Fish n Chips, My Secret Batter Recipe, Easter Special.

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How to make delicious professional Fish and chips at home, easy step by step instructions, from start to finish.

Easter Specials

This is to certify that most of my videos on this channel are NOT being sponsored in any way, by any one at this moment in time. Also, the viewer must take responsibility for his or her own safety and hygiene when replicating any of my recipes on this channel. The kitchen can be a dangerous place to work, please be careful. Also be very aware of anyone having allergies. Thank You.

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Dear John, I'm from Mangalore, India. I out tried your recipe for the batter. It turned out so well, and my brother, who had lived in England for many years and eaten the famed English fish n chips, liked my preparation very much. He said that it was well nigh professional. I gave full credit to you and felt that I must let you know. Thank you immensely.

I hope that one day when I visit England again, I'll be able to meet you.



John is a full legend. I’m glad you are a friend with us pure mortals.


I may never get to England but watching this channel makes me so happy here in New England, USA


....Oh my GOD me (!)....Fish prepared....I love fish !....


Nice one John. Most internet cooks make simple foods overly fancy, but your recipies are brilliant because they are not over the top or just different to stand out, they are perfect and just what we need. Thanks


Your videos should be shown to kids in schools. You have a fantastic way of explaining things and they would actually learn how to prepare decent food from scratch.
I received my skeleton gloves from you yesterday, many thanks, will do doing a bit of a binge purchase of lil equipment bits soon. Keep up the good work.


My Mom (91 years old) and I enjoyed a lovely supper, John. Thank you for your generous explanation and kind teaching. Happy Easter to you and your family.


Is it only me or does John’s voice remind y’all of Winnie the Pooh? Love watching your videos!


I am having to wait for the cookbooks. As I asked my wife to get them for my birthday. Since all the meat pie recipes of John’s I have made. Are absolutely fantastic. I cannot wait to try this one also.


Friday is saved. Must run to the fish market immediately.


Thank you Mr. John Kirkwood for sharing this very appetizing fish & chips. Greetings from Madang, Papua New Guinea!


Your batter looks amazing. Down here in the deep south shrimp is everywhere and I bet your batter would go very well with some nice big royal red shrimp


We call the extra bits "extra crispies" here in Texas where I'm from. Sometimes my Grandma used to add a little extra flour to the batter, to make it thicker, and fry 'em like little pancakes. We called those "dummies" since they imitated the food, but were just batter.


I made this recipe last night for my son and I. I have never been to the UK so I don’t have any experiences to compare mine to but I can imagine that this recipe is what someone would get in the UK. I followed every detail of the recipe. I even used a digital scale to get my measurements correct. I have eaten fish and chips here in the U.S., South America and Europe. This was the best fish and chips that I have ever eaten in my life! My oldest son told me that thisnwas his favorite as well. My youngest son, who doesn’t like fish, tried it and like it a lot.

I used halibut and Russet potatoes.

Absolutely incredible. Excellent video with proper instructions. I will be joining the Patreon. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I've just tried this recipe. A huge success ! I'm from France, so I used a French lager.
Thank you for this recipe!
I'll use the rest of the beer to make typical crêpes.


Hi John, back in the day, my mum used to use something called 'Bird's Raising Powder' in her batter, it came in a tiny tin. Eventually it became unavailable, so I wrote to Bird's to ask why. They came back and said it had been discontinued but if I wanted a substitute, add a small amount of Turmeric to some baking powder. It's been our family tip for a long time.


Dearest mr. John.just wrote ur fish &chips in my book.Especially the batter.A friend ask me one day if i knew to making on code fish and chips because we used to have it prepared and selling in our supermarkets in s.afrika years ago and others making preparations and frying4 us and the batter been made with yeast like do now I read yours so easy and good and im happy to keep recipe.congratulations on ur video r the best.


Of the fish & chip recipes on YT, this is most informative & sensible recipe. Thanks!!!!


John I’ve been hanging out for a decent English fish and chips ever since I moved to Australia
Their batter is doughy and soft
Not as amazing as this
Just cooked it for my wife and I and it’s a winner

Thanks legend


That looks lovely John. Takes me back to Friday night's treat as a kid in Gateshead when a fish paper (fish'n chips) cost 1/6d (7p). Salt and vinegar and heavy on the scranchions.
