5 Skills Effective Church Leaders Develop To Increase Their Capacity

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Ready To Lead A Unified Team? ⬇️

Leadership is challenging, involving the ability to navigate people and circumstances with nuance – every situation is different.

While some aspects of leadership may come naturally, not all traits of an effective leader will.

Beyond a healthy relationship with God that involves prayer, bible study, accountability, and other common assumptions, there are five primary aspects of being an effective leader in the church: vision, strategy, empowerment, communication, and service.

Take time to reflect on your leadership style and any church leadership problems you may be facing. Consider if there are things you can improve on. The more open you are about your shortcomings, the better you’ll be.



Q U I C K F A C T S :
✎ I was a pastor for 18 years
✎ I'm an Enneagram Type 5
✎ I live in Ohio
✎ I believe everyone has potential

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Thanks for watching! Let me know what skills you believe are the most important for effective church leadership!

1. Effective Leaders In The Church Have Vision: 1:04
2. Effective Leaders In The Church Are Strategic: 1:41
3. Effective Leaders In The Church Empower Others: 2:28
4. Effective Leaders In The Church Can Communicate With Clarity: 3:12
5. Effective Leaders In The Church Are Given Over To Service: 3:52


Definetly service. Mark 10:45 I think everything will hinge and should be guided by a servants heart in Gods word. Service to God and Service to others. Motivated by love. Thanks great video


What about a pastor who shows these five signs of 'leadership'? 1) Talks at you not with you 2) Constantly feels the need to educate you about the bible 3) Tells you after leading worship (that most enjoyed) that you sound too much like a country guitar player 4) Tells you how to lead a support group for men after knowing you have 20 years of experience 5) He's the only one anointed by the Lord to lead the church! I'm not making this up. After a year of attending this young pastor's church and attempting to extend grace, my wife and I left because we realized he was a narcissist in need to control everything and everyone in his church. Unreal that some of our friends don't seem to see what he's doing. What's going on with so many believers who are unable to discern this kind of behaviour from a 30 year old pastor?
