5 Subtle Signs You Have Anxiety But Don't Know About It

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Have you ever questioned whether you have anxiety? Sometimes, anxiety can manifest in ways that are hard to identify. This can include thought patterns and even physical symptoms that you never would have thought are related to anxiety. In this video, we’ll be talking about 5 subtle signs you have anxiety but don’t know about it.

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide you with a medical diagnosis. If you are concerned about your mental health, we encourage you to seek support and/or consult a healthcare professional.

Writer: Monique Zizzo
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice: Drew Baillie
Animator: Madhurima Das
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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How old were you when you found out you had anxiety?


Alcohol and cigarettes addiction actually destroyed my life. I could remember several years ago after divorce with my wife which brought me into my disastrous journey on Alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe anxiety and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.


The signs
1. You are always tired
2. You are disorganized
3. You are on edge and easily frightened.
4. You experience unexplained pain or illness
5. Rumination

Hope it helps😊


Bro… as the therapist of my friend groups, I get a lot of anxiety. It’s real sucky… organisation isn’t something I do, people find me strange for some unknown reason and I have gotten scared by relaxing music… maybe I do have anxiety, maybe not. I guess I just need to work on my problems more than other peoples issues…


Here is a simple rule I teach kids aged 6 and above to manage their anxiety, It also works great for adults (I used to use this myself till about 3 years ago).
The 3-3-3 rule.

Look around you and name three things you see. Then, name three sounds you hear. Finally, move three body parts — your ankle, fingers, or arm. Whenever you feel your brain going 100 miles per hour, this mental trick can help center your mind, bringing you back to the present moment,
And, First of all the narrator's voice was especially nice this time I'd like her to narrate more often


0:27 you're always tired
1:06 you're disorganised
1:41 you're on edge and easily frightened
2:11 you experience unexplained pain or illness
2:44 rumination


5 subtle signs you have anxiety (but you don't know about it)

1. You're always tired
2. You're disorganised
3. You're on edge and easily frightened
4. You experience unexplained pain or illness
5. Rumination (It is an obsessive pattern of thinking where you contemplate the same thought again and again to the point where it's distracting)

I hope this helps


me watching this video literally just hours after panicking in a public space over nothing:


When I was 13, I self-diagnosed myself with anxiety. I don't exactly remember, but it was either a friend or a video who told me about signs that you have anxiety. One year later, I was officially diagnosed. As a person with anxiety, this is suprisingly accurate. I'm tired all the time, pretty disorganized and often frustrated, have unexplained headaches that tend to turn into migrains once in a while and also rumination. Also, it takes a single phone call from an unknown number or a text from an unknown person to scare me, even if its just a "hi!" to the person that had my number before.


I relate to these signs, especially being disorganized. There were times where I didn’t feel like doing simple chores. I can get more tired than usual, even in the middle of the day, mainly because I have trouble sleeping.


I can't believe that there is still YouTuber with that many subs and looking at the comments section, liking and replying.



You set off on a quest the moment you opened this app. You have already begun that journey. Every day you are learning, practicing, returning, evolving.

It's important that you give yourself credit for every bit of effort you make, no matter the outcome. You are in the process of redesigning your life.


Anxiety is not my fault and is nothing to be ashamed of
This really helps because I’v always been ashamed and embarrassed about my anxiety
I hated it so much and wished that my social anxiety could just go away and disappear


I already know I have anxiety but I want to still watch this


The Trips I've been having have really helped me a lot, I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well


I can relate to three of them. I’m always tired, disorganized, and I’ll often constantly think of a particular thing.


I swear it took me years. I’m 20 right now but I only realized when I was 18 how truly bad my anxiety really was. I realized I had anxiety but I thought it was the normal kind like everyone has but I’m realizing my mental health issues makes my anxiety so much worse.


I love this video so true! I’ve had horrid anxiety my whole life and at one point I was developing an ulcer from it. my stomach hurt so much I couldn’t even get up out of my bed for a whole week! Keep making these :))))


Growing up, everyone just thought I was shy and/or weird. When I was about 17 years old, I somehow made a few friends (one becoming my partner later), and they had anxiety. And I realized I had it too. I’ve experienced all the signs listed in this video, and other symptoms. I didn’t discuss it with my doctor until I was about 20, and I got some help. No one in my family understands, and they think I use anxiety as an excuse or something. And every time my mother hears the word “anxiety”, she rolls her eyes and becomes irritated. But I have a partner and friends who understand. Thank you for these videos!


Through several videos on this channel I found out that I do suffer from anxiety. I was originally only diagnosed with chronic depression so it was really helpful to find out and answered a lot of unanswered questions. Thank you very much for your videos! 🖤
