Stroke survivor says look for these warning signs

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Kyle McMorrow was just 36-years-old when he had a stroke. Now more than a year into his recovery, McMorrow and Dr. Philip Stieg, a member of his care team, are discussing the warning signs people need to know about.
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I had a stroke at 49. It happened while I was asleep, was fortunate my wife noticed something was wrong and was able to resuscitate me. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for her. Spent 2 weeks ICU and have made full recovery since then. 🙏


I had a stroke and a heart attack at age 44 on March 18, 2024. I had it in front of the doctor while he was examining me. I m fighting my way to recovery.


Thank you for sharing, & glad this young man caught his stroke early. His "feeling like there's a magnet on your hip, pulling you to one side as you walk" is a great analogy. So, there's bleeding strokes, & blockage strokes. He had bad neck pain, not able to walk straight or unbalanced, & slurred speech.

BE FAST - Balance, Eyes (blurry or double vision), Face, Arm, (droopy or can't move properly), Speech, Time (get to hospital fast because it's your brain).

Good PSA.


Glad you're still with us brother


You could not have told me three months ago that I would see this video and have gone through this with my father. Health is wealth.


I'm also a stroke survivor but I got stroke at 53 and it was shocking because one second I had the phone in my right hand then it let go of the phone, I tried again, same thing happened!! I got off the bed and my knees gave way then I had to balance myself before falling onto the bed(lucky). Thank God I wasn't at work or on the way to work when it happened. Anyway, I called my brother and he said I'm slurring as I told him what happened. He knew what it was as my Dad had a stroke too few years before. It's been 7 yrs now since my stroke, I've changed my diet, exercise more and just have a social life that is average with less alcohol and a lot more sleep. I'm in Asia by the way 😅😊


I am the least likely candidate to have a stroke. Eat mostly Vegetarian diet.Don't smoke or drink alcohol, Blood pressure 112/60. Low Cholesterol. 63 LDL. Triglycerides 75.Apo B 59, LP(a) 31, No diabetes. Normal body weight, Coronary Calcium score of Zero. Excellent fitness. Yet I had 2 strokes. Had all the blood tests by Haematologist looking for clotting problems. All tests came back negative. Go figure. I'm totally perplexed. No history of stroke in my family. Lucky for me I had no side effects and am able to do everything I did before these 2 events. Live in the present. Every day is a gift. Be kind and merciful to everyone. Life is precious!


I appreciate when people share things like this. 🙏🙏


My best friend had a stroke 10 years ago when she was only 31, the doctor told her that it can happen at any age.


This man’s positive attitude is what helped him get his life back to as close to where it was before he had the stroke. Nicely done sir and what an inspiration! ❤️💪🏼😎👍🏼❤️


I was 25 when I had my stroke. Am now 68 and fine, thank God. Had NONE of the usual symptoms. It was terrifying!


I monitor my blood pressure daily. One day this past August my blood pressure kept going up up up. By the time it reached 186/110 I felt it was time to go to the ER. After check in my blood pressure rose to 300/219. Pulse rate was 180. I was in atrial flutter. Asymptomatic for other symptoms. I was admitted and started on IV Diltiazem. Within a few hours my blood pressure was down to 142/98 and I was back in sinus rhythm. After full cardiac work up and many months later an 80% blocked right internal carotid artery was discovered. Five weeks ago I had a Carotid Endarterectomy to remove the blockage. I feel great and so grateful that I did not have a stroke. FYI I don’t drink or smoke. I am not diabetic or over weight. I exercise on a treadmill 45 minutes per day every day and have done so for 22 years. I was not on any medications. I happily take medications now though. For me…it’s genetic. I am older. I am sixty-nine. There is nothing funny about a stroke. I am so grateful I dodged that bullet…at least for now. Take good care of yourself everyone.


As a female truck driver i can't exercise, i live on high stress on the road, 10 years now. It's a brutal "life". I don't have any medical insurance so i can't take any medication for high blood pressure. Only plenty of water, magnesium and potassium. It's a miracle that im still alive...


My neighbors 12 year old son had a stroke during his very 1st sleep over with a couple of schoolmates. His mother said the hosting mother called her after her kid suddenly couldn't keep his balance.They rushed right over. His dad a MD knew instantly what was happening. He's now a 40ish man now but still suffers from the after effects (severe weakness on his entire left side). Absolutely has to be one of a parents worst nightmare!


Dad died of stroke at 69. Miss him so much.


Thank you for the warnings! Glad you’re better 🙏🏼


Lad is 36! It was really awesome to see him back in great shape.


My sister had a stroke when she's 24 during the pandemic. We almost lost her luckily she recovered. She's never the same, though.


I had a stroke 17 years ago I had just got out work I hade very stiff neck very painful but after I got charged sat on the couch I reached to get a glass of wine and it hit me, I remember telling my husband call ambulance he ask what’s wrong? I couldn’t talk and started throwing up, the lost I remember was getting in ambulance and see my husband crying, I woke up 40 days after thank God 🙏♥️🙏♥️🙏


That is scary especially for those someone like me, who live solo in apartment. Stroke or heart attack, I hope some will bring me to the hospital right away if I pass out or maybe I will install cctv in my apartment and give access to my family to check on me every now and then. Especially if they did not hear from me. Nice to hear that he's stable and healed now and back to his normal life.
