How To Make Bubble Tea

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Today I show you how to make authentic homemade bubble tea. This bubble tea recipe is delicious! Bubble tea is a drink that originated in Taiwan, it goes by boba tea, pearl tea, tapioca tea and milk tea. It's incredibly delicious and easy to make. Simply follow the step by step instructions. Enjoy!

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When how to basic makes a pretty normal video at the start:
New viewers: “yeah this seems right”
Veterans of the channel: “this doesn’t seem right”


I love how he shows crazy recipes at the start but then shows a normal recipe you can actually follow at the end!


As a person who can understand Chinese, I want to tell you the fact that the translations in this video are 100% correct and very consistent with the original meaning
What are you waiting for? Copy it quickly and share it with your friends who understand Chinese 🥰


The english words : Normal
The Chinese translation : *B a l l s m a l f u n c t i on*


I was actually genuinely enjoying the calm and then I realized I was watching a HowToBasic video


I love how it’s so calming at first and it gets crazy at the end


Everyone commenting how the Chinese translations off but no one realized he put in 4 teaspoons of water instead of 3 at 1:41


how to basic: show the result at the beginning of the video

me: impossible


Actual Correct Chinese Translation:
0:00 如何制作珍珠奶茶
0:47 你需要
0:49 - (Black Tea) 红茶 - (White Sugar) 白砂糖 - (Brown Sugar) 粽砂糖 - (Tapioca Balls) 木薯球 - (Milk) 牛奶 - (Ice) 冰块
0:56 第一步 - 泡茶
1:06 将 500 (五百) 毫升水放入中等大小的平底锅中煮沸
1:08 将两个茶匙 - 红茶
1:13 冲泡 5 (五) 分钟
1:17 关火让它冷却
1:20 过滤茶
1:26 加冰块
1:29 第二步 - 做糖浆
1:34 将 两个 茶匙 - 粽砂糖, 将 三个茶匙 - 白砂糖, 将三个茶匙 - 水
1:45 搅拌至完全溶解
1:52 第三步 - 煮木薯球
1:54 将 四杯 - 水
1:58 把水烧开
2:00 将 一杯 - 木薯球
2:20 第四步 - 制作珍珠奶茶
Bonus Clip:
2:28 *扔杯子和平底锅*
2:29 *扔鸡蛋*
2:32 *扫*
2:33 *扔红茶*
2:34 *把所有东西丢在墙上用铲子*
2:39 *扔牛奶瓶*
2:41 *用铲子扔掉*, *扫地*
2:43 *用铲子打混合物*
2:45 *开浴缸水槽*
2:47 *吐肥皂水*
2:39 *按下冲洗按钮*
2:56 *关闭冲洗按钮*
2:57 *扔红茶*
2:59 *把合物丢在浴缸用铲子*
3:01 *放屁声*
3:02 *拿玻璃杯倒点茶*
3:09 *喝*
3:12 *咳嗽*
3:14 完美 :) *竖起大拇指*


When you ignore the crazy parts, he is actually a good chef :0


*My man has a lot of patience to clean all that shit up.*


Me: sees no eggs. Wtf dud...
Also me : oh yeah.


3:00 The Bathtub Farting Made Me Laugh So Hard My Mom Came To Check If I Had a Seizure🤣🤣


Me after watch "How to make Bubble Tea"
: 0:17
Me after can't making Bubble Tea if too hard
: 2:28


As a person who speaks Chinese, I can confirm that the Chinese words are accurate translation

Edit: it's a joke (for those who don't get it)


*2 minutes in and everything doesn’t go to shit*
“Something’s wrong I can feel it...”


3:00 when the bubbles in the bathtub said "💨💨💨💨"
It was the most inspirational quote I have ever heard


This video is like a roller coaster of wait for it


As a Chinese, the translations are so accurate
All translations, and if you don't trust my translations feel free to copy paste them into Google translate lmao:

0:00 如何泡 氣泡 茶
How to make bubble tea
(funny since 氣泡 is the DIRECT translation of bubble, but bubble tea is actually called 珍珠奶茶 in Chinese 😂)

0:47 你会大便
You will shit

0:50 黑热狗
Black hotdog

0:50 大阴茎的白熊
White bear with big penis

0:51 睪丸 肿胀
Testicle swelling

0:51 珍珠寄宿在我肛門內
The pearls are lodging inside my anus

0:52 鸡蛋精液
Chicken egg semen

0:53 冷冻猫尿
Frozen cat piss

0:56 第一步 - 將奶牛挤入罐子,然后冷冻以备后用
Step one - take the cow milk and squeeze into a jar, and then freeze it for later use

I don't speak Chinese, therefore I am currently using a translator to translate these texts. I have a small penis

1:11 它在家庭中运行。我的三兄弟也有很小的阴茎
It runs in the family. My 3 brothers also have a very small penis

1:14 请勿將睪丸放在热水中。很热
Do not put testicles in boiling water. Very hot

1:17 一旦凉爽就可以將睪丸泡入其中
But once the water cools down you can soak the testicles in the pot

1:20 熊会大便
Bears can shit

1:26 我无法大便。我需要多吃纤维
I can't shit. I need to eat more fiber

1:29 请勿將阴茎插入电源插座
Do not insert penis into power outlet

1:34 马通常有大的阴茎。让我感到难过
Horses usually have big penises. It makes me sad

1:36 我希望我有牛
I hope I have a cow

1:40 如果您的阴茎掉下来,不要吃,医生可能会重新附着它
If your penis falls off, don't eat it, doctors may be able to reattach it 😂

1:45 不要將鸡蛋插入肛门。他们会破解
Don't insert eggs into anus. They will break

1:52 我可以把5公斤的这些球塞进肛门
I can fit 5kg of these balls in my anus 💀

1:54 不吃便便
Don't eat poo poo

1:58 订阅我的频道
Subscribe to my channel

2:01 我把这些球放在我的混蛋里
I put these balls inside my asshole
(funny since 混蛋 means jerk, or bad person, a.k.a. asshole, but it doesn't mean the actual hole in your butt LMAO)

2:20 不要与饮酒的绵羊目光接触
Do not make eye contact with drunk sheep
