How Family Court Tyrants ENSLAVE Men and Fathers

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Preview video from an all star family law panel, featuring subject matter experts Jeff Younger and Carnell Smith, and men's rights attorney Melissa Isaak. Panel hosted by Pastor Michael Foster at The Patriarch Convention of Orlando Florida.

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That judge should lose their license. That judge is evil in my eyes.


My husband pay 800$ a month to his baby momma because she refuses to get a job. She is on welfare and babysits for cash under the table. We have his son 50% of the time. We also pay for all his clothing and groceries to take home to her house because she refuses to feed him. The courts do not care. The side with her. I have him on my medical and dental and eye insurance and they let her keep him on the Medicare while my tax dollars pays for that.


now i understand why Passport Bros want to leave this country because this is one of the reasons. and hey! Dont bring your asian wife back here in the states cause the court & government is full of Simps


The worse is when women file false SA charges or false DV charges.


Follow the money. Courts have a financial incentive to deprive fathers of their children and issue impossible child support orders. Title IV part D.


When I went to challenge my ex bc she had multiple affairs, the judge had this evil smirk on her face & stated “infidelity doesn’t affect spousal support.”
The way she did it was pure evil 👿 & arrogant… Disgusting corrupt system…


Their are many things men don't know about family court. Men think they will get 50 50 custody and 1/2 of the house and assests. No they won't. In a divorce with children, the wife gets the house, furniture, land, children, alimony, child support, dog, appliances, TV and 1/2 of 401k. The husband won't get his share of home equity because the lawyers are free to take it. The credit card debt is given to him. You ask why is that not split 50 50? The judge says " you would have paid that anyway". The court system is set up to determine the family's worth, and transfer as much as they can to her in hopes the man does not commit suicide. The courts will not enforce a man's visitation rights, all the ex has to say is that the kids are sick, next week and the week after. The man is homeless and owes her for 18 years. Such a deal for the man. Men are never told the truth on how family court works because men are embarrassed to tell how his wife turned on him. Not anymore !.


There needs to be extreme accountability on the part of these judges. I’ve seen judges say and do practically whatever they want in the courtroom. I don’t even know these people when I walk in and automatically I’m supposed to call them “your honor”? There is only 2 honorable people in my life and that’s my parents. Why on earth would the state give these judges this much power and not regulate it? The US government is drunk on pure power and authority over its own people and this needs to stop. Now.




Im sick and tired of my sons mom pushing me around. The way fathers are treated in this world is disgusting.


America will be very different in 5 years because men are absent to their homes. Kids growning up with moms 7 diff boyfriends.


I used to love America & was willing to die for my country but not anymore. After family courts I will not die for this country or for any woman


We fight not against flesh and blood but principalities in high places,
I have a story that maybe I will share one day,
but I can say this, Jesus found me because I was seeking him.
No one can do anything of themselves, .know this that God is there for you.


Dam I'm not in America but holy you guys need a male social revolution movement on the scale of the feminst movement, because i doubt talking about it will chanhe anything.


A friend of mine was going through a very contentious divorce. She got custody of the kids and was really trying to put the screws to him. At a meeting with their lawyers she actually looked him in the eye and said, “You might as well just give me everything I ask for because if you don’t, the judge will.” I picked him up from this meeting and the man literally broke down in tears in my car. She was out to ruin him and there was very little he could do about it.


This and other abuses of the legal system are rampant in the UK and no doubt many other countries. The politicians need to be held accountable for the (a) the legislation in existence (b) the powers avaialable to government/agency/court, etc, officials (c) the lack of protection for the individual / families from the state and other entities. Perhaps what they want, is to create mass social instability.


It's done now....Redhill, passport bros. have got the message from courts....we no longer are going to lose our income because a judge made a decision....we make our decisions and have voted.


As I stated in my book, "The glory of children are their fathers, " Fathers are the foundation of family and society. Because of the US governments intentional removal of fathers we are witnessing the decay of America before our very own eyes and if the system does not change society will continue to get worse. Children without fathers are 5 times more likely to commit crimes and live in poverty, 9 times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.


What do you do? It's simple. Get a passport


"Best interests of the child"-a very elastic and open ended doctrine. Our old friend the Law of Unanticipated Consequences and Unexpected Results has made its sppearance of course. The noted post divorce researcher Dr. Judith Wallerstein found that fully 2/3 of the divorced fathers she interviewed gave the children of their dissolved marriages no help absolutely whatsoever with college expenses-"What's wrong with your mother's money ?" More recvent surveys have found fully 50% of divorced fathers refuse all contact with "their" chldren. Many men have fiound turning a backstabbing ex-spouse into a single mother is a Quick and Effective way of retaliating.
