10-Year-Olds Are TAKING OVER Sephora

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A section early in the video got a copyright claim. I've fixed the issue in YouTube studio, but there is a bit of a weird audio overlap once the rest of the video resumes. My apologies! I hope you can all still enjoy the video!


Growing up I was terrified of talking to employees at all, let alone be rude to them


Part of the thrill of being a teenager is using the cheapest possible makeup and getting creative with it.


It’s a mix of consumerism, not having a place to really go, and the parents being irresponsible. This is coming from a mom who is always terrified of being irresponsible and in turn harming my son and daughter’s mental wellbeing.


This is why kid-centered stores like Justice and Claire’s are important tbh, it’s a way for preteen girls to experience the fun of shopping for makeup and accessories that are (for the most part) safe, age appropriate, and reasonably affordable.


the "don't film strangers without their consent" has reached the "stop filming children" levels of epidemic.


So crazy because i have a cousin exactly like this. She is already a mean girl at 11, calling people's jewelry fake and making comments about clothes/purses/cups being off brand. It's 100% the parents


I had a mom ask me, “does my daughter need this (drunk elephant)” I told her “absolutely not. It’s made for people 30 and up” she ended up not buying it and that’s okay. I’m fine with losing a sale over being dishonest and possibly harming a young child.


My 8 year old daughter wanted to go to Sephora and even had a list of things she wanted to buy. I sat with her and looked up what each one did with images. She decided against the trip and hasn't asked to go back. I did tell her she can get a lipgloss to wear on the weekends if she really wanted to and she did.


i'm convinced no kid under the age of 12 should be allowed in a sephora unsupervised.


knowing so many young girls are falling into the trap of extreme skin care and anti aging before they've even taken algebra yet makes me want to scream and cry and rip my hair out. tiktok is literally ruining an entire generation.


It’s not just that the 10 year old have no where to go, it’s also the lack of parenting.

I used to go to Sephora a lot as a child with my mom. I knew not to touch anything, I would just look. And if I behaved well, the employees would give me a bag of perfume samples. I felt so grown when they’d give me my own Sephora bag filled with what I believed to be adult stuff. When you teach your kids how to act outside of the house they will act right.


I, (a 14-year-old), went with my mom to Sephora the other day. The employees saw us, and I could tell they weren't enthused. I went up to one of them, politely asked them about skincare recommendations for oily skin, and they were more than happy to help. I bought the kit - no more than $50 - and that was it. Simple, and I think the workers were a bit relived I caused no trouble.

I don't get some of these children. Why be rude when you can have a positive interaction, and move on with your day? It just seems so much easier.


As a 12 yr old I was casually given SKIN BLEACHING products by my mom alongside other strong chemicals like proactive. My skin was horrible until I dropped it all and only washed my face with water and occasional gentle cleansers. Beauty standards are really damaging at that age, especially when they are being reinforced by parents


do kids just not have parents anymore?? who's parents are just letting their kids go to sephora with unlimited money???


I can confirm towns having NOTHING. We just have stores and restaurants. I remember when places like arcades were common, but now they’re almost nowhere. We got a park that caters to LITTLE kids, but not teens and preteens.


As a 14 year old here is my skin care routine:


-Facial Cleanser (I have thick hair and bangs, so my forehead tends to get a lot of acne because of sweat)

- My dad sending me to the bathroom to wash my face because I forgot


My 15yo niece already got lip filler. I am disgusted with her mother.


Parents need to stop treating public places that are not specifically for kids, as daycares


At this point, they should institute a policy of no kids unsupervised at the store.