5 Subtle Signs You're More Attractive Than You Think

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I'm gonna get a good pump at the gym and go to a gay bar to test myself.


I honestly think all of us men, or most of us men have the advantage in person. Social media is a women’s biggest advantage. I’ve seen women who are a 10 & 9 in photos but in person they’re a solid 6. If you’re gonna use social media a lot then you should have some good photos posted up but don’t think about it too much. Make sure you always look the part in person.


As far as money, looks, and status goes looks will always be first. That’s the one trait that’s backed up by genuine desire and physical attraction.


Another sign. Dudes you never spoke too want to fight you for no reason.


I gotta say this. It's been 6 months since I been ACTUALLY doing what your content suggests and now I'm getting chooing signals from almost every woman at my job. Your content mixed with my own spiritual journey got women drawn towards me. 1. I've never been "unattractive", 2 I'm nowhere near done, and 3. I'm wondering what the limits are now considering I'm not thirsty for 😺 anyway. Side note, Females in public are starting turn their heads now!


Many dudes also think they look better than what they actually do but comment section isnt ready for that convo lol


You perceive yourself as better looking when you are in a good mood vs in a bad mood. It's actually crazy


Guys approaching me for my workout routine in the gym is straight up facts! 💯


dude literally almost every single one of these points have been happening to me 💀💀 always struggled with confidence and it’s been getting better so this definitely a confidence boost for me


Being too attractive is bad for long term relationships....a few of my ex's couldn't get over the fact my skin looks better than theirs even though I'm 3 yrs older and don't use anything besides water. I can't help them with that and it slowly eats at them until it's somehow my fault that I look younger than they do. It's come to my attention with my youthful features I can easily pull girls a lot younger and it's less of a headache since they're not having a midlife crisis comparing themselves to me


Preciate the honesty and vulnerability on that last point - pause


Dude, you're still promoting ONLINE dating?! Come on, man. We both know the real truth. Approaching a woman in real life, physically there, looking into her eyes, speaking aloud with your voice (not fiddling your thumbs on a phone screen) and showcasing your confidence by simply being there and knowing you've put in the work and can provide the value. THAT is how you date a woman. Online dating will only continue to push you further away from being the real man that confidently walks up to anyone and starts a convo, which is a superpower apparently in today's hypertechonological, hypersensitive, hyper-anxiety society. As David Goggins once said "It's so easy to be great nowadays because most people are weak." He is being so honest. You'll stand out amongst the uncommon when you drop online dating and start adding spontaneity and mystery in your interactions with women. Online dating, Instagram, all this social media gives WAY TOO much away about you. I never give my social media to any woman. I'd rather keep the mystery. THEY WANT IT THAT WAY ANYWAY. Have fun guys. Stop listening to advice that encourages you to Online date. BE A MAN. Get out there and make a sacrifice (your pride if you're rejected - eventually you'll realize pride is your biggest sin) or your dreams will be the sacrifice!


loving the new style of video presentation Austin 💪🏾


I like that opportunities quote. Its similar to one of my fav quotes - success is where preparation and opportunities meet. You gotta prepare and make yourself available


Leveling up the image/production quality on these vids 💯


There’s a lot that can be said on looks vs money vs status, or blue pill vs redpill but one thing everything can agree on, most men just spend too much time on the internet and on their phones. Trust me bro, if you’re really consuming this self improvement content and making the steps IRL and have been doing so for a decent amount of time, you look better than 99.9% of people you’re gonna be interacting with on a daily basis. It don’t feel that way cuz your feed is full of dudes that look like Austin and fitx. That’s how I got over my body dysmorphia. Realizing that I look 10xs better than the average everyday dude in my class, my office, my family, my apartment, on the street.


Also, guys, please go to the gym. I don't care what anyone says. I've been fit, fat, and fit again. I'll tell you that being fit will make you stand out so much.

Also, body language will make you more attractive. Stop hiding yourself. Yesterday I seen a guy acting super insecure and looking around for validation and immediately understood why body language is so important. Chill and be free in your body.


Yeah as an attractive man myself, I dislike having gay men liking me, or sliding in my dm's. They be aggressive, they don't care if you're straight.


That confidence stuff makes sense never really noticed until now but when I stand tall walking at my job I noticed girls with half stare with a weird smile and put there head down


I always downplay compliments I get. All the "signs" you go over in this video consistently happen to me but I refuse to let it get into my head.
