #simpleliving #betterhabits #energizeyourlife #focusandachieve #healthylifestyle #dailyhabits #mindfulness #wellness #selfcare #goaldigger #habitbuilding #successmindset #personaldevelopment #staymotivated #healthyliving #stopbeinglazy #lazytoactive #overcominglaziness #minimalistvibes #minimalism #minimalist #simplify #declutter #simpleliving #happinessinsimplicity #lessismore #minimalistlifestyle #minimalisthome #mindfulness #simplejoys #livemorewithless #minimalistjourney #calmliving #tidylife #efficiency #simplehabits #minimalistinspiration #cleanliving #minimalistic
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I hope this was helpful. Comment below your top three habits to break out of your lazy phase. I read all the comments, and we can support each other. If you're a real one, follow me on Instagram. I love you guys so much and hope to catch you in my next video. Bye!
