Rupert Sheldrake - Is Consciousness Fundamental?

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The great challenge is explain consciousness—the inner experiences of sense, thought, intent, feelings. It's what David Chalmers calls 'The Hard Problem' of consciousness. Is our mental life a random accident, solely the product or byproduct of physical brain?

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Yes Sheldrake is on the ball with just about everything! Love hearing him talk!


Of all your interviews, and I have watch many, this man makes the most sense to me.


"Consciousness is involved in choice and the weighing up of possibilities." - Rupert Sheldrake.
So when I've reached pure consciousness through lifelong meditation - without awareness of content like thought or emotions - Sheldrake is saying that I am still caught up in the mental processes of choosing and deciding. If not choosing between things is a choice, and not making decisions about what to do is a decision, there is truly no escape from the rambling internal dialogue, the chattering of the mind. or the intentional movement of the eyes, lips and hands. What seems like process without content is actually the processing of abstract content (meta-content) - beam me up! Sheldrake is brilliantly annoying and annoyingly brilliant. I used to think I was a biological machine, now I'm thinking my strings are getting by universal forces behind the curtains of consciousness.


Mr Sheldrake is my favourite visionary. Wonderful, fascinating person.


These arguments concerning consciousness being univerals and fundamentally existing in the universe remind me so much of the vitalism arguments


More like this, Dr. Kuhn! So glad you're interviewing Rupert!


I like how he puts it. Make alot of sense


A full on insights join us all together including animal, mineral, vegetable etc. Oneness is the true state its so refreshing to hear someone remove the walls which were never there....


Conciousness, requires reasoning of all of the information collected from the body parts that sense the environment around and within! My Conciousness is not part of my body, in fact, it is anxious, at times, .. about being freed from the body, and into the universe. Conciousness is critical feedback to the universe (which allowed just the perfect place for our bodies to live, thrive, and feed consciousness back into the universe) itself. The higher our Consciousness grows, the more it becomes, , ... aware, respectful, to help what the universe is doing, that it might even continue mankind's existence in the Universe.


Chris Langan went a step further in his CTMU paper, basically saying that we should consider the probability that consciousness is a force in the universe which is fundamental to any notion of a grand unified theory.


The brain is simply an interface - between our true spiritual nature / eternal consciousness and body...


When I dream it appears that I am interacting with other minds, other persons, within the dream, but of course we know that all of those dream people are produced by just one mind, mine. This shows how one mind can appear to produce many.


Consciousness is the active access point to infinite potential.


This consciousness problem is truly a difficult thing to wrap our heads around and it's a tough problem that I hope one day will be well understood. The thought plaguing me after watching this video is this: Will our descendants look back on this video and laugh? Or will they get a good chuckle out of the materialists. I tend to think the former, but I'd be lying if I said I were supremely confident.


Consciousnes means, aware of whole thing in present moment.
Past present future exists in present.
thinking is a state of consciousness.
The work of thinking is to be experienced, to which no Law applies.
Thinking is a process thought to another thought, experinece too

Our body ? Time gender reality it all exists based on experience.
Experinece is the form of thought.
We are form of thought.
Our dna contains information of our civilizations similarly our thoughts are also the legacy of our civilizations.
Our previous connection breaks when connecting with a thought.

We are form of thought
Thinking is a state of consciousness

No Law applies to thinking.
That is why experinece format understands that I am experiencing myself.


If consciousness is fundamental, consciousness is eternal. If consciousness is eternal, there is an afterlife. But there won't be any individual experience of this afterlife. No 'I'. So in a way, YOU don't survive death, we all do.


Thank you for all these wonderful videos. And for making me use my brain. I love all the settings you use! The background is almost as interesting as the guest. Thank you.


By us making descisions from offered or imaginated possibilties and by this braking or destroying the wave function of the probabilities of our choice parameters Sheldrake says us that "freedom" is what makes life and consciousness so exiting and fundamental.
He is right all "beings" are lifeforms, that includes also earth or Sun as a star and many more "celestial" beings and entities! He is a true antroposoph a modern Steiner!


A very good conversation about how materialism does not work.


For me as a Hindu Consciousness is the only variable that generates pluralistic manifestations.
