A Conscious Universe? – Dr Rupert Sheldrake

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The sciences are pointing toward a new sense of a living world. The cosmos is like a developing organism, and so is our planet, Gaia. The laws of Nature may be more like habits. Partly as a result of the ‘hard problem’ of finding space for human consciousness in the materialist worldview, there is a renewed interest in panpsychist philosophies, according to which some form of mind, experience or consciousness is associated with all self-organizing systems, including atoms, molecules and plants. Maybe the sun is conscious, and so are other stars, and entire galaxies. If so, what about the mind of the universe as a whole? Rupert Sheldrake will explore some of the implications of this idea.

Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 85 scientific papers, and was named among the top 100 Global Thought Leaders for 2013. He studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he was a Scholar of Clare College, took a double first class honours degree and was awarded the University Botany Prize in 1963. Dr Sheldrake then studied philosophy and the history of science at Harvard before returning to Cambridge, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry in 1967.


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To be genius like this is one thing, but to actually tell the story uninterrupted without being all over the place or ppl losing the thread of interest, is a craft most geniuses do not have. It might look and sound great in their head or in the equations but to put it verbally in an easy and digestible format for consensus to consume and understand is a big + :)


I love how before the 17th century the prevailing world view was all life had consciousness, including animals & plants, planets, etc. Very unfortunate the subsequent mechanized view reducing animals to machines with no souls. Thank goodness people like yourself Dr. Sheldrake are resurrecting the subject for a greater understanding.


An amazing direct transmission! No notes, compelling, comprehensive and convincing. Bravo Prof for your brilliance in the way you simplify a multidimensional complexity.


find it very encouraging that about 400K people are willing to listen to a Rupert Sheldrake lecture on consciousness. Perhaps there is still some hope for


Oh my, this is so liberating! I never quite understood how it has become taboo to say something like the Sun could be a god or that trees have consciousness. I spent so much of life under the spell of scientific materialism that I'd managed to doubt all else. The consequence of the materialistic view is that it promotes the primacy of humans. How selfish! Thank you for making me feel ok with the spiritual world again.


This is the third time I've listened to this talk; one might imagine that I'd have learned by now, eh? However, each listen reveals new nuances of understanding for me. Excellent talk - brilliant mind!


The awesome thing I did for myself was when I turned my backyard into a mini forest. I never felt this good and somewhat spiritual and closer to the universe. I kid you not! My mini forest consists of five 30 feet Japanese Maple Trees, one 30 feet Magnolia Tree, 12 Pine Trees about fifty feet tall, Alberta Spruce, Lilacs Trees, Smokey Bush Trees, Walnut Tree, Japanese Apple Tree, climbing trumpet flower, birds and annual flowers.
I love my backyard. When I feel sad, I walk barefoot in the backyard and hug my trees. I find joy and happiness being in the backyard. It took me 26 years of hard work and finally I’m starting to enjoy my trees. That’s how long it took those trees to grow into those heights. It’s like a condominium between those branches. So many birds are living in my trees. So cute!
Thank you everybody who’s here in the comment section. Life might be difficult for all of us but there is always bright light at the end of the tunnel .❤❤❤ I do hope and pray that we keep loving each other. We live in a troubled world. Love and kindness is stronger than negative force.❤❤❤


Dr Sheldrake is amazing, to conduct a lecture and to explain things so simply, without prompts, without slides is incredible.


A fascinating man to listen to, very engaging and doesn't 'talk down' to people. Interesting lecture.


There is an intellectual way to know, and there is an intuitive way to know. Intellect always snails behind the intuitive intelligence.


Love his video. The ideas and theories of Rupert Sheldrake fascinate me, especially his idea of Morphic Resonance.


What a lovely lecture, so rich and full of rational and spiritual/experiential info, and delivered in a non-judgmental and sometimes humorous manner.


Excellent lecture! The most elegant illustration of quantum theory I've heard!


I did a night time scuba dive in Thailand. The dive itself was amazing, but when I surfaced, alone on the dark ocean pretty far from the boat but close to the island and in no real danger, I looked up to see the Milky Way in all its splendid glory. It told me very clearly that it is me. I guess we can call it a metaphysical experience, and mainstream followers of scientism would scoff and ask what I was on, but I know what I felt and was told. I know that I am part of the and that any part is of the whole. It changed my life in ways I can't begin to explain. Knowing that you are the galaxy and the galaxy is you fundamentally changes the way one sees this reality.


"the problem is that by saying consciousness is an illusion doesn't explain it, because Illusion is itself a mode of consciousness" Absolutely wonderful Elucidation. this quote puts a crack in the Emerald City of Oz's Walls. Push this it as far as you can, Dig deep into it, and then look into "spiritual" matters. it's there. this can wake up the whole world.


The Universe IS conscious, and it communicates with you via synchronicity. Synchronicity IN TANDEM with the "little voice" inside you.
However, the universe, for whatever reason, prefers order & love.
And, you'll find the universe awfully quiet if you perpetuate negativity, chaos, or hate.

One thing it took me a LONG-TIME to understand is the following: Being kind, loving, and altruistic usually comes with a personal cost, so it almost NEVER seems worth it. Yet, this is the only way to truly "walk a higher path."


Our great grandparents would have simply and bashfully smiled if they heard this talk. Our universe is all about consciousness and the 90% unseen! Our human minds are so powerful that collective human thoughts do produce very visible results … what’s seen in our society today, ie upheavals, restlessness, political chaos … are results of many similarly collective psyches. Ever hear the saying, “society gets the politicians they deserve?” … “Watch your thoughts, they become words … words actions …” Everything one does is recorded in the universe! “Everything we do in life echoes in eternity.” ( from the movie Gladiators). I talk to plants, the birds & the bees, and yes, even my car … because I truly can and because everything is truly connected. This is how great & wonderful God’s universe just is! 🙏


I love his answers to any question, really glad I stumbled on this.


Death is not the end and birth is not the beginning, all is consciousness and all matter posseses it, inanimate or animate, it is and being. We are so much more than we have been conditioned and programmed to believe. I miss Ruppert and Terrance they had amazing exchanges with their dialogue and arranged meetings and discussion. This Man is truly brilliant and right!!


On the cusp of a transition to a new consciousness, on the threshold of a dream. Thanks so much Rupert for sharing the journey of consciousness through the ages.
