All Spider-Man Web-Shooters, Explained in 8 Minutes!

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From MCU's Spider-Man No Way Home all the way back to the 1970s TV shows, here are the live-action web-shooters used by Peter Parker played by Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Nicholas Hammond, & Shinji Todo. FAIR USE.

1. This video was made prior to the release of No Way Home, so the information here about the web-shooters from that film are OUTDATED.

2. We didn't include Zombie Hunter Spider-Man who had silver colored web-shooters, since he's animated, while this video focuses on live-action versions.
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1. This video was made prior to the release of No Way Home, so the information here about the webshooters from that film could be WRONG.
For example, early images of the Integrated Suit featured Iron Spider's golden bracelets, but later, those have been removed. Same goes for that Dr Strange-like thingy on the Black & Gold suit, we made this video without knowing what it is exactly.

2. We didn't include Zombie Hunter Spider-Man who had silver colored web-shooters, since he's animated, while this video focuses on live-action versions.


I’m not going to lie, I always thought organic web shooters was the norm since it made the most sense to me as a little kid. He could crawl like a spider, see like a spider with 2 eyes, have spider senses and what is a spider without its web? That’s why I was confused when other spider men were using mechanical web shooters


The fact that teen can develop webshooters stronger than steel while no scientists did is also pretty outlandish so tobey maguire gets a pass on my books


I think that the best variation of his web-shooter would be this:

Peter would have an organic web-shooter, however he realizes that it's not versatile enough, so he engineers a special web-adapter which would allow him to show the audience that he's a genius AND expand the ways he can use his webs.

I honestly think that this would be the best way to handle his web-shooter situation!


The organic webbing is a fresh take that doesnt seem too bizzare, considering that he got spider powers from a spider. I was quite surprised that spiderman didnt have organic webs at first. Even though it was to show that Peter is a genius, the movie didnt seem to lack in that aspect.


"Oh no, we are out of the web!"
Tobey: **wheezes**


I like the idea of the webs coming from inside of Peter because it makes getting bit by the spider more significant since he gets more spider-y powers but at the same time it’s disgusting and I hate it


Idk about you guys but i like Tobey's organic webs, it makes more sense because he was bitten by a radioactive spider, of course he should also produce his own webs


The thing that bugs me most about Spider-Man NOT having organic webbing, is that it sort of makes his powers less unique. Like, if the engineered webbing is so useful and effective, why wouldn't Tony Stark also use it? What's stopping some genius villain like Doc Ock from creating something similar, or just stealing them? The organic webs mean NO ONE but Spider-Man, (and other spider-men/women) can do it, and without webs, all Spider-Mans powers are, are super strength, agility, wall-crawling and a 6th sense, which lot's of other superheroes and villains have. I get they have him make web-shooters to show off his genius but there's a million other ways they can do that, Peter once built a time machine out of a microwave.


Tobey be like:wait did you guys need web shooters?


For the longest time I thought that spider-man had organic web-shooters but he couldn’t control them because they spewed everywhere, and that he created the web-shooters so that he could control them.


The positive side of mechanical web shooter like Andrew and Tom version is that they can modify it in such way to use it against Electro. I think if Tobey version fights Electro, it would hurt his web glands and could potentially damage his tissue. But here we learn that each has its own positive and negatives. Tobey's organic web is cool and it's unique, but it could have a web block without any "warning" because of his existential crisis and takes time to gain that power back. While Andrew and Tom only need to change cartridges and they could carry as much as they need but if they have issues with the mechanics, it's a hassle to fix and to experiment with


When Andrew's spider man came out in the theatres and he introduced the webshooter, i was confused since Tobey had organic webshooters. It was confusing but i really loved Andrew' first webshooter


Tobey's Spidey was the very first Spider-Man i was introduced to as a kid

So when i found out the original used a mechanical web shooter i was pretty disappointed 😅


I really like the organic web shooters, since that's the cherry on top with the whole 'spider mutant' idea

Spiders are known for their webs (and creepiness and multiple legs). If you have to build the web shooters, than the whole spider idea becomes a gimmick since I'm sure there are other insects or animal that lift more than their body weight, can climb vertical surfaces, and have a kind of danger sense. Like ants.


It’s cool how Tobey Magurie was the only Spider-Man who had organic webs.


Since I grew up with Tobey organic web just seemed like the norm to me and despite mechanical web shooters being comic accurate it still makes more sense to me. He can climb on walls like a spider, why wouldn’t he have his own web like one too? Plus it’s pretty convenient that he never has to refill the web shooters.


Tobey actually had a web shooter in first movie you can see it in the seen after the big festival thing by oscorp when he saves mj and when he swing and reaches the roof with mj


0:15 Personally I really like not only the 1970s adaptation itself but also his web shooter. I get that’s it’s a bit campy and indicative of the time but not only is it comic book accurate but it looks like something a kid would actually make, you can literally see where the servos and metal plate completes an electrical current when pressed and all of the different cartridges at the sides, it’s the most “comic book” but it also feels the most realistic

Also he’s one of the only Spidermen that actually swung on a physical web


The Sam raimi actually makes the most sense and makes him feel more like "spider" man instead of gadget man