Unhealthy Eating Habits

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This is the 2nd video of this 3 part series where I discuss the 3 most common reasons why people are not achieving their health and strength goals (polled on Instagram)

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Alan: "I've been skinny my whole life"
Also Alan: **Shows image of his 'skinny' legs looking like tree trunks**


Being a 20 year old kid in the Marines eating pizza and drinking until the 0500 formation run still hungover but being able to perform screwed me once I became a civilian. Blew up like a balloon in the years after getting out. Only in the last 2 years have I lost the weight by directly implementing strategies Alan and Leah mentioned in the video.


A wise man once told me, “there’s no such thing as a dirty bulk, you’re just getting fat”.

I then proceeded to eat sugary foods at 12AM for the next few years. It did not make me stronger.


Great info here Alan, I don't know that I'm a fan of the stock footage usage though, video has a more generic tone with it, I feel like it lacks your touch by doing that, which is noticeable since you seem very approachable and real in your own footage as well as adding your comedic touch here and there. Hell we didn't even get a proper train untamed at the end :(.


For teens that struggle with changing the eating environment because you live with your family; I am sorry but it is part of growing up. People will hate you for something you pursue even your loved ones. It is a good practice for many things coming tho.

Btw chicken thighs are nice middle ground for tastiness and healthiness.


This came at the absolute right time... I found out earlier today my doctor's scale was wrong and I've gained 30 lbs since the pandemic began. I needed this.


A few things that really helped me lose 100lbs:
1- Living on my own, not being influenced by family to eat like they do.
2- Realizing I don't always need to feel full, fighting the urge to overeat.
3- Lots of walking. Walked as often as I could. All around where I lived.
4- Making nutritious food a staple of my diet. Fighting the urge to add anything unnecessary, like cookies and chips.
5- No snacking. Snacking is another word for unnecessary eating.
6- Working a physically active job, like laboring and trades.
7- One meal a day, planned a few hours before sleep. It's not that fasting works like the fads have you believe. It just made it easier to not overeat while still feeling full before going to bed.


I like the tip that Leah added. Working on your food environment and maintaining a healthy diet is so individual. Personally, I don't want to develop an eating disorder like orthorexia, so I don't restrict any food. Instead I focus on trying to eat as much lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables as possible. Instead of telling myself I can't have something, I'm trying to fill up on the foods that are healthiest for me. I've also decided to be less excited by fast food and many sweet treats, as in I've decided that a lot of fast food and certain sweet treats are just so boring and basic. I still enjoy baking a lot (Thanksgiving will be a blast for me), but I'm still trying to manage myself around food. When it comes to eating sweets, I basically only eat sweets I make and I usually try to make something that is a new adventure rather than some boring plain doughnut from Krispie Kream. This results in still enjoying baking, but not eating baked goods all the time. I'm still working on it though. (I've lost 60 pounds since starting in 2019. It's been slow, but I'm still progressing)


It may also be helpful to not view this as an "all or nothing" shift. It's easier to make incremental changes to your environment and habits than sudden all-encompassing shifts. I think Alan has talked about minor sacrifices and food trade-offs in the past, like avoiding the snack between meals, or perhaps allowing yourself to enjoy the snack but removing something caloric from another meal (mayonnaise, fries or otherwise). These small changes add-up over time. "Atomic Habits" by James Clear has been a great inspiration and guideline for me on how to break unhealthy habits.


I've recently lost 80lbs and still going and I have to say once I made the decision everything else came pretty easy. I struggled with it in the past but something clicked this time. I count calories and don't mind eating unhealthy if it fits, I don't count macros only aim to eat enough protein. I usually eat chicken and rice/potatoes/bread with vegetables for every meal if I'm honest though. Rejecting food at work is very easy now, I don't even think about it. I also skip breakfast cause I'm not hungry in the morning. My main tip would be to find a great couple recipes that you love and do those a lot. Chicken thighs and potato wedges are so good I could eat that every day, and I almost do.


Really appreciate the Alan/Leah combo, I noticed I’ve been kinda bad with my fat loss phase and this came just in time for me (and based on the comments many other people as well)! So thank you Alan/Leah and keep up the great work


I've been telling people for years that goals without plans and steps are nothing but dreams


This is spot on! As I’m watching this I’m eating a sausage McMuffin so yes my habits are Super Unhealthy


Alan was my OG fitness you-tuber when i started working out the summer leading into senior year of high-school back in 2016. Learned alot from this guy.



i like having the guest speaker on as a change of pace. thanks for the great content


I'm really glad that you mentioned food environment. In my experience that is the key leverage point for changing your diet- once I make it easier to eat healthy than unhealthy, then my dietary goals sort themself out. Getting to that point can be tricky, but once you are set up well, it's easy to just get in the groove and watch your weight take care of itself


The biggest chance for me was definitely learning to love the same foods. I eat the exact same breakfast and lunch every single day of the week dinner is the only one that changes


Out of all the nutritional information i've taken in in the last 2 years since taking fat loss seriously, Alan's practical videos are the #1 thing that helped me make small, gradual changes and be patient with myself and the process. Thanks Alan, truly. Now if only i could train at Untamed Strength :( no cool gyms in my area, starting to make my own shit now lmao


What is inhibiting me is pretty clear: Injury and too much stress which apparently creates more injury as soon as I get fitter and it starts to look good. I have to perform stress management first, change my circumstances to reduce stress second, and then restart my training from scratch. At the moment training will make things worse.


A 16-8 fast with 3 meals and plus a pre training healthy snack has made me feel a ton better. Can get plenty of food for heavy training and not gain weight. Thanks for the vid man. Keep up the great content.
