'Answers to Arguments Against the Reprobate Doctrine' by Pastor Tommy McMurtry 12/31/2017 PM

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Here at Liberty, we focus on the timeless basics: worshiping God, studying God’s Word, serving each other and seeking to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our pastor preaches from the King James Bible, and he is a true Bible believer; he believes that the Word of God is the final authority. The services are exciting, old fashioned style services where the brethren are exhorted and encouraged, and sound doctrine is preached unashamedly.

We still sing the old hymns, we still go soulwinning, and we still stand against sin. We think we’ve found something special at LBC. It’s more than a church, it’s a place where we feel “at home” and we want to welcome you to experience it too. Come experience liberty with us!

Service Times: Sunday School 10:00am
Sunday Morning 11:00am
Sunday Evening 6:00pm
Wednesday Evening 7:00pm

➡️ Are you 100% sure you are on your way to heaven?
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'According to the Bible, God’s forgiveness is available to the homosexual just as it is to the adulterer, idol worshiper, murderer, and thief.' Matt Slack, Got Questions ministry. And to every sinner. Amen!


I am puzzled by your teaching on 1 Corinthians 6. Paul clearly lists categories of sinners and includes men who have homosexual relationships or commit homosexual acts. He is saying that these people are now members of the church - they have been justified before God and are in the process of sanctification. It wasn't that they kept wrong company in the past, as you say, Pastor. No, these sins characterised their lives but the blood of Christ ensures that they are new creations. Amen! Former homosexual offenders - as one version translates arsenokoitai - have become believers. God hadn't rejected them - they weren't reprobate - and God's amazing grace has drawn them to him. Saying that people have just kept bad company is clear endegesis - reading into the text what you want it to say rather than what the text is really saying. The repeated 'you' in verse 11 refers to the same people - it's not that the first 'you' refers to serious sinners in the past and all the other instances of 'you' are those who kept company with these people and only this latter group is saved. No, that is a serious error of interpretation. And we should rejoice that Christ died for all and that the love of God is for all.


Amen pastor, except "burning in their lusts" does not mean everyone who experiences homosexual temptations is beyond salvation. A reprobate refuses to admit that they are in a sinner in need of salvation.


if you claim that God controls the reprobate’s will to chose if they want to be saved or not then salvation is no longer free but it becomes a reward.

Salvation becomes a reward for those that believe on Christ but to first believe you have to earn the will to believe (earn the ability to believe) by not hating God. Thus free will is no longer free but a reward given to those that are not reprobates.


Full disclosure: I believe in the reprobate doctrine (meaning that it can be too late for some people to get saved before they die). However, to say that sodomy is not a work of the flesh - that's a dishonest argument....because sodomy is fornication, uncleanness, and lasciviousness.

Galatians 5:19
19 Now the *works of the flesh* are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, *uncleanness*, lasciviousness,

Romans 1:24
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to *uncleanness* through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own *bodies* between themselves:

Additionally, the flesh is at war with the spirit. All sin is due to us having corrupt flesh.


What is worse than sin? Denying you have sinned or ever have sinned. That is a reprobate.


Their ignorance, I believe, is what they choose. They are willingly ignorant for their own wicked agenda.

Clearly, the Word teaches us some men are never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. For them to condemn the "reprobate doctrine" is blasphemous. Clearly God rejects men.


Wow this was a MUST needed sermon! I was always thinking "we need a sermon that destroys each and every anti-reprobate argument there is." And this is it! Every argument those that refuse to believe the reprobate doctrine debunked! God bless Pastor Mcmurtry, great sermon.


Of all the NIFB Pastors Tommy McMurtry is the only one who comes of as sane regardless if he is preaching the same doctrine as the others.


'Homosexual behaviour won’t damn a person any more quickly than pride or greed or adultery, ' Matt Slick, Got Questions ministry. Wise words.


"Straight out of hay-yall"
Amen. Johnny Nixon is insane. Only an insane person would want to bring those dirty dogs into the churches!


I agree there is a point of no return, a reprobate . However NO man knows who that is ! God only knows mans heart .


What's Pastor McMurtry's beef with Thousand Island dressing?!


Great sermon! Afshin loves taking romans 2 out of context in order to remain ignorant of the clear biblical truth on reprobates. Pastor, this was such a perfect sermon at defending the reprobate doctrine. Nixon has no argument and the "arguments" he did have were sufficiently debunked. God bless.


Great points! Also in Dueteronomy 23:18 the Bible calls the reprobates "dogs" and in 2 peter they are "brute beasts" therefore God considers them animals and no longer human, therefore they are excluded from the great commission. This is why Jesus tells us not to give that which is Holy unto dogs or cast our pearls before swine.


God would never supernaturally take away our free will otherwise it would not be free thus every reprobate can repent just as any unbeliever and be saved. Reprobate does not mean has not free will to believe


This was a great sermon, just listened to the hole thing. Good rebuttals and I like your common sense, down to earth style Pastor McMurtry. God Bless


DONE! He will suffer man for only so long. Great message.


I'm so glad, that God is the Judge and NOT you! God has more grace than you do! I was gay, married to a man, a drug addict and addicted to porn!!! And by Gods grace He saved me last year April and I'm born again! So by Gods mercy I am not that person anymore!!!! God is good


Although Jesus is recorded as having said nothing directly on homosexuality, he is scathing time and time again on hypocrisy. Pastor, I would love to see sermons on this as I feel it is a very prevalent sin within the body of Christ.
