Are Divorce Courts Biased Against Men?

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We hear this one a lot- "Michigan courts are biased against men," or "Michigan favors the women," or the moms, or those types of statements. There is certainly some truth to that depending on your situation, but this video discusses how to avoid those issues and how, when done the right way, you will not be affected by any bias or perceived bias in the courts.


Divorce and family law for men. Your leading source for all things divorce and family law related. Attorneys at ADAM have been advising men in divorce for 24 years now and works along with a great team of dedicated and professional lawyers and staff. We have all had our own personal struggles and can relate to what you are going through. Through education and free information and content we are hoping to help you start this process the right way. We are here if you are looking to hire an attorney but we have so much more available for you as well. ADAM is an organization that is much more than just divorce attorneys. With the help of our videos and e books and other information you can get divorced without losing your house or your kids or your assets. Don’t lose everything by getting bad advice. You work hard to protect your family and we are here to fight for you. You don’t have to be evicted from your life just because you’re getting divorced. We are ADAM strong!
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90% of custody cases awarded to women. I'd say that qualifies as systematic sexism yes.


Yeah, it isn't just divorce court it is every court.


The answer is yes, but lawyers like you will never fight for change because you would be out of a job if 50/50 was the default ruling for custody cases.


why have a justice system if its not honest. best option in future is not to get married but live together if both are willing. u can live a married life without getting married.


Sign prenap, if she says no, walk brothers. I don’t know what are guys doing who work in Law department, or even the whole government system can’t they see this ?


everything is split 50-50 in divorce, it is ok for women to hide their money in personal assets. Child custody always goes to women. It is ok for women not to work or look for work and live off of child support. First hand experience of the bias that exists in the court system.


Title IV-D. The state gets financial benefits when the divorce favors men paying child support. Huge amounts. For the alleged purpose of "administrating child support" though none of this money goes to the actual children or helps them in any real way. This money creates a slush fund which finances, among other things, the retirement funds of judges who make divorce settlement decisions. I implore anyone to research this.


Yep. The women that gave birth to me, falsely accused my brothers, father and i of r-word (along with some other things i wont mention) then admitted directly to the judge that it was all lies and the judge just let her go because "she will live with the guilt knowing that she lied".


How is there fairness when men are forced to pay child support, women just get an abortion and get rid of the responsibility.?


You lose so much credibility when you don't just come out and say yes to this question. The answer is yes. The rest of the video should just be an explanation as to why the answer is yes.


I challenge any men that are going through a divorce or have been through a divorce and I forced to pay child support or custody. Or going through a domestic abuse. I challenge you to identify as a woman during these proceedings and see how the courts cannot discriminate against a transgender person. If they do they are setting themselves up for a lawsuit. So I am challenge any men in United States that are going through a divorce to do this or a domestic abuse to do this


Of course. We need to vote to get rid of this cartel.


This guy is an expert at saying everything and nothing at the same time.


Your talking alot and it's very simple. You should just say
" the courts will favor the women who gets the children 95 % of the time. The man should expect to lose his house, alimony, furniture, children, dog, savings and pay child support, which is about 33% of his take home pay". Their.... saved you ten minutes and was truthful.


Several lawyers have told me that too much divorce law is case law, few binding precedents, "best interests of the children", not enough statute law. Lately they have been pushing negotiated settlements. Family Court is the least desired assigment for


In alot of cases they are, in my case I felt they were just and fare and I live in California. Men must stay prepared to go to battle for their children.


The court or “the judge” “disfavors” those who have the most money. The one who has less $$$ they will win unless there is abuse. Doneski


I knew someone who went to school with me years ago, he would constantly tell me about how his dad tried to gain custody of him when his own mother refuse to care for him. Most of the time, he asked if he could stay at my house because of how awful everything was at his house. I don’t know where he is now, but I hope he is doing better after all these years


Lol is this guy actually being serious?


I’m glad I’m from Chicago so I can understand the accent..haha! I filed first, made a good case, yet my ex exaggerated points and even lied, and apparently the judge put more weight on her testimony.
