Andrew Yang's UBI | Answering Common Arguments Against | Democratic Presidential Debate

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With the Democratic debate schedule set, Andrew Yang looks to be gaining fire over other candidates like Pete Buttigieg and kamala harris. In this Video I break down and start Answering Common Arguments Against Universal Basic Income

Andrew Yang's UBI | Answering Common Arguments Against | Third Democratic Presidential Debate

Andrew Yang's UBI proposes every American over 18 gets $1000 dollars per month. After Andrew Yang's platform started to pick up momentum, there are some people who have brought up criticisms. Below I will be answering common misconceptions and questions about UBI

First Does UBI cause Inflation ?
No, increasing the amount of money in the economy can cause inflation. In 2008, the USA was risking inflation when they increased the money supply through printing 4 trillion dollars and pumping in the economy ( through tresury buy backs).

The Two biggest ways the Freedom Dividend is funding its 2.8 trillion dollar cost is a) the Vat Tax and b) opting in from Social Welfare programs

Any other money the government has to spend to fund UBI would not cause enough inflation to offset the $12k a year you are getting from the freedom dividend

Second Will UBI increase rent ?
No, a) many cities have rent have rent control
b) only Monopoly's where one person/company owns the whole market would have the power raise rent. This is because land lords operate in an open market, residents would simply pick the cheapest place to live leaving the overpriced apartments vacant
c) UBI may also decrease rent because people wouldn't have to move to expensive cities, because UBI would make a more "humble" hometown job more viable

Third Will People waste their money?
No, Lower income people who live pay check to pay check to handle all their bills spend a higher portion of there income on necessities compared to rich people. Yes they may buy additional cigarettes but most of their money will go straight back into the economy spurring more economic growth

Fourth Will People Stop Working?
No, Welfare programs desensitize work because once you make a certain amount of money, you no longer qualify. Lower income earners will be more likely to want to get a job and receive UBI because there income will drastically increase.

Andrew Yang's UBI | Answering Common Arguments Against | Third Democratic Presidential Debate

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What is your favorite Andrew Yang Policy ?


Thanks for the FD digests. Excellent breaking down point by point 👍


Great analysis! I like your way so much!


I really enjoyed; you brought up great points and new perspectives.


#yanggang #yang2020 we need to get this trending!!! He has covered all the variables that debunk all the economic and financial objections to UBI. This analysis is thorough. Thank you so much Flystewie!!!


I’m a minimum wage worker, I’m saving almost half of my earnings just to save up to make my own business. The “Freedom Dividend” would speed up my savings and make my “American Dream” a reality, years ahead.

The problem with people who argue against the freedom dividend is more of a “Superiority” issue. It’s the people who already make more than the average household income. A lot of them, doesn’t care about the less fortunate who aspire to be successful. They just hate the idea of more people living the “American Dream” that’s why it’s dead, people became too greedy and selfish. They love to be “skeptical” of people lower than they are to get more opportunities.


Great stuff young Yang Gangster! keep them coming, spread the words and drum up Andrew's campaign!


You are brilliant... smart, intelligent like Andrew Yang.... thank you for the best video today🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟💕🌟🌟🌟🌟😋


Excellent breakdown, point by point. I hope more people watch your video in order to receive the best basic breakdown they could possibly get on *UBI.*


This is like waiting for the very first IMAX screening of Inception. Yang's about to exceed our already high expectations!


REGISTER TO VOTE is the only way to get Yang to the Oredide cy


The system wants to keep you on your knees the FD allows you to be able to stand up and think about where you want to be. I think FD will be a game changer, it makes you think of what YOU can do and not what the Government can do for you. Less people on welfare less control of us they have.


Good job explaining the economics behind it. Most people who criticize UBI have no clue or just trolls against Yang.


