Does the Bible Say the Earth is 6000 Years Old?

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What does the Bible actually say about the age of the Earth? If Genesis 1 says God created the earth in 6 days, who are we to say he didn't?

But what if that is the wrong question to ask? What if the creation story in Genesis is telling us a different story? A story not about "What?" and "How?" but "Who?" and "Why?"

Phil Vischer takes us through the history of the Creationism debate and helps us understand how the Ancient Israelites would have thought about creation and why order and function matter more in Genesis 1 than material and matter.

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This is probably the best explanation of this theological position I've ever heard. It's nice to grow up and find that, even though my perspectives have changed a lot since childhood, some Christian figures I grew up with (Phil Vischer) are still doing good work and being a good influence to fellow Christians.


Does a dinosaur fossil containing soft tissues like blood vessels, blood cells, collagen and sometime partial DNA say 65+ million years old?


EXCELLENT!! "down to earth" presentation for popular consumption. Unfortunately, the dear Christian brothers and sisters around me are so hung up on an extreme "literal" understanding of the Bible that our conversations cannot get past that. And unfortunately, any attempt to compare the Bible with other ancient literature is seen as a claim that the Bible simply copied from other nations and, therefore, is not from God. It is very difficult to bring people to a different understanding. But that being said, thanks for this presentation because it has given me some ideas for new approaches to this issue.


I'm sorry but this 12 minute video is heresy.


The older I get the more comfortable I am with "not knowing". I have my leanings but I don't understand the in-fighting over this stuff. Either God did it, or God didn't. If I agree that God started it and so does someone else that's the basis.
I definitely lean toward the points in this video while also holding room in my brain that if God wanted to create all this in 6 days He could.
I'm secure in God's way even if I don't know what it was ❤


The first and last words of Genesis, "IN" and "DAY, " occur in Genesis 1 of The King James Bible, exactly 24 times (24 hrs in a day)!
The last Word of Genesis 1 is "DAY." The words "IN" and "DAY" occur exactly 14, 406 times in the entire KJB. There are 144 hrs in 06 days, and God created the earth in 6 days.


Great video, before I gave it a like though I had to look over my shoulder to make sure Ken Ham wasn’t there 🤣


I dont think that God "brought order out of chaos." I would argue it's more the other way around. God created order, but sin introduced chaos.


"The Bible is written for us, not to us." Excellent. We'd solve so many interpretational problems if we kept this in mind.


"With the Lord, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day." GOD does not reckon time the way that we do. The six days of creation are not literal twenty-four-hour periods as we count time. They are periods of ordering the universe. They could easily be billions of years as we count time.


What I like about Gen. 1 is it starts in the garden…. Then, we go to Rev. 22 and the garden is revealed again. God is good… all the time.
Thank you.


Walton's analogy of building a "home" (immaterial) vs. building a "house" (material) is helpful here.


I've always thought that since God made animals, plants, and people fully grown, or at least that's what it seems like based on Genesis 1, then God would've made the earth already fully grown, seemingly an "adult" version of the earth like the adult people and animals. So, it makes sense to me that the earth would seem to be older than 6000 years even if it was created then. Just one perspective though.


Yes! The Bible that we know and love is not a 20th-21st century history and science text book. Insisting that it be does great injustice to God's word and to His creation, including ourselves.


Great video, thanks! I’m unsure if you answered the question of the age of the Earth. In my experience a YEC would look at what you said and reply “Yes, God did all that in 6 24hr days (‘cause that is what the Bible literally says!) and than those literal genealogies we have in 5-11 tell us 6000 years or so for the age of the Earth. You didn’t address the Yoms of creation or the nature of those genealogies, which I think is the foundation for the young earth position, not a material v. Functional creation. I hope that makes sense lol. Thanks!


It seems to me that you actually are compromising the authority of scripture. Here you are limiting God to the understanding of men. Not just any men either, but men who believed in false gods. What about all the prophecies that have since been fulfilled, or the ones yet to be fulfilled that we don't completelyunderstand? Should we reject Jesus because the ancient Israelites didn't understand the prophecies and rejected him? Did Jesus go off the understanding of the pharisees, or did he correct their understanding? I don't think it's just a coincidence that over the last 100+ years since christians started to reject a straightforward understanding of the bible that christianity has significantly declined.


Great example of a video saying Genesis is allegorical rather than factual without using those words.


The Chaos had transpired because of Satan's fall.


I'm glad you chose a non-controversial topic this time.


what a joke, just another rationalization about creationism. Bottom line, this is just another scholars opinion, just like the nonsense of the gap theory, the day age theory, progressive creationism etc.

anything to get along with the lies of science and the long ages they propose. Its just an opinion, that you are presenting as a fact, if you were honest you would mention that it is just that.
