Characteristics of a Sociopath

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Darren Magee outlines the characteristics and traits of a sociopath. One of the anti-social personality disorders, and part of the Cluster B group of personalities. Common traits include, narcissism, superficial charm, manipulation, impulsive behaviour and being irresponsible. Also looking at the sociopathic stare, sometimes referred to as the psychopathic stare, an intense and fixated look which often appears just prior to an act of domination, sensation seeking or ego gratification.

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The sociopathic stare, sometimes also known as "shark eyes" or "dead eyes". It's a soulless, cold glare or blank look totally at odds with whatever emotion they're currently feigning or the situation at hand. It's as if their face is a mask and the eyes just painted-on.


I am currently divorcing a Narcissist/Sociopath, an experience I would not wish on anyone.
I have watched almost everyone on this subject, and by and large this channel has been one of the most helpful.


What I like about your channel is you explain there are other things going on, narcissism is only part of the picture.


Absolutely excellent, concise explanation - especially the very important distinction that not all narcissists are sociopaths, but all sociopaths are narcissists. Learned that one the hard way myself. Thank you for your videos. They bring a little light into a very shadowed part of human interaction.


I think it's fair to say that the victim can sometimes have a similar look, but's more about being blindsided


They are like a bunny in the headlights. That creepy stare as if they just disengage for a few moments. Sometimes, it looks very fixated, when they are looking at a person or a thing. Great insight Darren. Thank you.


Another great explanation thank you. And damn, that stare, I've seen it so many times and never saw the connection


The best part of this video is how it is delivered in tone like your Nan reading a bedtime story.


Thank you for a very accurate description of sociopathic behaviour. It rings a bell!


Now I understand better. Thank you. I am currently in burn-out, trying to recover after working full time for a sociopath for over 10 years. I knew she was a narcissist, that was obvious but now I agree with my therapist who said her behavior is that of a sociopath. I made excuses for her anti social behavior to our customars and collegues and myself for years. "she is under a lot of stress" "she doesn t realise how she comes across" "she had a hard childhood" and when I finally couldn t take the financial, emotional abuse anymore she immediatly turned around and attacked me, bullied me, intimidated me. Only then I saw It she really had zero respect for me. Eventhough I gave my all for her business for many years and tried my all to have healthy communication. (Wich never worked as she leaves no room for other parties to speak) It was truely horrible. She drives on conflict and adrenaline so I had no choice but to completely block her. I still pity her, she has no real relations. Must be so lonely.


Thank you so much for this. The last sociopath I was around had everyone fooled thinking she was an angel and she was so evil. She knew what she was doing most of the time.


Another good explanation of something that can be difficult to explain


This was very well delivered and explained, thank you. I believe I was tormented as a child repeatedly by my sociopathic uncle's stare, he would use it to corner and intimidate me, when I least expected it. I was always on high alert, and I hated with all of my heart how he would so casually turn on that flip switch...he always favored me, he was incredibly obsessive and parasitic in his behavior towards me, acted like I was his one and only resource of love on earth. He treated me nicer than anyone, when he had an intense history of violence and emotional abuse. It was always treated like this thing that was okay, but it wasn't, I suffered inside, in silence, for many years...He really messed up my ability to attach to people, to myself, even...and made it easier for me to attach to people who aren't safe, without recognizing red flags and creating distance. I'd attach to them, instead, like I learned to attach to my uncle....I resent those memories, on some days, and how they disrupt my nervous system, still, and make me feel unsafe inside my own body, but, I'm glad there are qualified and educated people out there who can touch on the subject honestly, and give it a name, so I can work through those emotions with professional help, and heal. Thank you. ❤


Another fantastic video. A lot of familiar points to what I’ve seen. Can this ‘stare’ be when they’re putting a point across to you. Kind of like talking at you, rather than to you?


A very balanced and educational piece of work, thank you and keep up the good work


Yes! I got involved with someone who sounds like this. I don't think she's aware of the consequences but she knows what she wants. I was vulnerable to her because I was more reliant on external validation at the time and let me tell you, that stare when you believe there's a genuine attraction.... but ye, she knows there's something not right with her, but hasn't got a clue what because she's focused on devaluing others. I kind of feel for her and have to maintain contact at work but I'm learning to be much more boundaried and not rely on her as a reliable mirror!


Excellent video. OMG ! I had commented on another of your videos the other day regarding Narcissist and I had mentioned an 'odd' behavior I had witnessed in the narcissist that I had the unfortunate luck of being sucked into a relationship with (long past) the end of this video you mention a 'vacant stare' trait. had witnessed what I referred to as a 'light switch' behavior - as though a light switch had been flipped and he would be oblivious to any and all around him.


Please increase the volume, Thank you! 🎀


This knowledge was one the healing balms for me during my time of therapy. My therapist explained my then romantic interest's behavior, I did further research as well, and the light came on 😉

You may laugh, but I allowed on print out on the disorder, read the characteristics to someone who knew that person, that someone said that what I read sounded like the former romantic interest, I showed them the print out (Sociopath at the top of it), and they said, Damnnnn!

No kidding.
