To anyone going through a breakup.

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Regardless of who initiates a breakup or if it’s a mutual decision, it can be a pretty traumatic experience. Here is some (mostly) practical advice (please fill in!):

1. Don’t stalk their social media. If you feel the need to, unfollow them and/or block them. Don’t wonder “what they’ll think” – remember, you’re doing this for you.
2. Don’t look at your photos together etc., unless you’re at a mental state where you can do it as “therapy” or where you can look at them only to genuinely appreciate the time you had together. It’s ok to get rid of everything if you want to, it’s also ok to keep it. :) (unless you have any “private” photos of them, then you delete them out of respect.
3. Don’t get comfortable in your sadness, guilt or whatever you’re feeling. If you are, talk to someone about it.
4. Listening to music that you can relate to at the moment is helpful for some people. Test the waters. If it makes you feel worse, don’t listen to it.
5. Don’t compare your healing journey to anyone else’s.
7. No one will ever fully understand what you’re going through – don’t blame them for it. Just like you’ll never fully understand what someone else is going through. That’s the beauty of relationships, it’s unique for the people involved. It’s also what can make it difficult to move on.
6. Be grateful that you’re a human who got to feel love! How cool is that?! What even is it?! I can’t see it, can’t tough it, yet here I am feeling all these things. Woho! I’m alive!
7. Yes, it didn’t last, but neither do some of your favorite meals or the trips you’ve been on – that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t appreciate it for the time they lasted. (note for point 6&7: again, every relationship is different, and I know people go through horribly traumatizing relationships where someone telling them to be grateful can be absolutely maddening. Please seek out someone to talk to if this is you. You deserve healing.
8. Change your ringtone.
9. Don’t numb the pain, deal with it. Alc*hol, dr*gs, meaningless s*x—those things are unhealthy and it’s not dealing with what’s going on.
10. Remind yourself that what you’re feeling is a universal feeling.
11. It might feel like you’re dying, you’re not.
12. It gets better, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
13. There is a reason the two of you ended, regardless of how many excuses you try to make up for how “maybe” you could’ve made it work “if ony xyz”. Well, you didn’t.
15. People often act out of selfishness, it’s our nature. Most things aren’t as personal as we think.
16. Breakups normally happen because one- or two-people’s needs weren’t met. Sometimes it’s fair, sometimes it really isn’t. But fair or not—it is what it is. Life isn’t fair at all and love and relationships are no exception.
17. You give yourself closure.
18. I wrote this whole thing right before posting, so excuse any grammar.
19. Love is the most beautiful thing, remember that. :) <3


It’s weird how heartbreak can make you feel physically ill


btw you won't notice the process of healing. One day you just realize that you haven't cried in a while.


It sucks when you realise how the people we loved once become strangers again


“You are having a funeral for someone who is still living” holy shit that is the perfect way to describe it ...


Letting go is the sign of believing our selves that we deserve best. And...Breakup is not the ending of a love story, it's new beginning. Let them go.


The worst part about a breakup is when you understand all the theories and the steps that you need to take to move on and why you need to take them, but you can’t bring yourself to actually implement them or be consistent with them because of several psychological reasons...


*Breakup is not a single event* - it’s a culmination of ongoing underlying problems, symptoms, that were neglected or unrecognised


The worst feeling is that 2 seconds after waking up in the morning. The remembering hits your heart like a train 💔💔💔


Breakups are tough, but the thing that keeps me going is knowing how fine and content I was with life before meeting them. Things get better in time.


Healing is an art. It takes time. It takes practice. It takes self-love.


Some things i wish i didn't do after breakup.
1. Keeping in contact with the person
2. Thinking of getting back together
3. Trying to make less of the actual situations that happened and led to break up
4. Hoping the person would change
Is not easy to un-love someone but with time i am sure things will get better. Focus more on your self-improvement and do what you gotta do!


Breakups are so weird. the relationship, the bond that you've built over a time, just ends in a day or a moment like someone meant so much to you at one time, doesn't mean anything now on?!!! like how does that happen.. it's too hard for me to let go, i can't or idk i won't maybe?! ahhhh 😭


"Who are sleeping together for the last time" damn that cut deep. I had no idea the night before I was blindsided by my breakup


“I am a person who takes commitment seriously and I’m proud of that, but I’ve realised that this is the reason why I’ve stayed in damaging for me relations.” — this is exactly what I needed today. Thank you so much, Lana.


I remember the most painful breakup I had in college. I use to walk 4-5km from home to school then school to my home. I did that for a couple of months to kill time because when I stay still time seems to be stagnant which adds more suffering. So walking helped me move on literally.


The first rule of love is to learn to love yourself, if you cannot love yourself, you cannot love anyone else


Breakups are hard, make you feel miserable and give you a lot of self doubt. However, they also teach us so much about ourselves and help us grow more than we ever thought we could. For everyone going through a breakup, stand strong because things will get better, I promise ☺️


“Remove expectations from people and you will remove their powers to hurt your feelings. If you don’t like something, just take it away, it’s only power is your attention.” 💫


Breakups are so strange: I was with someone for two years and when things ended I moved on right away and carried on with my life feeling just fine. My latest relationship lasted less than a month and here I am, a month later, still so heartbroken and stuck it hurts.
