How to Study the Bible: Basics of Exegesis

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Exegesis is ancient, we can see it all throughout scripture, even the Apostles and Jesus Christ used exegesis.
So how do we define it? How do we know whether we are exegeting the text in the same way as the the Prophets have done in the past...

Resources I recommend in the video

Virkler - Hermeneutics, 2nd Edition - 229 pages plus appendices

Chou - Heremeneutics of the biblical writers

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Most needed to all growing believers to know exegesis in interpreting the Scriptures.


Keep up the good work. Hermeneutics is very needed everywhere. When I was a young Christian I had so many questions from reading the Bible. The more I read, the more questions I had. Eventually after asking pastors and church leaders for help, I realized that not one I asked could help me. So I quit reading the Bible because of so many unanswered questions and and an increasing frustration. After going to seminary I was determined that every person I met with and every church I pastored would study hermeneutics. I am retired now, but I still teach hermeneutics in the church and with each man I meet with. It is amazing what happens to the people when they realize there are answers and they have tools to help them. Evangelism increases and the teaching becomes better. The people expect more of themselves and study more.


Excellent explanation of how to study scripture. I use exegesis to isogesis scripture or passages of scripture. Thank you.


That s the best video i found on thins topic. Please make more videous like this!!🙏🏽😊


Love this! Some very important points. Thanks Darryl.


Great stuff. I also love the Virkler book. It's easy to read, has really good exercises, and there are great helps available from the publisher. Keep up the great work.


Forever learning and never coming to understanding.


8:45 is the key issue. The only legitimate meaning is what the speaker or author intended. It isn't so easy. Real listening and speaking is hard work. “ I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant” ― Alan Greenspan


Didn’t know the explanation in psalms were added notes


When I learned to take a text in context with a cotext ask why the text was written and to whom the bible really opened up to me chapter and verse separation were added in the 12and 15 hundreds context is king


Please do a video breaking down Leighton Flowers Exegesis of Romans 9.... also great channel thank you.


Traditional Jewish interpretation principles include:
P'Shat (i.e. the plain, exegesis derived, meaning of the text)
Remez (a hint from the text, not directly conveyed by the P'Shat)
Drash (a type of eisegesis, an allegorical or homiletical approach)
Sod ("secrets")
Obviously, the methods apart form P'Shat (plain exegesis) can be problematic and/or abused due to their subjectivity.

Interestingly enough, many of the Tanakh (OT) quotations in the New Testament are not P'Shat, but rather applications of the other techniques. For example, Matthew's application of Hosea 11.1 in Matthew 2:15 is clearly "Remez, " because obviously Hosea wasn't originally referring directly to Yeshua (Jesus), but it does hint at the deeper truth that in some sense Yeshua is identified as Israel.


Been reading in the Book Of Philippians today. In the first chapter Paul prays that the Macedonians will have the knowledge and discernment of
“superior things.”

In trying to determine the content or meaning of these “superior things”, this video reminded me of the dangers of isogesis.

Thanks Darryl.


Pay attention to grammar. 1 timothy 1.15 "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." Paul did not say I WAS but I AM (Present tense.) There is a big difference. Most commentators "interpret" Paul as speaking of his pre-Christian life. (Past tense.)


I'm in a school for supernatural ministry. But I still don't know how to do exegesis, hermenuetics. I'm looking for someone to take me through an easy way to explain. Step by step.


Why the music? I was glad it stopped again 😅


In order to obtain a copyright from a derivative work it must change about 10%. This means about 78, 000 word changes from the KJV which does not have a copyright. Is it any wonder we have so much confusion and division ? Was this by design knowing the entire meaning of a sentence can be changed sometimes by a single letter.


there is isogesis by the prophets and new testament as well if I understand it correctly


At 3:23, you refer to doing exegesis on what “Jesus wrote, ” but apparently you meant to say “Jesus said, ” because the New Testament doesn’t mention Jesus personally writing anything except on the ground in John 8:6. (And some liberal critics claim that He didn’t even write that, given that they question the authenticity of that Bible passage — a passage that I believe is both authentic and inspired). In any event, Jesus SAID many teachings that His apostles WROTE afterward. (Actually, I just noticed that this is my second time posting this observation in the past year. I still stand by my prior observation that Jesus is the co-author of the book of Revelation, according to its opening verses, but Jesus let the apostle John do the actual writing as Jesus dictated some passages and created visionary images.)


Gonna just come out and say it. Why do you always recommend Masters Seminary books over other works? I'd have posited a much better foundation is laid by Grant Osbourne's The Hermeneutical Spiral than anything compiled by Abner Chou.
