Ranking the BEST Roguelite Games EVER

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A Tierlist of some of the BEST Roguelike/lite games of ALL TIME. I know I missed a few all-time greats, but if you want to see more videos like this let me know in the comments!

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INTRO: 00:00 - 00:47
BINDING OF ISAAC: 00:48 - 01:59
DARKEST DUNGEON: 02:00 - 03:16
DARKEST DUNGEON 2: 03:17 - 04:23
DEAD CELLS: 04:24 - 05:44
ENTER THE GUNGEON: 05:45 - -6:47
GUNFIRE REBORN: 06:48 - 08:14
HADES: 08:15 -09:19
HAVE A NICE DEATH: 09:20 - 10:30
NEON ABYSS: 10:31 - 11:15
ONE STEP FROM EDEN: 11:16 - 12:49
RETURNAL: 12:50 - 14:29
SIFU: 14:30 - 15:53
SKUL THE HERO SLAYER: 15:54 - 17:12
SLAY THE SPIRE: 17:13 - 18:39
SPELUNKY 2: 18:40 - 20:01
VAMPIRE SUVIVORS: 20:02 - 21:36
CLOSING THOUGHTS: 21:37 - 22:17

Resurrections - Celeste
Acceptance (You Died) - Binding of Isaac - Rebirth OST
Theme - Darkest Dungeon
Mournweald Encounter - Darkest Dungeon
Theme - Dead Cells
The Hollow Howl - Enter The Gungeon
Main Menu Theme - Gunfire Reborn
No Escape - Hades
Main Menu - Have a Nice Death
It Will Come All Together - Neon Abyss
The Flames - One Step From Eden
Recessed - Returnal
Crash the Dancefloor - Sifu
Forest of Harmony - Skul The Hero Slayer
Meet the Merchant - Slay The Spire
Shop Radio 4 - Spelunky
Mad Forest - Vampire Survivors
Reach for the Summit - Celeste

#Roguelike #Tierlist #Gamereview
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Not gonna lie, I wasn't here for the tierlist, I just wanted a quick llist of new games to play so thanks for that 😆


Seeing isaac in b tier after a “first clear in 2h” really hurts my soul…. It takes several runs until you unlock a full run in TBOI.

That being said, I want returnal now…


isaac on b tier is mental! It redefined the genre and inspired a generation of games. Also it's just mad fun to this day


Honorable mention: Wizard of Legend. One of the first rougelike games I played & it’s very fun. The spells are really cool and the boss fights can be epic in terms of difficulty especially the final one in your run plus the costumes you wear give you stat boosts with different categories associated with them like HP bonuses, Dodge chances, relic enhancements etc.

One issue I have is you can’t save mid run which is something I feel rougelikes should implement more (Risk of Rain 2 I’m looking at you👀lol). Overall, highly recommend it.


Another super good one is Risk of Rain 2! It's a third person shooter where time correlates with difficulty, meaning you have to balance speed and collecting items to buff your character. Meta progression really only exists in unlocking new items through achievements, but trust me, that alone is hours and hours. Amazing game


“Welcome to my tier list where I only played two of the games for over ten minutes and put everything else into B-Tier”


Due to comments I've started playing Risk of Rain 2 and holy crap.... Great game so far. I'm sorry for not including it


Isaac has been seriously hard done by here. It takes tens of hours to discover the full game and definitely belongs in S tier imo


As for Dead Cells.
It's a game that becomes better the more you play.
It starts A tier as soon as you press attack buttons and make your way through the prison. When you kill the Hand of the King for the first time, you'll unlock a new difficulty mode.
Here is where the game steps up in quality. It's not just difficulty. The game becomes actually better at each difficulty level. The pace gets higher, more interesting mobs, more secrets, more tools, more biomes to explore, more challenge, so you get even more addicted. And it feels so good whenever you realize how far you've come, when you remember how clueless you were at the beginning.
Imo, for these reasons, it is the best 2D roguelite platform game ever. Nothing comes close.
Fighting sensations are through the roof, and there is an absurd amount of weapons and builds to master.
Story is even completely optional. You don't have to get through dialogues and sh*t. Just plain fun for hundreds of hours.
Can't go under S to me.
But hey, tastes and colors ...


Interesting list but some of these games were ranked lower simply because you hadn't allocated enough time to them. I'd like to see an update to those games and if your opinion changed based on experience


Enter the Gungeon did to rogues in 2016 what Hades did in 2020. Both are S tier shining examples of what the genre can aspire to.


i feel like dead cells is one of the games that the more runs you complete the more you get attached to it as you feel more and more satisfied with your performance during the run and the sheer amount of unlockable weapons and skills that you get to pick during one


Nice list, but there's a reason why Isaac has such a big fanbase. The more you play the deeper it goes and the more you unlock. Beating mom is basically the tutorial run. After that you unlock another final boss, and another one, and a different one, and it keeps going and going with hidden characters to unlock and then every character has a tainted version (34 total playable characters with different stats, items and synergies). Also, Repentance is the best way to play it because it balances and changes most items.


You did Isaac incredibly dirty with the 2 hour remark, it took me 650 hours to achieve Dead God in Repentance, or earning all 637 achievements. One of the most difficult, frustrating, yet most creative and exceptionally fun games I've ever played. There is borderline infinite unique build possibilities and there is hundreds upon hundreds of synergies and interactions between every single item in the game. I would consider it the ultimate roguelite game due to how excellently balanced yet enriched the mechanics are and how there are just so many possible things that can happen. Give it a try for at least 30+ hours to really get the game going, and go for as many end game bosses as you can. Always play on hard mode as well.


After seeing BOI in B tier I took it personally. That game is an experience and you need to play through multiple times just to unlock the full game/ potential of the game. So much to unlock and infinite replay ability. Literally my favorite game of all time hands down.


It appears as though you thought killing Mother in The Binding Of Isaac was the end boss, but if you beat her a few more times, you open up more and each run turns nearly twice as long with a different, this time actually, final boss

ps. "The" is in the actual name of the game, so it was surprising to hear a game starting with "T" coming in first alphabetically


Noita is one of my favorites due to how much freedom there is. That being said, I don't like the late game too much since it's basically a test of how long until the game crashes and dies. Pretty hard to get as many orbs as possible.


This was a great video. I feel like gungeon has the potential to get to A and even S tier as you play it more. You definitely gotta try Risk of Rain 2 if you want a fantastic rougelite with multiplayer.


What's impressive about slay the spire is that it is still, to this day, one of the best deckbuilding roguelike to ever come out


The thing about Isaac, you need to play the game for about 100-120 ish hours to 100% the base game, but the dlcs add SO much content. A mod for Isaac was developed into a dlc, with all dlcs there are about 700+ items and tons of bosses (don’t remember the exact amount but I think about 40+)
