Cambridge ESV-CE Cornerstone

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The ESV-CE Cornerstone from Cambridge Bibles is likely the highest quality Catholic Bible available without a rebind. Take note that the ESV is Angelicized, meaning it used British spelling. The cowhide cover appears to be a stamped grain, but it is soft and pebbly; very nice. It also has 5 subtle raised hubs on the spine with gold foil printing (I cannot discern any stamping). The liner is a synthetic paste down, however, it is very pliable and lays flat right out of the box. The 1/8 inch gold/yellow satin ribbons could be better, but are a nice length and are double sided (it would have been great to see 3/8th inch Berisfords). The gilding is nice and even, although there is no accent page dye (aka art gilding).

The text is a 9.5 Milo font with a 10.6 ledding space. It is typeset by 2K/DENMARK on 33gsm paper from Finland in the “India-style.” Meaning the paper is thin and very opaque. It is printed and bound by the legendary Lego in Italy. One thing I did notice is the gilded page edges were initially stuck together but it was very easy to break them in, and enjoy this beautiful block. I do find the very large and modernized chapter numbers a bit odd looking, with that said I appreciate the bold choice.

Amazon just did a price drop so now is a great time to purchase one. Check the links below for more info, and as always, be looking for your Nickels Worth soon!

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As a Catholic, I appreciate the work you do for these videos. It is well known that there aren’t many premium Catholic Bibles for sale. The only other catholic edition bible I’ve seen that even comes close in the NRSV-CE in French Morocco leather by Cambridge. I’ll definitely be buying this Bible, because I do want to see more on the American market.


When you want an honest opinion this is clearly the channel to watch with high production value! GOD Bless


Firstly, thanks for your review, it is appreciated. Why oh why is the Catholic Church so negligent in producing really good Study Bibles! I am Catholic but use the Crossway ESV Study Bible due to the Catholic faith having nothing as well designed available for it's congregation. This is even more frustrating considering the fact that the Roman Catholic Church is the oldest and largest Christian denomination.


I like this one, and I would like to see a bit more of the apocryphal books since I am RC.


I really wanted to like this one, since I was really excited about Cambridge doing a Catholic Edition. The over all look and feel is good, but the subpar maps and the fact that the OT cross-references in the NT aren't included I found to be really disappointing.


I had a small 1940s Apocrypha at one time which placed the title at about the same height. Can't say I've seen it anywhere else, though!


Part of me wants to buy this Bible just to support the market, so that is gross and we have more premium Bibles for us Catholics. But I just genuinely don’t like this Bible, they went with something entirely new, and I wish they would’ve just kept to the traditional Cambridge style, including the maps.


I hope Cambridge make a topaz Catholic edition Bible.


I believe this exists solely because the Catholic Church in England voted to replace the old RSV - CE with the ESV as the official Bible for the English Church’s lectionary.


Hi Tim..great review as always. I wanted to know if the deuterocanonical books are exactly the same as in the esv with "apocrypha " ?? From Cambridge. For example in the Diadem.


Hey Tim, would you happen to know if the additions in Esther and Daniel are the same font or are they Italicized? Thanks! great review!


The numbers and titles to me seem more like the Common English Bible and lower end Bibles.


Where is it printed? India or Italy? And how to buy directly from Indian printed in cheap rate in India?


Typical Catholic Bible, 1/4” margins. HEAR US publishers we Catholics want a decent study note-taking Bible!


Here’s an ignorant question
What is the difference between a Christian and Catholic Bible?


The ESV-CE hasn't sold well, being overshadowed by the RSV-2CE.
