How to Build Leaders

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I'm going through studying your videos. You know what? A lot of people that give business advice say the same thing. if you watch their videos long enough you see the same question or post 2 or 3 times but worded differently. Not you my friend. every video is like gold. Real down to earth advice. I hope the people you mentor are aware how lucky they are to have you. regards Joe Boulton


--- How to Build Leaders ---

Key Takeaways:
1.Teach them how to process and solve their own problems
2.Teach them how to anticipate tough problems
3.Get to constant frictions (backed up by love) to build strong leaders


I may not meet you for many many years Pat, but let me tell you that you have provided so much value to myself towards entrepreneurship and life in general within the last few months I've followed you and I can't wait to thank you in person for this. In the mean time I wish God blesses you with all the success you deserve


You are so right Patrick, "There has to be friction to generate growth." I met the author, motivational speaker and coach to Olympians and corporations, Dr. Denis Waitley. He wrote the book, Psychology of Winning.  In one of his talks, he talked about the coral reef.  On one side of it, the water very calm and placid and the other side of it, the reef is constantly being swiped and slapped by waves.  On the side where the water is peaceful, the coral is actually dead; the side of the reef being perpetually pounded is alive and strong.


Great stuff. baby sitting emanates from sugarcoated kind of mentorship. Let them eternalize more about the Pain instead of the pleasure because pain teaches more, pain motivates more, pain instills eternal desire in the hearts of human. adrenaline flows better in times of pain and uncertainty. leaders built on this foundation are tough, focused, keen and make decisions right most of the time. Reason? they reflect fast and correctly. Go on Patrick. teach us, challenge us the more. we feel you.


Wow !! Patrick you are such a leader with integrity. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and insight of leadership, I truly needed this story. I just loss my son a few month ago, I feel so empty inside. This story truly blessed me. Thanks for your wise thinking .You are a leader others can truly believe in. You are so real. I love your honesty. Thank you !!


Hey Patrick, Michael Clarke here, just listened in. I was thinking about this great conversation Jesus had with Nicodemus.
Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. “Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’

Jesus built leaders by guiding them to understanding via the loving application of knowledge or wisdom. For many it's hard for them to except the friction that comes along with this transformation that makes leadership. Pushing the edges of your envelope with both your body and your mind and assisting others in doing the same on their own is leadership in action. Nicodemus's inquiry into this water/Spirit differential was a mental friction I'm confident he absorbed like a sponge.
Drink more water!


Wow interesting point in letting people know about the bad stuff first. That’s when you are more aware. When you are relaxed nothing really matters it’s not till something bad happens is when you are alert. Thanks now I am more aware of why my mom is the way she is.


you know what pat, I feel blessed that I got a chance to watch your videos. I mean literally the kind of things you say or the work you are doing for us is unmeasurable, doesn't matter how much I money I make all my life but I can't ever buy what stuff you are doing. ever since I found you I found myself. just now i finished the first part of ultimate questionnaire and I was crying like an infant . I was crying and saying I love u dad and I never want you to leave me I want you to stay with me. I wish you were immortal and now after watching your video I felt like my dad built a leader within me. he sat me free and gave all the freedom I needed and now when I am 19 I have figured out what I want to be in my life. thank you so much pat . I dont have a mentor but you are my only mentor and I believe in near future I would work for you for free, currently I am working on me, I am investing on myself. thank you pat you are my true inspiration sir. I dont know what I have said but this is really from my heart. thank you pat thankyou so very much sir.


I have never had anyone explain this concept as you have done here. What I am grateful for though, is that I have always had your message speaking softly to me inside. It may sound strange, but it is true! I believe my Creator spoke (and still speaks) to me in that manner. It is what has caused me to develop the drive that I now possess. Although there have been circumstances that may have caused me to become deafened to the still, small voice, the drive always reappear. My dad, who passed away in 2010, also believed as you; yet he only shared such insight from time to time (busy providing for TEN children and passing away with very little to show for it)! It's what I call being a realist. I am that...and so are you! Again...amazing video.


Pat your are doing the long distance mentoring towards millions of valuable is that! Sincere thanks


Great speech about building leaders, am a successful network marketer, my job is to build leaders, what are you saying is talking about y- is showing them what they can lose if they didnt do this and prepare them for the hit before it comes so he dont panic and quit, that good strategy but it makes them run the business with fear of losing and what might happen if i lose and what if that hit comes, so they will run the busiess with fear, other way to build them is talk about y+ motivate them cuz when they r down ur job as a leader is motivate them and take thier energy high, until they get used to it so they will become a leaders also when they can handle their emotion after u help them creating the hapit, cuz motivation get u started but hapits is what keeps u going, u follow up with them feel their energy and give them passion and fire them so they go high again, and again and again until it becomes a hapit for them then he dont need you anymore cuz he control his emotion .


Patrick your videos open a world of possibilities for every I have been trying to build my company for years and now watching your library I realize why I have not succeed I will continue studding an I hope to meet you in person soon


1st. Hope your father gets better, and so do yo.
2nd. I really understand the part of "sometimes you have to do it!", because if you don't, this or that can happen (not to seem like a victim but being a single mom, hard working person, teen daughter with autism, etc... Can't say no, things have to be done)
But...still don't figure out how to handle everything, I know I do it, but at the end of the day I wonder how I did it, and next day same thing. So I also understand what's to be exhausted. 
3rd. Looking foward to keep learning from your advice. This is inspiring...leaders do that?... ok probably I'm on the right path... or with the right Pat
Take care please, blessings to your family.


Omg man this is a really powerful video I can not thank enough the things what you are doing big love to you and to your whole family 🙏🏾


Again, very good insights.My belief of a GOOD leader is a SERVANT who inspires, communicate and a person who will always make decisions for the best interest of his group.He has the biggest responsabilities and will be held the most accountable within the group but in exchange of his tasks, his people will give him the first privileges for the COLLECTIVE accomplishments.


This is pure inspiration, , time to get back to work 💪💪💪


Thanks Pat! I wish you would talk for hours on this subject! it's so important.


Going through difficulties in life can make us strong.


I like the message you shared about leadership, this is a great role when you manage a team of other entrepreneurs; considering we all have our own unique ideas is everyone understanding where the leader is headed.
