This Is Why Men Hate Women

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If some men hate women, they can also date men... and I see nothing wrong with that.


I don’t hate women at all dude. We can’t live without women and women can’t live without men


We’re human…that’s it that’s why y’all don’t understand you don’t understand that we’re human too


Because women dont want to be controlled anymore and lots of men are mad. We dont want roarry them and be submissive im a relationship


It's true, and it can also happen to girl who hate men, like me.. I have a controlling father who always expect me to be perfect and expects me to be a stay at home housewife for my future husband, which is why I down what HATE men with a passion even though some are generally very kind. I just can't help it.


Yup my husband's uncle who adopted him brainwashed him to hate women. He thinks I'm his enemy yet married me. This all came out after we got married too. No signs before marriage. He was amazing.


Yikes, the men on here are honestly sad. I say this as a younger man (23) myself. Men will take one negative experience they have with a woman and then justify their hatred for women forever. A lot of you men feel as if you're entitled to a certain treatment as if women are there to serve you. They are independent human beings. They should not have to put up with your immature behavior.


Some men hate women because they have a personality that has allowed them to be targeted by bad women and used/abused/destroyed by them.

Some men hate women because they have been raised poorly and blame their mother/sisters/etc. and they go on to become serial killers.

Some men hate women because they don't like drama and the women they've been around are drama types.

There is all kinds of reasons someone can hate something and it isn't fair to those who didn't do these things to those people, but they're still going to harbor those views.

It is OK to dislike women as much as it is OK for women to dislike men.


I like some woman and i hate some woman the same with men


Why can't we all be equal we are all humans


The problem is people let their emotions control their thoughts to the point where they gotta blame the other side and ignore the fact that we are all human in the end. We are part of a society where people are easily influenced, especially when we are hurt and most vulnerable, so we turn to the propaganda of other hurt individuals that comforts us into believing that there is one problem, women. The idea that women are the sole problem becomes widespread, teaching youth that "women bad", and dooping more hurt men to adopting this mindset about all women. Strengthen your mind, focus on yourself, be rational and accept everyone as a human being rather than accepting the propaganda of the weak minded who couldnt find it in themselves to accept that humans, male and female, have the potential to be shitty.


And they forget who carried their sorry asses for 9 months and cared for them in their most vulnerable moments


As a woman, reading these comments make me to jump into oncoming traffic.


As a young man who was relatively inexperienced before meeting my first girlfriend... I have never hated women more. Always thought it was an "outside looking in" type thing but soon as I got "in" all my judgements and generalisations were proved right.

Hopefully ill be able to find a better relationship that will wash this taste out of my mouth but so far the whole "you just hate women bcs ur an incel" thing has been proved completely wrong in my world. What worries me is that relationship was about as perfect as it could get but just the more and more time i spent with her (lived together for 3 months) the more contempt for her as a person started to grow, and they werent just personal quirks i found with her character that made me hate her it was these general attitudes she had towards dating, masculinity, finances, self respect and this whole idea she had about "how men should be" that id always heard these alpha cringe guys describe that just slowly became more and more present as her "mask" slipped.

Thats another thing I noticed after having been in 2 serious relationships now. Men actually seem to be the ones wearing their hearts on their sleeve while women are actually the ones putting on a mask or persona long into the relationship when you think youve already opened up to eachother. Only then all these redflags and fatherless behavior starts to leak out into the forefront. Ive never loved someone so much and yet hated them so much at the same time.

I finally understand why people say "the opposite of love is apathy, not hate" because love and hate are actually really close together emotionally. If i didn't love her i would have never had the capacity to hate her this much. The final issue that i notice now with dating between young people nowadays is the massive experience gap between young men and women. Because most men are single nowadays most of us never got the same amount of dating experience as women in highschool for example. Now all the women young men end up dating are basically jaded towards relationships, having dated older men who would date down because theu couldn't get women their age themselves.

Now these womens only experience dating is with these guys who generally are a lot smarter, have a life already and dont see them as being "on the same level" as them. So now they have this warped sense of what a man should be able to provide for them and assume they are doing degenerate stuff like sleeping around and cheating on them since they always had the power in the relationship. Now they hook up with these young dudes their age who fall head over heals for them bcs they're their first or one of their first loves, meanwhile theyre just going through the motions, comparing them to all the guys theyve been with before and picking them based on that. This now leads back to men becoming jaded themselves in their relationships, seeing women as untrustworthy, uncompassionate and won over by completely vapid things like wealth, status and appearance.

So what do men do? They take the path of least resistance and go for girls as young and inexperienced as possible to avoid all that but still bringing in their trauma and baggage from their past relationships, destroying the young girls sense of what men are like.

And the cycle continues.


Thousands of women hate men for reasons such as abuse, assault, heartbreak, and betrayal. They also inflict their pain and frustrations into other men who had nothing to do with it and no one ever calls them out on it. In fact, it’s encouraged. Yet when men do the same to women, we are treated like the villains. I don’t hate women but with all this talk about women hating men, the man vs bear debate, and how abuse and suicide among men isn’t taken seriously, is it any wonder why as more men become socially aware; they tend to become more resentful towards women and society? You don’t want a class of people to hate you? Just respect them and don’t mock them for their struggles. The modern woman has a nasty habit of disrespecting men while also laughing at their struggles.


I hate some type of women the one that backstab you




I don’t hate anyone but I will say I dislike when women use men for free meals, tells them what they wanna hear instead of the truth, ghosting bc she’s too afraid of conflict/ insecure, being a man eater. Takes kindness for weakness, being ungrateful, emotionally immature, I could go on but I’m not


I hate them because my whole life they’ve avoided me or treated me like garbage and scowled at me or given me filthy looks on top of that. So I’ve had to spend my life alone and hated aswell and how they act and treat guys I hate them for that aswell. When you see their real behaviour it’s hard not to. Wether you expect it or not.
They are just terrible people towards unattractive guys.
And every time I see them in the comments section they say something that further proves why I think they’re bad


This. Women are portrayed as these gentle, kind, loving, calm, innocent, submissive, beautiful beings, that always look to men for guidance. We are made to look almost godly in films.

Take away the physical differences and typical tastes; we really aren't that different from you guys. We get emotional, aroused, ugly, hateful and we absolutely take charge on a regular basis. Sure, we LOVE it when men take charge and we LOVE looking up to a man. But, we won't lower ourselves to make that happen. The guy genuinely has to be better than us. That's why men hate us.
