Warframe | HIGHEST DPS GUNBLADE ONCE FIXED: Vastilok, The One To Rule Them All

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So we have gotten the Tennocon Gunblade, the Vastilok.
Problem is...this Grineer Weapon is bugged.
On the other is it still this decent, despite the crippling bug?
And how strong will it be when DE fixes it next week?
Vastilok is Sarpa and Redeemer's lovechild.
The Gunblade we have all been waiting for.
***Hit that Like button and Subscribe to stay on top of daily, or almost daily uploads on new builds for normal and eidolon play, meme runs, and just everything Warframe!***
FAST LICHES: How to Use Oull Requiem
#Tennocon2021 #TheNewWarWarframe #SistersOfParvosUpdate
0:00 Overview
2:49 Current State of Vastilok Bugged & Extrapolation
4:00 Build 1
7:45 Build 2
10:36 Seekret "Build 3"
14:30 Eidolon Showcase & Steel Path showcase (Still Usable even Bugged)
Imagine how strong this Gunblade will be once it is fixed.
TENET TETRA: New Highest DPS AoE Weapon
NUKING with the Parazon?
ARCA PLASMOR Revamped! Tenet Tenacity:
Fastest Corrupted Holokey Farms:
Is Yareli any good? Or is there a way to make her better?
BEST TENET GUNS from the Corpus Liches:
What happens when you put +603.9% Firerate and +49.8% Recoil on a Trumna?
I had such high hopes for this weapon when I first saw it's stance.
In practice, the numbers do kind of line up, except when the combo system comes into play. Currently this weapon is bugged to be using the Melee 2.0 combo system, which significantly hurts it's hybrid heavy damage potential, and the proper scaling of Weeping Wounds and Bloodrush. It's also extremely hard to build combo with this in general.
But, this weapon has proven it's point in the 2x Heavy Builds, and the raw strength even in light of this crippling bug.
I expect DE to fix this by next week. And by then...we will have dawned a new era of gunblades. Vastilok has 0 negatives...besides the bug. Even the lower critical chance and critical damage can be overlooked, because it still reaches over 100% critical chance at max combo, and gunblades hit so hard that impressive crit damage isn't necessary.
Guys. IT'S OUR FIRST HITSCAN SHOTGUN PELLET GUNBLADE WITH SLASH IPS. This is the answer you were looking for to Redeemer all these years.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
A useful warframe clock overlay hunters use to keep track of time left in/until night. This is featured in the bottom left corner of all my runs. It also tracks other useful info like arbi and kuva node rotations.
Come join us at our server!
Eidolon Zone - Rather you need help or wanna recruit for the Eidolons, this server can suit your needs.
A useful tool made by kouks, a fellow well-respected hunter in the community. Here you will find the propa mini-game to practice and improve your timing, as well as the run analyzer featured in many 6x3 VoDs in the past few months.
Problem is...this Grineer Weapon is bugged.
On the other is it still this decent, despite the crippling bug?
And how strong will it be when DE fixes it next week?
Vastilok is Sarpa and Redeemer's lovechild.
The Gunblade we have all been waiting for.
***Hit that Like button and Subscribe to stay on top of daily, or almost daily uploads on new builds for normal and eidolon play, meme runs, and just everything Warframe!***
FAST LICHES: How to Use Oull Requiem
#Tennocon2021 #TheNewWarWarframe #SistersOfParvosUpdate
0:00 Overview
2:49 Current State of Vastilok Bugged & Extrapolation
4:00 Build 1
7:45 Build 2
10:36 Seekret "Build 3"
14:30 Eidolon Showcase & Steel Path showcase (Still Usable even Bugged)
Imagine how strong this Gunblade will be once it is fixed.
TENET TETRA: New Highest DPS AoE Weapon
NUKING with the Parazon?
ARCA PLASMOR Revamped! Tenet Tenacity:
Fastest Corrupted Holokey Farms:
Is Yareli any good? Or is there a way to make her better?
BEST TENET GUNS from the Corpus Liches:
What happens when you put +603.9% Firerate and +49.8% Recoil on a Trumna?
I had such high hopes for this weapon when I first saw it's stance.
In practice, the numbers do kind of line up, except when the combo system comes into play. Currently this weapon is bugged to be using the Melee 2.0 combo system, which significantly hurts it's hybrid heavy damage potential, and the proper scaling of Weeping Wounds and Bloodrush. It's also extremely hard to build combo with this in general.
But, this weapon has proven it's point in the 2x Heavy Builds, and the raw strength even in light of this crippling bug.
I expect DE to fix this by next week. And by then...we will have dawned a new era of gunblades. Vastilok has 0 negatives...besides the bug. Even the lower critical chance and critical damage can be overlooked, because it still reaches over 100% critical chance at max combo, and gunblades hit so hard that impressive crit damage isn't necessary.
Guys. IT'S OUR FIRST HITSCAN SHOTGUN PELLET GUNBLADE WITH SLASH IPS. This is the answer you were looking for to Redeemer all these years.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
A useful warframe clock overlay hunters use to keep track of time left in/until night. This is featured in the bottom left corner of all my runs. It also tracks other useful info like arbi and kuva node rotations.
Come join us at our server!
Eidolon Zone - Rather you need help or wanna recruit for the Eidolons, this server can suit your needs.
A useful tool made by kouks, a fellow well-respected hunter in the community. Here you will find the propa mini-game to practice and improve your timing, as well as the run analyzer featured in many 6x3 VoDs in the past few months.