Rupert Sheldrake - Paradigm Shifts in Science & Consciousness

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We're excited to host Rupert Sheldrake in this episode, a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. Besides getting into the details of this hypothesis, we also talk about paradigm shifts in science, psy phenomena, experiments in consciousness, and about his new book called "Ways to Go Beyond And Why They Work," where he describes some of the most well known spiritual practices for altering consciousness.


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In This Episode Of Future Thinkers:

- The concept of morphic resonance and how biological patterns may transfer across space and time
- Examples of morphic resonance in humans and the emergence of Flynn Effect
- How one can extend their mind through morphic fields and morphic resonance
- The importance of distinguishing a natural phenomenon and the theory explaining it
- Why uncertainty is inherent to science and how the scientific process actually works
- The problems with the dominant scientific model and why consciousness remains the "hard problem"
- The problem with hard atheism and the materialistic worldview in educational system
- Is it possible to create a paradigm shift in science to incorporate psy phenomena?
- The telephone telepathy experiment
- The secular growth of spiritual practices like yoga, meditation and psychedelics
- Seven transformative spiritual practices that have scientifically measurable effects

"In the future we might see 12-step recovery groups from materialistic education on every university campus, because it takes a long time to free yourself from this indoctrination." - Rupert Sheldrake

Links And Resources:

"It's better to start spiritual practices even with limited motives, then not do them at all." - Rupert Sheldrake

Recommended Books:

"It’s a completely new phase of spiritual evolution, where we have people coming out of materialist, atheist background, taking out spiritual practices, which may lead them to challenge their worldview." - Rupert Sheldrake"

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I like the idea of a consciousness field.


Thnx from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Sometimes Rupert is better than Bohm. Course of he is... never mind.


Very familiar with R. Sheldrake's work. Hes way ahead of the curve so to speak. Recommend watching series OA on Netflix for those who need to expand there awareness of possibility. Oh and quick question. what are you guys shooting your three ways with? Special software or app your using?


Excellent interview. The subject of panpsychism and universal consciousness has fascinated me for years. One question I wish Sheldrake would address is why some people are predisposed to thinking outside the box compared to the majority of people that accept being indoctrinated into a traditional worldview, and how that fits into his theory of morphic resonance.


The interview ended somewhat abruptly! But very valuable contents and also good intervention from the hosts.


I would love to see a debat/conversation between mister Sheldrake and Matt Dillahunty. That would expose who is actually inyerested in the empirical evidence and who feels the need to push their dogma against it.


This idea of morphic resonance sounds somewhat similar to Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious. In a way Jung’s idea was to some extent proven correct by the discovery of epigenetic markers and their influence.


I don't really see why materialists are so adamantly opposed to some of these ideas. The materialist model is completely capable of encompassing them - in fact, we've already established that there's some kind of connection at a distance present between things - we call it entanglement, and I think it's more than fair to say that we don't really have a full understanding of it. I don't see how someone can completely rule out the possibility that it could achieve some of the effects Dr. Sheldrake proposes.

What I actually think is going on is that materialists insist on the model they do because it's the one that most definitively "rules out God, " so to speak. It's more overt for some of them than others (take Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, and Sam Harris, for example). The thing is, though, reality doesn't have to contain a God in order for Dr. Sheldrake's ideas to be "fundamentally right."

I don't think all materialists are as far out as the three I mentioned above, but I do think that many of them are being inappropriately closed minded about some of this. There still are things we don't understand. When you put together morphic resonance, Jung's collective unconscious, near death experiences, psychadelic experiences, meditation experiences, etc. etc. you start to see a "converging pattern" that just very well may be telling us something.


Well, wait a minute. Just adding extra dimensions doesn't "connect" places in the dimensions we already know about - in fact, its just the opposite. It's more ways for things to spread out as opposed to a way of pulling them together. Two points in three dimensional space are just as far apart in those dimensions regardless of whether you toss in some new dimensions - all the extra dimensions do is give them another axis along which they can differ. Anything traveling between them still has to traverse the usual three dimensions, and may have to traverse separations in the additional dimensions as well. You have to get up to general relativity and wormholes before you can get any kind of "shortcut."

On the other hand, in Christian Baumgarten's paper "How to (Un-) Quantum Mechanics, " he builds a model which assumes no a priori spatial dimensions at all. Such dimensions emerge in his analysis as a consequences of imposing a single conserved quantity on the model. In that work, any effect that actually moves along those spatial dimensions is limited to the speed of light, but it's not a necessity that interactions between real physical entities involve the spatial dimensions at all, and that's how the model justifies entanglement and its effects. So morphic resonance might work that way.


I'm very skeptic towards these type of things, but I'm also open minded, and after watching the video of the dog and how the experiment was set up, I was truly amazed. I do however think this experiment should be replicated with other dogs, maybe with different levels of "attachment" to their owners. Thank you for this podcast, it seems there's so much do discover in this field.


Isn't science supposed to be open about things that seem to be different? Because some atheist materialists that believe that they've figured almost everything out sounds like they're arrogant and biased. I'm not a scientist and I'm not trying to say scientists are wrong but to be a real scientist with a scientific attitude, they have to be open-minded, currious, willing to be challenged, and willing to do hard work. It's not a scientific attitude if they are biased, arrogant, unwilling to be open-minded or challenged, and tries to debunk or ban other ideas that questions their paradigm!


Wow so much woo woo from this guy, my chopras are tingling all over my deepaks
