When God Reveals The One, This Will ALWAYS Happen . . .

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How will you really know when God has revealed "the one" to you? How will God tell you who to marry one day? Here are 3 things that always happen when God is truly revealing the one to you.




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In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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When I use the phrase, “the one, ” I’m not talking about a soul mate. I’m not saying that there is only one perfect divinely ordained person for everyone and you can thus marry someone who is not the one for you. What I am referring to is simply the person God planned for you to marry.

Because God allows us to sin, God allows us to marry people he is telling us not to marry. Once you marry someone, that person then becomes the one for you. In God’s sovereignty he allows for us to make bad choices while still being able to accomplish his will for us.

But before you are married, God has something to say about who you marry. There is one specific person out there that he wants you to marry and there are other people out there God does not want you to marry. I believe this because according to Scripture, God has a sovereign plan for everything. Therefore, to be theologically consistent we have to believe that even our marriage partners are included in God’s one sovereign plan that he has preordained to occur.

For example, Ephesians 1:11 states, “In him we have obtained an inheritance,  having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will.” It doesn’t say God works “all things except relationships according to the counsel of his will.” It says God “works all things according to the counsel of his will.”

There are two types of “God’s will” in the Scriptures. The first type of God’s will is his “sovereign will.” This is what God predestined to occur and will always happen because God is going to make it happen. The second type of God’s will is God’s “prescribed will.” This is what God has commanded us to do in his word. It is God’s will that we obey God’s word. We can break this type of “God’s will.”

When it comes to what God wants for you, we have to look at the second type of God’s will – his will of command. Why? Because God’s sovereign will works in the sinful choices of people but still produces the outcomes God wants.

No one can fully articulate how God’s will and man’s free will work together, but in Scripture it’s clear that man can break God’s prescribed will while God can still accomplish his sovereign will. This means that God lets us make bad choices and reap negative consequences and still sovereignly produces the exact outcomes he wants. But again, within God’s sovereign plan there will be sinful things that we do and that occur to us, and when we look through the lens of God’s “prescribed will” we know this means things happen that God does not approve of (meaning sin).

All that to say, throughout the course of your life, God will be leading you to accomplish his will by leading you to obey his word – his will of command. Therefore, when we apply this truth to the process of meeting the person he wants you to marry, we can say that when God is leading you to the one he wants for you, he will never tell you to marry someone that he already told you not to marry in his word. For example:

-God would never tell you to marry an unbeliever because in 2 Corinthians 6:14 and 1 Corinthians 7:39 he already commanded us not to do this.
-God would never tell you to marry someone living in sexual sin and who is encouraging you to commit sexual sin because God says it’s his will that we be sanctified from sexual sin in 1 Thessalonians 4:3.
-God would never tell you to marry someone who is abusing you because God commands us to guard our hearts in Proverbs 4:23.

Again, you could choose to marry someone like this but that would not mean God led you to marry this person. It would be a sin to marry someone who God tells you not to marry in his word. When God is leading you to marry the person he wants for you, this relationship will always be biblical because God never contradicts himself, for “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). 2 Timothy 3:16-17 also states, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”


Dear Lord, we pray for any random person reading this, please open the doors of heaven and shower you love and mercy upon them, protect and guide they thoughts, actions and words. In Jesus Name. Amen


Adam had it easy. He just woke up one day and BAM, special delivery. #nocompetition


1. Your relationship with this person will be in obedience to God's leading in all three ways that you can obey God's leading: Direct obedience to clear commands in the Scripture; Wise application of Biblical principles through the Spirit's leading; Live every second of your day in a way that honours God. 2. Eventually, there must be a mutual agreement that this is happening between you both. 3. You will get married to this person.


I cannot agree enough with #2!!! I can write a book on the many, many times I thought that "this guy" was God's choice for me...only to find out I was wrong. I depended too much on my feelings, my infatuated daydreams, my placement of random circumstances as God's signs for me .... all the while NOTHING materialized between me and this guy. I'm the one praying about him, seeking godly counsel about him, noticing this guy, having my mind filled with dreams of a wedding together, having so many feelings for him .... meanwhile, this guy is off in his own world without a clue that any of this is going on (think Gwyneth Paltrow and Babyface "Just My Imagination"). Then, when I finally get the hint that it's not gonna happen, I move on to the next guy. Lather, rinse, repeat. Brother Mark is totally right ... if this is a leading from God, there will be agreement with the BOTH of you. It won't just all be in your head


Both people needs to be fully convinced.


I feel like I'm going to be single forever


I agree! It must be mutual or reciprocal. Everything will fall into place as confirmation that God wants you to marry the person. 💕


The best advise from this video is that both people KNOW that it's perfect. That's the subconscious thought placed by the Lord in the mind when they both meet the one. As depressing as this might be, it's probably the best because if it's one sided love, then it could lead to complications later on. Never lose hope people. Keep praying and trusting the Lord. Thank you for sharing, Mark!! God bless you!


Crazy how God put this on my mind the other day


I have never committed adultery or infidelity and am very content flying solo to my grave in the loving name of Jesus Christ


I definitely feel it. I don't know if she is there but if I feel this strongly about it, she must feel something. I think we've both had a long time being single and we have to open our minds and hearts and lives to each other. We're still in that separation stage working on our lives and our hearts getting ourselves ready for each other. I am waiting on her because I think she is behind me in this process. I think she's around 3 years behind me so in 3 years she'll be where I am today. Hopefully sooner.


@4:58; This is true. 4 years back, I was extremely attracted to this girl in the office. Not just physically, but listening to her upcoming goals and her pleasant humility caught me off guard. As months passed, when I made a point to speak to her or give her office appropriate gifts, I kept telling myself "if it's not mutual, it's not happening". Though I was distracted with my mother in the hospital, looking back, I never got a compliment or a "thank you" from that girl despite our pleasant interactions.


One thing that a person is the one is that there is a biblical text that really coincides to that person and that person also loves you. Also this person is motivating you to develop your character and inspiring you to become a better person.


This is a great plan. Can't lose then. Will be following His will in each step.


She doubts it. She said no. But God is leading me to a second chance. I have no choice, even if it might hurt. This requires a massive faith and lots of prayer. God, let Your will be done.


Much need to hear this..
God is truly Amazing.
Love you my God.
Yes I Obey to my Heavenly Father..
Thank you God forgive for my sins.
In Jesus Name I pray Amen


Wow your hair is silky smooth and really black like a Barbie doll great vid.😁👏🏾


I met someone that gets me. Then one I can’t seem to get out of mind . We do devotionals together


I relate! Me and my boyfriend both “just know” we’re for each other. He’s the most open and honest person I’ve ever met so our relationship is a little unique 😆 I am open to being wrong and God leading in a different direction, but for the past 2.5 months we’ve both been dead convinced, there’s been a few signs. Praise God and thank you for this video