How do people not see that FJG/$15hr min wage just won't cut it? Those programs do nothing for those already employed at over $15hr, they have no effect for those that cant work for a multitude of reasons, and it'll be a beaurocratic nightmare to setup and run. You know what doesn't have those problems? The freedom dividend, especially when you have the jobs program tacked onto it like Andrew does. It helps lift all boats equally, it puts spending money in the hands of those who currently do unpaid labor like taking care of the young, elderly, or disabled. It gives those in poor or climate change affected neighborhoods a chance to change their situation in life and so much more.

Remember, the FD isn't the answer to all our problems, it's just the start.


I think its a veritable certainty that we will eventually be on UBI due to the evolution of technology.. The question is when will it happen? Exciting times we live in.


Please reach out to our community’s...billboards, music people, churches etc, . We need them to register to vote ASAP call their town hall and get deadline dates and VOTEYang2020


Oops, sorry for responding before the end of your vlog. Essentially I am agreed with you 100%.


I will get the identity portion of the program out of the way here. I am a 56 year old white male who is full on Yang Gang.

When someone is dead set against free additional income, that is non taxable, some further investigating is necessary. Some of these people just have it "ingrained in the membrane" the idea of if you don't work, you don't eat. They don't investigate as to why someone isn't working. They lack empathy. So much so, that they are willing to forego income for themselves because somebody else will be getting something for free. This is a truly sick mindset that will prove to be their downfall. I seem to recall from George Orwell's book Animal Farm, the horse that said "If Napoleon says it, it must be right". That is these people. I promise not to call them a horses ass. No, seriously, I promise.

Next up is the free market capitalists. They don't see our current style of capitalism as a "winner take all" set up. They view it as a survival of the fittest competition. Unfortunately, it has now deteriorated into a dog eat dog zero sum game. You know what happens in a zero sum game of this person versus that person? Well, take a look at any March Madness Bracket. There you go, winner take all. These free market capitalists think that they are the big fish in the pond. They don't realize that they are essential snack foods for the far larger sharks.

Lastly, and I think that this is where I, and most of the Yang Gangers come in. I think the biggest detractors of UBI are business owners and the extremely rich. They know that empowered wage slaves are their biggest nightmare. This power struggle between labor and management has been going on since the industrial revolution. Business owners and management, with the help of various presidents, have gradually whittled away at worker's rights in the last 50 years. What they have done is very similar to boiling a frog. Slowly turning up the heat in hopes that the frog won't notice.

Here is a rough timeline that I have experienced first hand.

1973-- HMOA73 passed by president Nixon. This allowed insurance companies to operate as "for profit" instead of just service. Back in the late 70's and through the 80's, employers paid a large potion of the medical and dental insurance. Employees only had to cover a $10 to $20 copay and that was it. It wasn't until the 90's that I first heard the term "cafeteria plan". And they weren't talking about food.

Do you guys wonder why no candidate talks about HMOA73 when the topic of healthcare reform comes up?

1981--President Reagan fires the air traffic controllers union for going strike. This was the first real shot across the bow at unions. This was followed up by rampant drug testing. You know what drug testing in the 60's and 70's was? Here, try this. That's what it was.

The 90's. Mergers and acquisitions. I worked for a company that was bought out by a parent company, and that company was bought out by a larger company. This took place in less than a year. Nothing increases the labor pool like fewer companies to work for because a megacorp has bought out the competition. Also during this time, offshoring started to rear it's ugly head.

And now they want to replace us with robots and the expect us to stand there and take it. No thanks. Those of us with more than 2 working brain cells realize what is going on and we are standing up to it.



American people should have the freedom to choose, what to do with their money, and not have their lives controlled, by the government, really shined, and I think he is doing really well, in earning the reputation that he is FOR the people.


You are dead on correct. UBI gives people opportunities. A chance to move up in society. This lack of social mobility is one of the reasons people are so angry and despondent. The Sam seeders out there want to keep people down to maintain the status quo of anger and desondancy. It’s good for business
