The TRUTH About Sugar and Your Metabolism | With Mike Mucciolo

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FP HBS Mike Mucciolo takes us through a "First Principles" lesson on the mechanics of sugar and metabolism.

Part 1

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Disclaimer
0:40 - Sugar, ToW
1:30 - Required Reading
2:00 - ToW, First Principles Thinking
2:40 - Processed Foods and Metabolic Disease
3:30 - Inverse Relationship Between Obesity & Metabolic Disease
3:47 - What is sugar? It’s a carb!
4:46 - Overconsumption leads to weight gain
5:18 - Glucose; The Body’s Primary Fuel Source
6:10 - Blood Sugar
7:15 - The Glycemic Index
8:00 - Grains can be high on the GI
8:33 - Sugar is high mid, considering GL
9:25 - Many fruits are lower glycemic
10:15 - Glucose, Blood Sugar, Fat, and Metabolic Disease
11:22 - FP Grain Article Reference
11:50 - Simple Carbs over Complex Carbs
12:05 - What is a simple vs complex carb
13:28 - Insulin, Blood Sugar, & Glucose
14:00 - Starches
15:18 - Sapiens

Part 2

16:08 - Glycemic Index In context
17:16 - Balanced Blood Sugar & Fitness Propaganda
17:50 - Blood Sugar & Hormone Health
18:40 - Why Fitness Propaganda is Misleading
19:52 - Blood Sugar & Exercise
20:50 - Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
22:00 - Sugar, Metabolism, & Biology
23:09 - Metabolism as a Temperature Regulator
24:48 - Your Thyroid, Hormonal Health, and Stress
27:00 - Making Your Body a Furnace
27:38 - Thyroid & Immune System Health
29:20 - Published Research on Public Health
31:56 - The Faults of Published Research
32:50 - Why Most Published Research Is False

Part 3

34:36 - PUFA’s
35:27 - Ray Peat
36:34 - Beware of Credentialism
37:25 - PUFA’s & Metabolic Health
37:50 - LA Vet’s Hospital Study
40:22 - Mitochondrial Dysfunction & Sugar
41:31 - Fructose
42:30 - Confounding Variables of the demonization of Fructose
46:12 - Possible Thermogenic Effects of Sugar
47:47 - First Principles of Metabolic Health
48:02 - Outro

Have you ever been told to avoid sugar? How did you feel?

If you consider the pro-metabolic properties of glucose,
that may not be such a smart decision...



© 2016 by Functional Patterns. All rights reserved.
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Yeah but what about keto? This whole video is implicitly based on the idea that glucose is the ONLY source of metabolic fuel. But we know that, if you deprive your body of glucose, it switches from Glycolysis to Ketosis - a vastly different metabolic paradigm in which all the processes covered in this video function significantly differently.

We consume orders of magnitude more sugar and carbs today than we did pre-agricultural era. Moreover, most modern humans spend their entire lives never entering into Ketosis once, which was most certainly not the case in the ancestral environment our metabolisms evolved in.

In fact, it seems likely that most of our pre-agricultural ancestors spent most of their time in ketosis. In which case it may be more apt to describe Ketones as the "Primary" fuel source, and glucose as the "Preferred" fuel source.

17:55 you mention the stress response one experiences when you cut carbs and deprive your body and brain of the glucose carbs provide. This stress response is largely a function of how adapted the individual is to ketosis. Again, most modern humans never enter ketosis, so they are very much not adapted to it, and thus get a high stress response, hence the weeks-long "keto-flu" people typically experience when they first try keto-diet.

I believe the keto-flu is analogous to the withdrawal phenomenon experienced by drug addicts when they go cold-turkey on their substance. The entire brain-body system adapted around the substance, and it therefore producess a great "Stress-response" when the substance is suddenly removed. But it would be foolish to point to the initial stress-response as evidence that the substance is integral to the addict's long term health.

Once you are keto-adapted (speaking from personal experience), you don't get stressed anymore. On the contrary, you can experience in most cases massive improvements in brain and body function. Though there will be a lot of individual variation on this.

Seasonal ketosis/glycolysis is what makes most sense from me from a first-principles evolutionary view - individually adjusted to ones genetic profile. What doesn't make first principle sense is the idea that our bodies are meant to constantly consume something that was impossible to consume on regular basis for millions of years (sugar/carbs), and that an entire metabolic paradigm laying dormant in our bodies (ketosis) is meant to never be activated in our lifetimes.


Great video, some comments prove to me that you can spoonfeed people quality info and they'll still complain. This video saves alot of time discerning the ocean of nutritional advice prevalent on the internet. Instead of telling people to follow a specific diet trend, this teaches you how to think about diet. Much more valuable. Thanks mike


Thank you functional Patterns for a detailed look at modern day demonization of sugar, simple yet understandable explanation by @Mike 🤙🏿


Great work Mike. I really enjoyed the part where you talked about the implications of cutting carbs and doing cardio for someone that is already metabolically stressed. I hadn’t considered how additional stress would impede weight loss and cause greater harm.


Very interesting content, thanks for putting this up.
I really look forward to the next videos of this series💯


Watched this twice now to make sure I understand it all - will definitely be referring to this again in the future and sharing it with friends and clients! Great job Mike very well delivered looking forward to future videos! FP is the standard 💪🔥


Awesome assessment of how to think critically and filter through all the conflicting information about health. Thanks for taking the time on this Mike, and looking forward to more relevant content


Great job Mike. Excellent presentation, looking forward to the next one


You do not need carbs to survive. When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I ate steak and eggs for roughly a year until my A1Cs returned to normal. I know people who have been eating zero carbs for years and are doing fine (in fact, some are elite athletes; one of them just today turned me on to your website.) BTW metabolic disease occurs when you reach your personal fat threshold. There are plenty of severely obese people who are metabolically healthy. Skinny people can be metabolically unhealthy if they overeat energy and reach their personal fat threshold (TOFIs). I can also attest that the glycemic index does not help diabetics control their blood sugar. You must reduce carbs to around 20 grams daily to get your normal numbers. Maybe if they lose some weight, add some muscle mass, and stay active, they can become more insulin sensitive and become more metabolically flexible. Sadly most are not willing to put in the work.


Great video, Mike. This was very easy to understand and informative. Can’t wait for future content.


very well made. I'm glad you created this and brought this attention on how to properly think and not just saying "sugar bad!" because so many people don't know better


Great video! Nice breakdown of important information, easily digestible and yet in depth. Thanks for posting this!


Golden info. This has helped me understand so much about my stress response and sugar. Thanks Mike! Your a real one! Thanks naudi and fp for having Mike on this topic 👍👏


More visited this please, FP never disappoints. 🤯


Great video will be directing my clients to this for sure


Nice video Mike! I spend my day explaining this to my clients. I told a lady the other day to eat some potatoes and she lost her mind... "Thinking for oneself" is something that I find people lose their minds over as well... Looking forward to more videos like this. It's a good time to create


That will be an interesting series of videos to go through! Very well put and digestible for everyone, looking forward for the next videos. 👀


Fantastic info discussed here in the video. Information the world really needs to hear. Great work Mike!


wow - absolutely love this series !
Thank you for making these !!!!🙏🏽


Awesome work Mike. Really enjoyed the balanced and nuanced perspective. More how to think to what to think
