How to Make your own Silica Desiccant Packets for pennies!

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Silica Gel Desiccant Packets are invaluable for keeping things dry. Everything from Rifles and Ammo to Dried Beans and Leather Goods. Absorbing up to 40% of their weight in moisture, these are little prepsteading rock stars! What's incredible is how easy and inexpensive they are to make!

Price 7 pounds worth of Silica Gel packets in stores and it may cost you more than 10 times the price of making them yourself.

Keep in mind, Silica Gel is non-toxic and natural but should be stored in a dry, air tight container and kept out of reach of curious, hungry children and pets. These are also not to be confused with Oxygen Absorbers (those are made with Iron Oxide to absorb oxygen, not moisture).

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I knew you were going to use kitty litter, did you know you can also make sodium glass, the same glass that is used in the landing lights of airplanes ? or molds that are used to produce your car engines ?. You just add three things, silica gel - water and sodium hydroxide ( I.E.- drain cleaner), check it out it's very cool.


Very cool!!!! Now this is something I can get behind. Some Prepper channels are just too much! Half the time I need a man to do it, build it, lift it whatever. It’s just too much. Even the recipes I see are too much. Half the time I don’t have one of the spices and I’m not running out to buy it. This is valuable, important to know and I for one thank you for I’m 68 years old trying to the best I can. The men in my life are all broken. This is something I can do! I don’t need a man to help me. Thank you, thank you, Thank You!! Blessings from Michigan….✝️❤️


I have saved these packets for years in a ziplock to use in suitcases, drawers, and items stored in totes. I also keep years of photos in old large popcorn tins and add the packets to keep the photos from sticking together and preserve them. The reason I keep them in tins is because I have had photo albums ruined even peed on by a dog. We had a housefire once my baby books were burned a huge loss to my heart but the photos in the tin, I only had one then, were unharmed. I have learned a lot here today so thank you all, and you Christa for the wonderful tips and how to's plus the Christian fellowship atmosphere!


I bought 1kg of silica gel online for $30 then immediately saw this video. I cancelled my order and found 2kg silica gel cat litter for $6 at my local pet store. This video helped a girl out 😭
I love you 😩💞😭


Just found you a week ago and love and appreciate the knowledge you share. It just goes to prove we never get too old to learn something new. You are such a joy and are setting the example for the rest of us to try and be a blessing to someone else. Thank you for being a great teacher and an inspiration.


Thank you so much for this practical and creative item. This would make a wonderful gift at any time of the year. Love the scripture and I notice that a lot of the homesteaders and preppers are followers of Yeshua, so HE is guiding us to this lifestyle for HIS purpose, Romans 8:28 and Jeremiah Blessings in abundance to you and yours, Shalom!!!


Dude at my apprenticeship workshop used to partake. He taught me how his mates fold squares of paper into envelopes to transport pre-measured portions of "herbs" and "nose powder" without staples and no risk of anything dropping out. Never thought, I would ever find a reason to use such knowledge.


thanks to YOU, AGAIN, I got that kitty litter the same day the brake bleeder was ordered, the sun shields were bought and the matte black solar oven buckets were in my cart. you have no idea how helpful you have been but I'm trying to tell you: you've been INSTRUMENTAL in my prep learning curve, sweet girl. I sooo appreciate you and send people your way often.🙏


I make them for our ammo boxes and gun cases like this...only I use small envelopes like we use for thank you cards. I put about 1/8 to 1/4 cup of the litter in them and make sure they're glued all the way shut. We have so much humidity that it really does take a larger size. I have used the coffee filters too. This is a great idea and I seldom see anyone showing people how to do this. Thanks for putting it out there. As for my food...I make the packs with rice inside. That way it's another source of food that I can use. I've watched so many of your videos. I've made ghee and apple cider vinegar by watching you. Thanks for all you do! Blessings!


Hi, Prepsteadors! I’ve been doing the same thing for years now.

There are obviously lots of variations on this, but two of my favourites is to start with a spool or bolt of tulle From the dollar store. I just got a little square, and tie a thread around it to make the pouch. I did have one thing in storage for a long time, and my camping gear, that really benefitted from all the silica gel. The only thing is, those beads can really plump up with the moisture absorbed. So it might be important to leave a little space in them.

I wondered about using Staples, and you’ve answered that question nicely. Thank you for that.

When I was a tiny girl, I had a great great great aunt that was almost 100 years old. When she was younger, she worked in the local store. People in my area were poor, (but didn’t know it), and The commercially accepted way to wrap up a whole lot of goods with paper, was to tear a piece of paper off the roll, and then make a cone from it. The store keeper would twist the point of the cone to secure it, put the goods in the Cone, and twist the top over. Nothing ever spilled out of it. She would give us coins like that in small cones, candies and less small cones, and fruit in bigger ones.

So this past week, I was making some packets to go in my dry-packed goods, so I made little cones out of the coffee filters. For the small bottles, I used half a teaspoon in each cone.

If you’re using silica gel with cobalt blue indicators in it, may I suggest that for applications such as storing your dehydrated and freeze dried foods, that you consider either picking out the cobalt crystals, or using a solid coffee filter. Because you may not want cobalt touching your food.

But of course, that’s up to you.

Nice to see somebody else with a slightly different take on the idea. Thank you so much for sharing.:)


Thank you for being such a great example. Please keep on making these beautiful videos. I'm proud of you!


Wow! Thank you. And especially for the surprise message at the end. God Bless You.


Just found you. You are a jem thank you. Your content is priceless. How anyone could give you a thumbs down for the help and knowledge you give is just beyond me. I hope all learn how useful what you are teaching is. Blessings to you and all. From Ontario Canada


I'm convinced. Heading to Petsmart tomorrow, then going across the street to the dollar store for some coffee filters. what a great cost effective solution. thanks Christa.


So you'll understand I am one of those people who do not throw away anything that can be used for another purpose. My dad who lived through the depression told me if you can make it don't buy it. And I've done this all my life. God bless you and thank you so much for the information you provide.


Thank you - you blessed me this morning!
I've got several old cotton handkerchiefs which I can use to make my own silica 'pillows'. 😊


Brilliant, wonderfully simple idea. Just got two pounds of blue-indicating silica gel from Amazon, and found a package of coffee filters in the back of the cabinet whose size doesn't fit my current coffee maker. The blue shows through the porousness of the filter better than commercial packs with their narrow viewing strip. Love this idea! THANKS


Found you on google by accident and now I can’t believe I haven’t seen you all this time . Thank you 🙏 god bless


That's a beautiful thought { Go out and be a blessing for someone today } if we all did that just think how much better the world would be! Thank you and God Bless you PREPSTEADERS!


Thank you so much for this!! I am a huge fan of dried seaweed & it comes in little trays with a silica packet. I have kept these - much to the chagrin of my longsuffering family - for a long, long time. Glad to know some good uses for them!
But I wanted to tell you how very much your knowledge & insight is appreciated!! And the scripture verse was wonderful! Keep up the good work & God bless!!! ♥️
