Over 100 Arguments for God ANSWERED

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00:00:00 Intro and Prelims
00:04:24 CC video begins
00:12:26 Cosmological Arguments
02:48:25 Ontological Arguments
04:14:00 Design Arguments
04:43:47 Fine-Tuning Arguments
05:29:41 Moral Arguments
07:00:07 Experiential Arguments
07:54:02 Arguments from Miracles
08:06:52 Metaphysical Arguments
09:21:46 Nomological Arguments
09:31:48 Axiological Arguments
09:57:41 Noological Arguments
10:27:23 Linguistic Arguments
10:35:07 Anthropological Arguments
11:35:53 Pragmatic Arguments
11:40:13 Meta-Arguments
11:43:33 Probability Assessment & Nature of Arguments


Рекомендации по теме

0a 00:00:00 Intro and Prelims
0b 00:04:24 CC video begins

Cosmological Arguments (00:12:26)

1 00:12:41 Aquinas’ First Way — Unmoved Mover
2 00:28:21 Aquinas’ Second Way — Uncaused Cause
3 00:30:43 Aquinas Third Way
4 00:38:20 Samuel Clarke-ish
5 00:43:56 Leibniz’s CA
6 00:57:58 Leibnizian CA: Davis-Craig
7 01:02:01 Leibnizian CA: Pruss
8 01:15:04 The Gale-Pruss CA
9 01:37:03 CA without the Principle of Sufficient Reason
10 01:43:43 Koons’ CA
11 01:53:56 Pruss and Rasmussen’s Contingency CA
12 01:55:29 Emanuel Rutten's Atomistic CA
13 01:58:46 The Kalam CA
14 02:15:44 Alexander Pruss’ Kalam CA
15 02:16:19 Swinburne’s Inductive CA
16 02:26:08 Scotus’ Modal CA
17 02:28:43 James Ross’ Modal CA
18a 02:33:16 Christopher Weaver’s Modal CA
18b 02:34:02 Rasmussen and Weaver CA
19 02:37:10 Pruss and Rasmussen’s Modal CA
20 02:40:50 Descartes’ CA
XX 02:46:40 THE Cosmological Argument

Ontological Arguments (02:48:25)

21 02:48:48 Anselm’s First OA (Proslogion II)
22 03:15:22 Descartes’ OA
23a 03:18:28 Anselm’s Second OA (Proslogion III)
23b 03:24:23 Hartshorne on Anselm’s Proslogion III
23c 03:24:46 Maydole’s Reconstruction
24 03:24:55 Anselm’s Other Other OA
25 03:29:09 Plantinga’s Modal OA
26 03:33:13 The Phenomenal Defense of Plantinga’s Possibility Premise
27 03:45:15 Gödel’s Demonstration of the Possibility Premise
28 03:53:17 Pruss’s Improvement on Gödel’s Demonstration
29 03:55:00 Maydole’s Modal Perfection Argument
30 04:02:05 Bernstein’s Demonstration of the Possibility Premise
31 04:07:11 Nagasawa’s Maximal God Approach to the Possibility Premise

Design Arguments (04:14:00)

32 04:15:04 Aquinas’ Fifth Way
33 04:17:45 Design in Biology: Origin of Organic Life
34 04:23:20 Chandler’s Divine Intervention Argument
35 04:28:14 Design in Biology: Organic Structures (Paley)
36 04:32:31 More faithful version of Paley
37 04:33:30 Pruss’ Analogical DA
38 04:36:25 Design in Biology: Information
39 04:39:16 Tennant’s Argument from Cosmic Teleology

Fine-Tuning Arguments (04:43:47)

40 04:44:26 FTA by Elimination
41a 04:53:00 FTA by Bayes
41b 05:23:48 Collins on the FTA
42 05:24:08 Collins’ Fine-Tuning for Discoverability
43 05:26:58 Perceiving Design

Moral Arguments (05:29:41)

