LG C4 vs LG B4 – Why Pay More?

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The LG B4 OLED is LG's entry-level TV in their 2024 OLED lineup, and the LG C4 OLED is the 2024 iteration in LG's popular C Series lineup. While the C4 sits above the B4, they’re closer than you’d think when it comes to performance. Is it worth paying more, or should you stick with the cheaper model?

Model Tested: OLED65B4PUA (B4) and OLED65C4PUA (C4)

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0:00 Intro
1:00 HDR Brightness
1:36 HDR Brightness in Game Mode
2:13 Color Gamut & Color Volume
2:38 SDR Brightness
3:03 Reflections
3:26 Low-Quality Content Smoothing
3:54 Upscaling
4:10 Supported Resolutions
4:38 Verdict

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Lmao I was LITERALLY looking into this yesterday. At this point I'm convinced you guys are spying on me.


Purchased a B4 and it came with the A9 processor, not an A8 processor mentioned in this review.


Abby reviews make me happy! Almost as much as Abby bloopers.


Honestly both of these tvs are amazing. If you’re upgrading from any non-OLED tv then you’re in for a ridiculously huge upgrade even with the B4. Even though the B4 is the lesser of these 2 OLEDs, it’s still better than ~90% of all the tvs on the market. Really diving deep here


I always watch Rtings videos B4 I purchase TVs.


When comparing reflection handling, i think i would rather have the B4 than the C4.
C4 looks like a mirror in that comparison picture, which is much more distracting than the more diffused reflections on the B4 right?


I ended up going for 65C4 from Sam's Club to upgrade from an 55C9 in master bedroom. The 65C4 was close to the same price I paid for the 55C9 back in 2020. Improvement in every category compared to the older C9. Zero issues swapping out Sonos soundbar. connecting Xfinity cable box with same remote, and reusing the same articulating wall mount. Moved the 55C9 into a spare bedroom. I also have a 77C1 (Main), 55C1 (office), and 48C2 (TV/PC monitor 2nd office) in other rooms.


How is the B4 TV from a angle? Is the green tint really noticeable?


My brand new LG C4 has colour non-uniformity issue and noticeable green tint on one side when viewing at ZERO ANGLE. LG customer service told me this problem is normal with their OLED and refused to exchange or refund it. 🙁 I'm so upset by it.


I got the B4 yesterday and I’m happy with my purchase. 👍🏽


I am curious why the C4 reflection reduction is rated a 9.4 and the B4 is 9.1. At 3:11 the reflections on the C4 are almost mirror-like and well defined. The B4 at least blurs and dims them a little and makes them less defined. I would rate the B4 as much better in this regard.


Would love to see how the LG B4 48in stacks up against the S90d 48in WOLED version, if the brightness etc.. is still better for Samsung when not a QOLED.


the B4 pairs great with the Retrotink 4K as well, if anyone is wondering!

Once I set the TV to my liking, I plugged in my RetroTINK which had been paired with a Vizio LCD since it's birth, and all I needed to do was usually apply auto gain and perhaps adjust the strength of the masks or scanlines I had apllied... other than that, it was nearly set and forget! A great upgrade to, it allows the scanlines to be much harsher than a regular screen due to the vibrant colors and deep blacks! You won't regret it! Nearly no input or refresh lag either!


I was thinking the B4 seemed to have a lot of the performance of the C4 but when I went to check prices I was surprised that at 55" it was only $100 cheaper (Best Buy USA). What is the point of having 2 models so close in price? If you're already spending over $1000, $100 isn't that much. Seems like LG should do more to keep the B4 price down and separate it from the C4. Also the brightness drop in game mode on the C4, is that something that could be fixed with a software update?


According to the RTings longevity test the B2 has got much worse burn in than the C2.
I wonder if that’s just random chance or something note worthy.


Just bought a B4 TV due to the black friday sale ($599!) and your review!


I was debating between the 3. The most I've spent on a new TV was $600, so this was a big jump for me. I ended up choosing the LG B4 83", because of it only being $300 for the bigger screen size, and also having the A9 Processor which is also used in the C4. First OLED tv that I've owned, and I probably won't unbox it until I have more time Thanksgiving weekend. Hopefully I made the right choice! :)


Thanks for this confirmation. Just bought this 48 c4 at $1100 only to find out the b4 is on sale for $700. Bestbuy rep did an excellent job selling me the TV awhile a terrible job selling me the TV considering the amount of time spent with me even telling him I wanted the best for less. Specifically 120 hz lg or samsung. They had price for c4 displayed, but not b4 😒🤔 😠😡. Looks like a field trip back to bb for me to save $400 😉


Great review comparison!! You helped me make my choice ! B4 it is!! 65" has a 360 US$ difference with C4 here in Canada.


I am looking to get a new tv and I can get a great deal on a C4 right now but I can't get over the green tint people are saying. I can't hep but think the 28 degree angle in which it starts to come into effect is a very small angle. That is like a three seat couch and being on either side. Who always sits in the center? Who doesn't love the corners of the couch which to arm rest on? I am totally at a loss how this is acceptable. Maybe I have this all wrong and please correct me if I am wrong. I don't want green tint nor do I think my guests would. Help please...

Update - I went to Best Buy to see if I could see the green tint for myself. I was looking at the 65 inch. I looked from all angles back and forth multiple times. I saw no green tint at all. There was a B4 same size and that one I could see the yellows turn green form an and angle near looking across the screen screen from the side.

I looked at the S90D as well and I have to say that is a damn good looking tv. In my opinion the color and brightness blew the C4 out of the water! it almost looks 3D in some scenes. Crazy beautiful...

The G4 looked great too but for the price the S90D is my pick by far.
