How to do Biblical Exegesis in 5 Easy Steps!

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Exegesis versus literal interpretation? How do Catholics read the bible? Biblical Exegesis refers "to drawing out" from beneath the surface of the text the original meaning that the author intended. The Catholic, Episcopal, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches have been reading the bible this way for ages, as well as Judaism predating the time of Christ. Join me as we discuss the difference between literal and exegetical approaches to biblical hermeneutics, the obstacles to doing exegesis, as well as the tools found in the Historical Critical Method: textual analysis, source analysis, historical analysis, redaction analysis, and (literary) form analysis. We'll also discuss a brief history that includes Origen, St. Jerome, and Martin Luther.
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Tell me about your first Bible. Who gave it to you? What story or scene did you gravitate towards?


This is so useful for my module on The Gospels. Thank you.
My first Bible was bought by mum for my brother and myself. Every night she read a story from the Children's Bible - we still have it.


A day: …and there was evening and there was morning, the first day…

I love leaders that teach us hermeneutical and exegetical approaches to scriptures. It’s important, but on the issue of creation I’m puzzled why we do not understand what a day is.

From the description in Genesis to how we get Shabbos, the understanding is that a day is the marking of the “lunar” 24 hours.

It seems as though we are allowing the scientific arguments to influence and weigh in more heavily than the cues (content and context) of the text.
I wish we would expound more on issues like this especially when it comes to using the origin story.

Great break down!!
Thank you for this video.


My first Bible - I won a prize at school for coming first in something and I was given a
book voucher. The Good News Bible had just come out (shows my age) so I
bought it.


Mine was a birthday gift from my father Beato who gave it to me since I was born yet it was written in original Latin and slowly would read the stories from Genesis to my sister Eugene and I every bedtime since I was 3 and when joy was born her Godmother Ababao gifted her English children bible she would hand it over to Papa Beato to read so this time we loved the bible as my father would read to us graphically explaining with sound effects and all dramatically so we until Kenneth the 4th daughter arrived would excitedly look forward to bedtime stories


Amazing! Love your theological lessons, peace be with you


I had that same Children's Bible when I was a child.


Thank you, brother! I'm writing exegesis for my NT course this summer.


Thanks for the video. The Jerome biblical commentary you're referring to was not written by St. Jerome but is a biblical commentary edited by Raymond Edward Brown, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, and Roland E. Murphy. The book's title is a reference to Jerome, known for his translation of the Bible into Latin (the Vulgate), and his extensive Biblical commentaries.


Gideon New Testament - pocket edition present from Geandda


That was MY first “bible” too. My fav was the fiery furnace.


Thank you, Brother, I love you., in Jesus Name.Amen.


I got my first Bible, a King James version, in 1952 by reciting the Our Father, which I have never understood why we pray it. Jesus used it as an example when His disciples wanted to be like John the Baptist disciples, who had been taught how to pray, not necessarily a formulated prayer. That's what Jesus was doing, giving a method to pray, not a prayer. That's why you'll hear some people say that there is no Lord's prayer. The only prayer where we have Jesus words are in the garden when he prayed, "If it be possible, let this cup pass from me..." Oh, and in a parable about the Publican (the bad tax collector), who stood in the back of the synagogue and didn't lift his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast and said, "Oh God, be merciful to me." I have also seen, "Oh Lord..."


This is exactly what I was taught in my pre ordination training especially when we studied the Hebrew Bible. Mark's original ending ties in with his general theme of the messianic secret where the disciples are repeatedly told to tell no one of who Jesus was. There may be other reasons such as the position of women in the ancient world who were not seen as being a trustworthy witness. Bet fundamentalists dislike this video as it is a direct challenge to their thinking.


appreciate your videos and teaching, that theology teacher! just an fyi that most protestants i know, like myself, approach the bible exegetically. ;-)


6:30 you are right exegesis is not "" but your example of dual interpretations of Jesus healing a blind man is not exegetical, and sounds more like a "" way of examining scripture.


I need to exegete a specific verse for school. What are the 5 steps to do that?


Christians believe in the divine inspiration and not the divine dictation of Scriptures.


"Biblical criticism 101" in 17 minutes.


Correction, the Greek word for "Bible" is βιβλιος, which means "book" (singular). The Greek word for "books" is βιβλιοι (biblioi).