44 05:32:46 Generic Argument from the Objectivity of Morality
45 05:49:53 Abductive Argument from the Objectivity of Morality
46 05:53:18 The Normative Implications of Evil
47 05:55:07 Evil as Privation of Good
48 05:58:55 Horrendous Evils
49 06:02:38 Universal Moral Beliefs
50 06:05:12 Sidgwick and Kant
51 06:09:35 A Kantian Argument from Adams
52 06:14:44 Oderberg on Cosmic Justice
53 06:18:32 Layman’s Moral Argument
54 06:22:44 The Need for Divine Aid in Being Moral
55 06:29:30 The Moral Gap
56 06:33:41 Duty to Promote the Highest Good
57 06:37:09 Objective Obligations and Duties
58 06:42:25 Argument from Conscience
59 06:45:53 The Intrinsic Harmfulness of Wrongdoing
60 06:47:23 Moral Knowledge
61 06:54:33 Apprehension of Objective Norms
62 06:55:29 Altruism: Schloss
63 06:57:51 Altruism: Pruss

Experiential Arguments (07:00:07)

— 07:00:23 General: Religious Experience
64 07:26:48 Analogy with Aesthetic Experience
65 07:27:54 Hick on Religious Experience
66 07:32:49 Swinburne on Religious Experience
67 07:35:32 Plantinga on Proper Basicality
68 07:36:54 Alston on Perceiving God 1
69 07:38:23 Alston on Perceiving God 2
70 07:40:29 Yandell on Religious Experience
71 07:42:25 Ontomystical Argument
72 07:45:48 Personal Transformation
73 07:50:18 NDEs

Arguments from Miracles (07:54:02)

— 07:54:07 Preliminaries: Hume
— 07:58:58 Generic Argument from Miracles
74 08:01:54 Historical Candidates for E: Exodus (Kuzari Principle)
75 08:04:56 Historical Candidates for E: Spectacular Events of Jesus’ Ministry
76 08:05:04 Historical Candidate for E: Resurrection
77 [Skip]
78 [Skip]

Metaphysical Arguments (08:06:52)

79 08:07:01 Lowe’s Argument from Abstract Objects
80 08:14:29 Feser’s Augustinian Proof
81 08:15:35 Lowe on Objects of Reason
82 08:17:00 Arguments from Propositions
83 08:20:51 Argument from Sets
84 08:24:15 Argument from Unities
85 08:30:27 Unities: Contingents
86 08:36:23 Unities: Wholes
87 08:40:07 Unities: The Cosmos
88 08:41:17 Rasmussen’s Argument from Limits
89 09:11:31 Applicability of Mathematics
90 09:18:13 Global Economy Argument (Leftow’s Reductions)
91 09:21:12 Argument from Possibility (Modality)

Nomological Arguments (09:21:46)

92 09:22:19 Laws as Counterfactuals of Divine Freedom
93 09:23:57 A Scholastic Argument
94 09:25:29 From Induction to Laws to God
95 09:26:53 From Induction to God
96 09:28:49 Simplicity of Divine Laws (Swinburne’s Argument from Induction)
97 09:30:22 From the Incompleteness of Nature (from Quantum Mechanics)

Axiological Arguments (09:31:48)

98 09:32:14 Aquinas’ Fourth Way
99 09:34:20 The Deontic Argument
100 09:35:08 The Modal Deontic Argument
101 09:37:58 Objective Beauty
102 09:42:30 Aesthetic Sensibilities
103 09:43:55 Natural Beauty as Product of Aesthetic Intent
104 09:47:53 Natural Beauty as a Gift
105 09:50:41 Natural Beauty as a Natural Sign
106 09:50:59 Beauty in Mathematics
107 09:52:19 Inherent Human Value/Worth
108 09:53:43 Equal Worth
109 09:56:43 Natural Rights

Noological Arguments (09:57:41)

110 09:57:46 Thinking Things (Locke)
111 10:01:30 Psychophysical Laws (Swinburne's Argument from Consciousness)
112 10:02:05 Nonphysical Conscious States (Moreland's Argument from Consciousness)
113 10:03:46 Consciousness Per Se
114 10:04:17 Paley’s Arguments from Flavors and Colors (Gratuitous Pleasures)
115 10:06:12 Intelligibility of the World
116 10:09:21 Argument from Reason
117 10:11:21 Naturalness of Theistic Belief
118 10:13:13 Argument from Certainty
119 10:15:04 Knowledge as Proper Function
120 10:15:58 Epistemic Probability
121 10:17:33 Reliability of our Cognitive Faculties
122 10:18:31 Anti-Realism
123 10:20:19 Idealism
124 10:21:55 Knowability: A Fitch-style Proof
125 10:25:18 Modal Epistemic Argument

