Exercises for a frozen shoulder to help you recover quickly

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A frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition where the capsule surrounding the shoulder joint tightens, leading to a loss of shoulder motion in multiple directions. The condition can follow a traumatic or overuse shoulder injury, be related to an underlying medical condition, or develop with no underlying cause. Treatment usually involves working to increase range of motion with a physical therapist. Manipulation of the shoulder under anesthesia or arthroscopic surgery to release the capsule is occasionally needed. Often doing some exercises for a frozen shoulder can relieve your pain and allow you to get back to what you love to do.

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In this video, physical therapist Yves Gege and I show a few exercises you can do to try to recover from a frozen shoulder.
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I love the “reach around”. It is a great maneuver.


I'm a man in my 50s. I've had it for 18 months. First 4 months I did nothing thinking it was an injury that would heal. When it didn't heal and got worse I saw doctor. Did PT for a few months. Painful because they make you force it past your comfortable range. A few times she put me in intense pain. I hated my therapist and called her my dominatrix.The more you do the PT exercises at home the better. Hard to do because you have to force it into the painful range in order to regain some range and you have to do this a few times a day to maintain it. After about 8 months since it started it was noticeably less painful and had more range. Today after 18 months the range is about 90%. Still hurts at extreme range but I rarely need to move in that range for any tasks. Not a big deal since it no longer prevents me from doing anything (lifting overhead, putting on a coat, etc.).

I'd never heard of frozen shoulder until I was diagnosed with it.


Thank you for keeping this simple. I was in a lot of pain but after doing these exercises for just 3 weeks I am about 75% better. It's so encouraging. I plan to keep at it until I an back to 100!! I love this video!


Thanks for showing these 3 simple exercises. It should be really effective. I hope 🙏👍🙏


Thank you! I’ve had this for 5 months. For the first 6 weeks it was the most painful thing I ever had. No over the counter medication would help and I wasn’t willing to try something that I could get addicted to. I still get some pain while sleeping (with all my pillow props 😂). But other exercises I found hard to do. These I can do. Thank so much again! 🤗


Thank you, chaps, I'll give these a go.


Surely, you can't do these exercises in the freezing stage when a slight mouvement can increase the inflamation?😮😮


I have been dealing with a frozen shoulder for 6 months now. So depressing. I will try some of these exercises. Thank you.


I had to have my frozen shoulder "manipulated" they put me under and broke it up. Very painful. I have been using these exercises to get my motion back and loosen it up. GREAT results. The little discomfort is better then the pain of a frozen shoulder. THANK YOU!!


Thank you, this is really helpful. I've just been diagnosed with this. 😊


Thank you so very much for these amazing tips. ❤


Really good video, I especially liked the instruction on what to do afterward, e.g ice or use the arm.


Cure frozen shoulder 100%.
Dumbbell shrugs it hurts but will fix shoulder.


Thanks guys 3 simple exercises to do that will be easy to repeat multiple times during the day. On the way to recovery :)


Thank you for the information. I thought I had a torn rotator cuff but I went to a specialist today and he said he thinks it's a frozen shoulder. It hurts like hell I will say that but I'll try to work it little by little.


Nice simple stretches that I've been using and it does help if you stay consistent.
If the shoulder is frozen/stiff, getting back mobility is going to hurt a little as your breaking things up, can you just suck it up if your pain tolerance is high and really push these stretches?
And how far is too far?


Thanks for the video chaps, straight to the point which is great, thank you, these really excercises helped me a lot


I'll try it. I have frozen shoulder for almost 9months now, and it's really painful 😩 I can't even move.


I am 60 and facing this Problem on my right side. Will practice this... Thanks so much.