Linguistic Arguments (10:27:23)

126 10:27:56 Concept Acquisition
127 10:32:21 Linguistic Ability
128 10:32:42 Semantic Content
129 10:33:14 Falsity of Semantic Indeterminism

Anthropological Arguments (10:35:07)

130 10:35:15 Argument from Desire
131 10:43:22 Modal Argument from Desire
132 10:45:44 God as Motivational Center
133 11:00:27 Love
134 11:02:03 Objective Meaning
135 11:05:03 Meaning as Endowed
136 11:06:17 Meaning as Narrative
137 11:07:32 From the Naturalness of Belief in Objective Meaning
138 11:11:57 Happiness and the Afterlife
139 11:13:24 Political Authority
140 11:15:33 Free Will
141 11:20:57 Pascal’s Anthropological Argument
142 11:23:26 Consensus Gentium
143 11:29:52 Rehult’s Consensus Gentium Argument
144 11:33:48 A More Modest Consensus Gentium

Pragmatic Arguments (11:35:53)

— 11:35:54 General Comments

Meta-Arguments (11:40:13)

152 11:40:22 Transcendental Arguments
— 11:40:53 Cumulative Case Arguments
153 11:40:58 Arbor’s Cumulative Credence Raiser
154 11:43:08 The Possibility of a Sound Theistic Argument

Probability Assessment & The Nature and Purpose of Arguments (11:43:33)


Watch at 0.5x speed for ultimate experience.


Joe: "I recommend splitting the video and watching it over the course of a few days"
me: watches it over the course of 1 day cause i have no life and i love philosophy


By opening with a utilitarian argument for the existence of clickbait you revealed that your philosophy power exceeds 9000... Quite the flex :D


I had to immediately skip to the design argument section since those are where my main interests lie and I thought your responses were fantastic! I’ll be multitasking with this vid in the background for a while. Much love as always ❤️


Hahahahha this is an insanely large video. I love it so much. You're surfing that razor's edge between lunacy and genius, and I'm all about it.


I think I've watched this video twice so far. I haven't understood about 40% of it but i really appreciate the effort put into it. really thankful for it 😊


Hey bro, as a theist i appreciate your willingness to dive into this concept in depth. I plan on diving into this to sharpen my own argumentation


Thank you so much for creating this video. What an incredible amount of information and knowledge you share with the world to make philosophy accessible to people like me—who love philosophy and find that its concepts are easier to grasp in an explanatory video format as opposed to reading. I am deeply looking forward to getting into this video and finishing it within the next week or two weeks. 💭🥰


Can you please do a Full length video on the transcendental argument, it’s so much more sophisticated than a lot of people get a credit for.


It has been two years and I’m still working through this video. Damn you Joe!


my god man. this is some impressive dedication, thank you very much for this guide.


Listening to this while building a giant cross in minecraft on a cool sunday afternoon. Truly peak


This is incredible and should be helpful for people for years to come. Well done, Joe!


A 12 hour video! I love it. And you still restrained yourself from criticizing Chad's opening anecdote: I asked God for a sign, I saw a shooting star, I doubted, but then I saw some more shooting stars. Therefore, God exists! Obviously, it was just too powerful of argument, so you couldn't even take it on.


Absolutely brilliant. I listened to every second. Thank you.


It's gonna take me at least a week to complete this.


2:47:20 Ah! That video made me throw my computer across the room in rage! The fact that he spent the first two minutes talking about how bad "the cosmological argument" is, and then went on to utterly misrepresent the argument on every just unacceptable. How the Royal Institute of Philosophy allowed that is beyond me.


I love that checkerboard illusion because it is one of those rare illusions where your senses still betray you even if you already know that the colors are the same.

You know that those two colors are the same but you can not see it no matter how hard you try.

And then there are the other type of "illusions“ or trick pictures with hidden figures where once you see it you can no longer "unsee“ it.


When do we get a 34 hour response from the theists?
